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  • Scotty

    Chairmans Statement

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    The "revolving door" at Caley Thistle is about to turn again, this time with the departure of our Chairman .... so it seems, according to the Inverness Courier.

    David Sutherland to Quit ??

    The Inverness Courier ran a front page article with the sensational news that David Sutherland was to quit the club. It went on to say that this was possibly due to tension surrounding the formation of the Stadium Trust, and made veiled references to the fact that Gary Thompson was leaving, as well as Catriona Bisset who had previously left. Sandy Catto was touted as a possible choice for new chairman. After a little investigative work, we have discovered a little more of the actual facts.

    David Sutherland has always said he would look to step down after he felt he had achieved what he set out to do, which was to put the club on a firm financial footing.

    With what has transpired over the last few weeks with the share issue, Sharp sponsorship and formation of the stadium trust, the Football Club is now debt free as promised for the first time in its short history. It has taken a lot of hard work from both the Chairman, Vice-Chairman Ken Thomson, and the rest of the board to achieve this, and this should be wholeheartedly applauded. Yet there are those who choose to try and talk down that achievement, or to find conspiracy theories where there are none.

    Mr Sutherland commented in the Inverness Courier article "I feel I have done my bit, completed my sojourn. Change is something that is needed quite regularly, I'm really quite strong on that" He went on to say "The club is a community asset, not a personal fiefdom" At times, the Chairman, has been working so hard to achieve what he set out to do at Caley Thistle, that he may have perceived himself to have neglected parts of his own business or found himself "burning the midnight oil" trying to look after both businesses. This is the main reason that Mr Sutherland is looking to step down, so that he can make sure that Tulloch is running properly (and have time to remove the sharp pointy objects from between his shoulder blades). His departure, if confirmed will not take place until the AGM which is some way away so it not entirely imminent.

    Alexander "Sandy" Catto was touted in this article as a possible new Chairman, but ruled himself out saying "I'd be seeking to try and persuade David to stay on" [personally we here at CaleyThistleOnline are with Mr Catto on this one and hope he might help DS reconsider and stay on]

    Veiled references were also made to try and lump together the departures of Catriona Bisset, and Gary Thompson alongside the possible departure of the Chairman, and whip it up into a possible conspiracy theory. This is simply untrue.

    Catriona Bisset, when employed by the club, was employed on a short term contract, as she had made it plain that she was looking to open her own restaurant (The Mustard Seed ... now opened). The acquisition of property for that restaurant and its development happened earlier than she expected, and she left the post to get it ready to trade. She is no longer connected with the club. Gary Thompson is leaving for personal reasons, but did offer, when tending his resignation to work a full 3 months notice, to allow the club to find a suitable replacement. (not the actions of a man who is desparate to leave). Gary himself has said "Its a personal matter between myself and the club.Its unfortunate that it is being portrayed as anything sinister, which I can assure you, it is not. I have been with the club since 1999 and there is something else I want to do .. Its as simple as that".

    [Personal comment] My wish, here at CaleyThistleOnline is that David Sutherland can be persuaded to stay on, and continue to steer the club in the right direction, as those before him also tried to do. He may not get everything right at the club, but he has got a damn site more things right than he has got wrong, and personally, on the few occasions I have spoken to him, have found him to be passionate about the success of Inverness Caledonian Thistle. Ken Thomson, is another who suffers from the same backbiting and sniping directed towards him behind the scenes, and he too must wonder if it is sometimes all worth it, but without those two involved with the club and pushing things forward, I seriously believe we would be facing a situation not unlike Airdrie or Morton

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