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Everything posted by dougal

  1. Official Attendance last night? It may well be a diddy cup but it was heartwarming seeing Cove put 5 past an Orc Eleven Dougal
  2. You need to have a long hard look at yourself. It’s got nothing to do with negativity I am a realist not a fantasist. Since the Scottish Cup win the club has been in continual decay why you can’t see that only you can answer I guess. All credit to Robbo, Billy and Barry they have steadied a very unsteady ship by putting out a team that’s been put together on a shoe string but still able to compete at a half decent level. Dougal
  3. The problem with fan lead groups etc they are on a hiding to nothing with the ICT board. They are simply not interested in the fans point of view they never have been and that goes for before, during and after the birth. Having said that some of the toppers that were involved in these groups in the past weren’t even ICT supporters so the credibility diminishes. Dougal
  4. I agree with this however I’m still astonished that 792 was given as the official attendance it looked half of that at best. What really concerns me is what a tie like Saturday cost the club. Once the match day staff are paid the stewarding/policing heating/lighting and of course Morton taking half the ticket sales basically all money taken in is gone. My conclusion being that home cup ties are not sustainable we sadly don’t have the home fan base. Some members on here need to see the full picture on what’s going on here and stop continually fretting about what our Highland neighbours are doing. It’s not healthy and puts them in the same league as the old firm mindset of obsessiveness Dougal
  5. So other than the Civil Service Strollers game at Kingsmills is it the worst attended Scottish Cup game In living memory? Dougal
  6. Sitting in the boozer last night the topic came up regarding the attendance in the afternoon or lack of it that should be. Don’t think I’ve seen the official attendance released and although social distancing was being honoured its got to be very worrying for the so called guardians of ICT. Never has there been a poorer Scottish cup attendance witnessed in Inverness and I include Inverness Thistle in that although they probably had one similar v Civil Service Strollers in the early nineties. The disengagement between the club and fans has hit an all time low in my opinion. As Delia Smith once famously said where are you?
  7. ^^^^ Grannies heilan hame in Embo Oh to oh to be a jaggie Dougal
  8. Looking back I was completely justified starting this thread despite being pillared by the usual keyboard warriors. it is an absolute outrage that Carl Tremarco is yet another in a long line of players travelling north up the A9. Mark Ridgers being the latest name earmarked for jumping ship. County only have Laidlaw after that boy on loan from Chelsea returned. Wouldn’t be surprised if we hear something in next couple of weeks prior to the SPL starting. Dougal
  9. You have got to give Loch Ness Fc or whoever is behind their marketing huge credit for shifting that amount of replica tops. Our marketing flops could only dream of shifting that amount of tops in a year never mind a short few weeks just goes to show when actioned correctly an Inverness team can prosper. I always laugh when the happy clappers demand our home team to be striped! It doesn’t matter one hoot what colour or design the top is, when the roots are damaged the old English oak won’t flourish. This might sound radical to some but I’d promote the pink top as the Home Kit and change our name to Inverness FC or Inverness United these are radical times after all. Anyway I wish Loch Ness fc all the best when football returns. With the pyramid system now in place within the Scottish game it gives the likes of Clach, Loch Ness and Inverness Athletic the chance to progress up the leagues. In my remaining years I wouldnt be surprised in the leafy if I see another Inverness team challenging in a senior set up. Dougal
  10. Dave there were busses leaving 30+ years ago but not in the same numbers as they are now. Dougal
  11. I’d hazard a well educated guess there are more born and bred Invernessians that follow County than ICT. Think we need to remember that ICT were not formed for the fans they were formed for the ego trippers and the greed of certain local businessmen. Along with the worst possible location in Inverness to put a football stadium our attendances are no surprise to me. Busses leave town to Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee and Dingwall every Saturday with Inverness football fans, there is no town or city in the whole of Scotland that has such a diversity of fans that support clubs other than their local team. When you have large swathes of Inverness like Merkinch and Dalneigh who despise us we struggle for identity The Inverness football fraternity was ripped to shreds from the off and it will take a generation or two before the wounds heal over. Dougal
  12. Result not too shabby considering we went a goal down and the defence we now have I suppose. What concerns me more was the atmosphere never can I remember it being so flat. Maybe we could get Peat and Diesel to give us a tune at half time that would liven things up Dougal
  13. I actually feel a tad sorry for Robbo after this debacle of a transfer period. 800k losses the last two years though tells its own story though I guess we are in a desperate situation. Im hearing next to depart is Ridgers to Countyin the summer when that boy from Chelsea returns home. Dougal
  14. Pog mo thoin Yet another concerning development it seems to me the club has ran out of ideas attracting Invernessians when they are targeting the local garlic community. dougal
  15. I know Orcs have very low intellect but here goes. Maybe this has escaped you but we are possibly going to lose our entire defence, Coll to County, Jamie to Partick and Shaun to Dundee. These three along with Ridgers are the sole reason we are currently second in the championship and in a play off spot. To be in this position is an absolute outrage and the board are 100% guilty of not tying these guys down on longer contracts or at least have them staggered so situations like this can’t happen. Im starting to question whether the board really want us back in the top flight also the fact that two of the players seem willing to transfer to two of our present rivals at the moment I wonder do the players think so too. Dougal
  16. I also agree we let Sutherland go too soon previously however taking him back would still be a risk. Think it all depends on Shane’s mindset as there is a footballer in there that naturally can score goals. Being exposed to Elgin folk for years though isn’t a plus point let’s hope he ain’t developed that annoying twang they have. Dougal
  17. Questions must start to be asked regarding the pitch and it’s future suitability the last few years we have seen more and more call offs. Im afraid sea water, sea air and been open to the elements for twenty years has done untold damage. Never should a football pitch been situated on an area that was only suitable for a landfill site. Dougal
  18. Berra has never been a top player. Just imagine a back four with Berra, Toshney and another couple of jobbers? The match ball would be bouncing along the A9 much to the the annoyance off all the drivers on the Kessock bridge. The mind boggles Dougal
  19. This continuous transfer movement north over the bridge is a deeply worrying trend and in my eyes an absolute outrage. Cant believe how many home fans see this acceptable behaviour from the so called guardians of this club. Maybe it’s time for a name change ICT to ICR would be appropriate as we have basically become Inverness County Reserves. I don’t even think Donaldson will be that great acquisition for County but he’s far better than the likes of Lewis Toshney who is a proven county reject. Never have I been more disillusioned Dougal
  20. It’s sad because County are now extracting the urine out of us as they Lord it up in the league above. It shows a complete lack of ambition from the so called guardians of our club shame on them. Doubt you will be so upbeat when you hear who the jobber is that is lined up to replace him. 3 or 4 trialists will be training with us shortly and if the names I’ve heard are correct the future is deeply concerning Dougal
  21. Coll Donaldson is the latest County signing or will be in the next 24-48 hours once again it reinforces that we are now the official feeder club for County Sad days Dougal
  22. MrMantis the first three films were great but then again I was a kid then, sadly the trilogy has deteriorated as it’s progressed. They are sci fi fantasy but you get a far greater sense of reality from them than you would get from reading the likes of Against All Odds Dougal
  23. Along with a green brigade beanie Dougal
  24. Any on here watching the Darts? Ive hardly missed a throw the competition gets bigger and better every year. Enhanced this year by the women and fair play to Fallon Sherrock think what she achieved by taking two scalps has done the game and particularly the women’s game the world of good. Anyway I think the tournament is now wide open and anyone could win it. Anyone but Gerwyn Price for me and I will be content. Feel free to discuss here? Dougal
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