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Posts posted by phil38

  1. i love how society has taken the most boring spectators sport, and through the power of smeg has made it the best excuse to get drunk and have a mental night out at the pub

  2. Theres two kind of movie lovers

    - those that love a great well written script, structured and executed perfectly - me along with critics on rotten tomatoes obviously

    -then those who just wantnon stop action, awesome visuals  and explosions - scarlet pimple, along with many others im sure

    The greatest films are those that combine both these elements, so gladiator, LOTR, star wars, judgement day, to name a few 

    But san andreas only covers the visuals and action

    The worst film ever made in my opinion was the "clash of titans" and "wrath of the titans" made a few years ago. They are a perfect example of over endulged CGI whilst completely forgetting about the actual story, acting, plot and structure. 



  3. I along with many of my friends have had enough of this whole SNP thing, if anything it has taken power away from us as the only votes that have counted are those for tories and labour, and as scots we have taken away our vote contribution and as much of scotland is better off with labour then scotland has really shot itslef in the foot by taking those Scottish labour mp out of parliament, unless we change our votes back, tories will dominate for decades

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