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Posts posted by Mr_W

  1. As it turned out, June 2004 was every bit as challenging as May had been.  Info from an old article on this site:


    June 1st - SPL clubs vote to deny ICT promotion.  Also vote to change seating criteria to 6000 from season 05/06 onwards

    June 2nd - SFA confirms it will hear ICT appeal

    June 3rd - SPFA call for change

    June 4th - Hibs and Hearts call for a new meeting of the SPL

    June 4th - Partick offer to accept relegation for 1 million pounds

    June 9th - Dunfermline and Dundee Utd suggest ICT should be allowed to play in the SPL in Inverness

    June 9th - Clyde ask SPL to consider making the top flight 14 or 16 teams from next season

    June 10th - George Peat says SPL could face charges of bringing the game into disrepute

    June 10th - UEFA indicate they might become involved 'if necessary'

    June 22nd - Partick fail to stop the SPL taking a second vote.

    June 22nd - Vote goes 10-2 in favour of allowing ICT into the SPL. Caley Thistle promoted to SPL


    I may be wrong but Partick then appealed to the SFA which was taken to Hampden. Early July (I think), was when David Taylor(?) made his statement about Partick having no grounds for appeal.

    Iain, Alison, Craig and Lesley Coia along with ITN were there that night. As were SKY tv.



    Preferably wee Billy AND a traditional centre forward so we have a lot more options. The problem was starting before the narcissist left becos other clubs had Sussed as and we were totally predictable. I reckon that if we had played the previous system at the weekend that we would have been taken to the cleaners. It is a case of horses for courses.

    How about Scott Hogan from Rochdale?? 19 goals this season and still only 21. Could be exactly what you are talking about. Just an opinion...


    Is he available for free? Because if not, it wouldn't happen.


    Ah, that old chestnut.... Small investment could reap big rewards.

  3. Preferably wee Billy AND a traditional centre forward so we have a lot more options. The problem was starting before the narcissist left becos other clubs had Sussed as and we were totally predictable. I reckon that if we had played the previous system at the weekend that we would have been taken to the cleaners. It is a case of horses for courses.

    How about Scott Hogan from Rochdale?? 19 goals this season and still only 21. Could be exactly what you are talking about. Just an opinion...

  4. Easiest player on the park to blame is the keeper after heavy defeats. Sadly he was let down by the majority of those in front of him. Those are the guys who should be looked at and dropping players is really detrimental to morale. He needs a good shut out on Wenesday then he'll feel better.

  5. Its only nonsense to those who have no faith. If there are people who still worship and who still believe in the sanctity of the sabbath then so be it. Thats their prerogative and I honestly dont think the rest of us have any right to make comment on their ideals and beliefs.

    Spot on Alex. Their call and as others have commented, ours to respect their decision. As they shouldn't judge us either.

  6. A lot of over-sensitive drama queens on the internets IMO. Can't believe people are so spiteful to demand he loses his job, or even want him arrested by the police. The world's gone mad. If you don't like the illiterate musings of a thick, young footballer and his thick mates, nobody is forcing you to read them. Get a grip. I personally couldn't care less. The idea that because he is a footballer, he has no right to offend anyone, is a nonsense.


    I couldn't agree more. Considering the abuse a lot of players take, it's a wonder more of them haven't let rip on social media.

  7. I miss it coz I never see any live matches with ICT any more. Loads of coverage of the SPL in the Middle East and North Africa (must be cheap). Probably more exciting to be challenging for a title than avoiding relegation. It has made me think if a 16 team SPL is the way forward. Wouldn't it just be reams of meaningless matches?

    It was for that very reason that the Premier League was formed in 75/76. That could well happen again, although many 1st Division clubs would argue they would rather be in a "meaningless" SPL than a "competitive" 1st Division. One problem with reconstruction is that many SPL clubs outwith the OF don't want it. They would rather have the prospect of "extra" home matches with the OF and hence increased gate money. Add to that they would get less cash from Sky and ESPN, then you have a recipe for status quo.

  8. First of 26 clubs voted. Annan exempt for being associate members of league, Airdrie and Cowdenbeath exempt for their vested interest and Livi also exempt from vote.

    Dundee have admitted their support. I wonder where our club and RC stood on this one.

    As has been said, "there but for the grace of god". Yes, it could be said that Livi conjured up their own fate with big spending etc. I think ICT fans were a bit blinded in our hatred because they took players from us but thats football. I think its very sad that the league have taken the stance they did. They didn't give the new owners any time, help or support to get the club back on a stable course. They asked for a ?720k bond that they knew Livi had no chance of raising. Scottish football makes the rules as they go along, and usually on the back of a fag packet.

    Imagine if our creditors were to decide tomorrow that they can no longer wait for their money. Imagine if the financiers of the stadium group decided to call in their debt. We could so easily find ourselves in a similar position.

    Yes some may like to gloat about Livi but............................................

    Personally I think a points penalty and stay in the league they were in would have been enough.

    For me, Alex, it has nothing to do with players moving from us to Livi. That being the case then we'd have to despise a lot of teams!!

    No, it's more that the lessons of the last time weren't taken on board. They got out of it last time by paying 2p in the ? and to be honest, it's even more of an insult now to be in a similar situation.

    Partick were heading for a similar fate a few years back and stood their ground, got a bit of finance in order, unlike the garbage Massone subjected Livi to, and paid of creditors virtaully the full amount. By doing this they took the hit and languished in the lower leagues. Livi want the cake, and eat it too. As has been said, the Scottish League set the precedent with Gretna, and had to follow likewise.

    As for gloating and the possibility it could happen to us, indeed it could. Thankfully, life isn't always about the "what if" scenario, and as a result investments and gambles are to be made in football clubs.

    I don't want to see clubs going to the wall, but if it's run badly as a business, then in the current economic climate, it's ineviitable that it will happen.

  9. TomCaleyJag, I agree with you 100%. Well said my man.

    David Duckanfield and his hordes have walked away from this unscathed, and whilst total blame cannot be with them, if we slaughter one set for their actions, then even the police should be slaughtered.

    CaleyD, try telling the families of Dunblane the same thing. Although I have no connection whatsoever to the events that day, I still feel for them. Frequently.

    I hope it never happens, but if you ever lose a loved one in similar circumstances, and at a memorial in their honour someone sniggers, will you take the same stance???

    I think not.

  10. Somehow this thread has veered off topic bigtime. Once again we're talking about singing sections and lack of atmosphere.

    Here's how I see it. It's a football match. No matter where you sit, there will always be dissenters to noise makers. BOTH groups of supporters have to tolerate each other. If you chant, as long as you aren't OTT abusive of offensive, then there is no prerequisite to be ejected from the ground. Ignore the sweetie rustlers and carry on. They soon get fed up. If you are a sweetie rustler, and not many on here will be, then accept that there will be people who want to be somewhat vociferous, and will make noise. Allow it to happen. If you don't it will create bad feeling amongst ourselves which is EXACTLY what we have to avoid.

    As for terracing, yes, singers will congregate. However, as we'll be playing in front of reduced crowds, home and away probably, then I see no reason why this may not happen in seated areas too.

    IHE was right. The club perhaps have learned from the past 5 years and this WILL help us in our next visit to the top flight. If any players out there think that the 1st Division is easy, then a rude awakening will hit them in the first game.

    As a support, we have to unite and create whatever atmosphere we can, home and away, and let the players know that we're there with them, in good and bad, and they in turn may produce results that can see us in pole position at the end of the season. The players know only too well that they may get criticised for poor performances too.


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