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Posts posted by Arbroathawayday

  1. As for the other keepers mentioned - they all did a job for us

    Except Fridge. :unsure:

    I seem to remember Fridge doing ok at times. My memory is hazy but I think he was in goals the night we beat the Pars at East End Park in one of the cups when they were still a "scalp" for ICT. It ended up going to ET and pens and he saved some. Made us late going up the road but we did it with a smile on our faces.

    I seem to remember Fridge saving two penalties in one game at Brockville. Was I tripping?

    You probably were tripping, but Les did indeed save 2 in the one game - see link below


    Love the comments by Xausa in this article too....aye right!!

  2. Shortly after going to last October's away game v. Raith with a girlfriend (her first ever ICT game), we broke up.

    I'm with a new girl now, so I reckon it'll be safer to give this one a miss!

    Hope it was something more serious than Raith v ICT that led to the break up! Definitely going plus 2.

  3. Thursday evening, and no roll call topic started for Saturday's game. Shame on you all....unless you know something I don't. According to posters on another popular Scottish football forum, there is a good chance of this being postponed. Shame, as I'm actually looking forward to this game. And there's a pub in the Main Stand....... ;)

    Hard fought victory for us on Rosscoe's 500th appearance.

  4. Ouch. ?17 is pretty steep. Any idea about the time the pitch inspection will take place? I'm having football withdrawl symptoms.

    Try the Morton v ICT Pitch Inspection at 2pm Friday thread. You might find the answer somewhere on there..... :blink:

  5. Colin Bailies more famous for his rugby exploits up this way, but he sure knows a good football team when he see's one :004:

    A favourite question of his when selecting captains/players for PE football sides was "Which club last won the Scottish Cup in 1910?" As a bit of statto in my younger days, the answer was forthcoming. Much admiration from Colin. Except at my footballing skills, which were dismal!

  6. Can anyone remember the size of the crowd (it was huge) at the NMP when HRFC played Selkirk in the Div2 "winner takes all" match? Can't remember the year but team included the likes of Kenny White, Beans, Dave Aitchison and Colin High. :thumb03:

    It was February 1976 and there were reputed to be over 3000 at the Meeting Park (I know... cos I was there! :lol: ) to watch Highland beat Selkirk I think something like 20-0 to win Division 2 of the National Leagues and gain promotion to Division 1, the then top tier with the likes of Hawick, Gala etc. An early video of Bill MacLaren's Rugby Special still exists somewhere I think. Highland had entered the league at the bottom in Division 4 in 1972 and jumped up to the top with three straight promotions.

    Of the list of players, I'm not sure if Kenny White was still playing for Highland 1st XV but Beans, Dave, George Halliday and Colin High certainly were, along with the likes of Chunky Hamilton, Alan Rose, international second row George Mackie and the legendary international wing forward and general inspiration Nairn MacEwan.

    Baillie! It's not so many years ago that you could stand on the Queens Park on a Tuesday night and know from the tone of the whistle blasts over on the Canal Field that it was Colin coaching the team that night.

    My first memory of Colin was when I came into 1st year at the Royal Academy in 1965 and there was this PE teacher of whom apparently all the 5th and 6th years were s**t scared and who used to make offending seniors hang from wallbars until they dropped off.

    And, many years later, I can just imagine the response that a Millburn pupil would have got when he asked the question: "Mr. Baillie, how do you spell your name. Is it with one "i" or two?" :010:

    You could write a book about Colin Baillie (and if I could find a publisher I possibly would) - but let this little known fact suffice for the moment....

    In the late summer of 1940 with the victorious Hun staring threateningly across the English Channel and down the throat of a beleaguered people who stood alone in the world, how did the nation respond and achieve salvation?

    "The RAF won the Battle of Britain" I hear you say, but you merely sniff at the periphery.

    Britannia actually rallied with the Birth of Colin Baillie... to which the terrified Nazi Hordes spontaneously yelled "Achtung, achtung!! Alle ist kaput!" and cleared off in panic to invade Russia instead.

    Yes folks, Colin will turn 70 this August!

    Nevermind Queens Park, you could be playing football in Walker Park of an evening and hear that bloody whistle from Canal Pitches! Always amusing to hear his dulcet tones wafting over the river and up the High Street when the annual Highland Games rolls around. Sends a shiver up my spine, recalling that same voice approaching at high speed with a clenched fist to rattle you on the head for some imaginary misdemeanour in school. Ah, those were the days!

  7. Morton supporters on P&B are fairly positive about the chances of it going ahead. It's much milder down here in the sweaty groin of Scotland than it has been for the past few weeks.

    I really hope it does go ahead - football withdrawal is starting to kick in. Or maybe it's lunchtime drinking withdrawal...

    Assume you're heading to it if it's on?

    I thought the reference to drinking at lunchtime would have given it away. Nice and early in the Norseman, son...

    All this referencing of sweaty groins and lunchtime drinking has got me in the mood.....for watching football at Cappielow in January! A repeat performance of our last visit would certainly go down well.

  8. Gaelic seems to be one of these things where should you disagree with their holier than thou view, you get called every insult under the sun. It seems to be one of those things where you should not go along with their view, that makes you some sort of bad person. They are essentially, flogging a dead horse. Gaelic is gone, it's as good as dead, and nothing, no amount of money that will be pumped into it, will save it. Whether that's from money pumped from the Gaelic loving SNP in Hollyrood, to make appartheid-like Gaelic schools, or to potenially dangerous and pointless road signs. Gaelic is gone, it's time to let it go.

    Comparing one of the worst human rights abuse systems in history to the simple of choice of speaking or not speaking Gaelic is ridiculous, even for the level of debate on this site. Nelson Mandela would be proud.....

  9. Going to the game, and having to take public transport as well. Bit complicated with all the times, as well as having to mix it up between trains and buses.

    Disappointed to see that away fans aren't housed in the terracing, and in the east stand instead.

    You're kidding? No terracing? Where did you read that?

    There hasn't been away terracing at Palmerston for a long time. I reckon I've been 4 times going back to div 2 games, and I've never been anywhere other than the east stand. Won't make any difference anyway, as you'll end up in Carlisle.....

  10. Just back from a lovely day in the Inverclyde sunshine, and fair to say we dominated without ever playing as well as everybody might want.

    Solid at the back, with Esson shouting himself hoarse, Munro and Golly mopping up everything coming their way. The defence looks like a unit without Lionel's unpredictability.

    Midfield was sound - Stratford again playing the Duncan role, but with better passing; Cox was low key in comparison to Dundee and Partick - probably due to his cast removal!; still not sure about Eagle - he was getting stuck in, and crossing was pretty good, but prone to going missing; Hayes looked a world beater in first half, but went off the boil in the second half until the last 10 minutes. Great to see a Caley player having a go, and not turning back when hitting the bye-line.

    Foran's goal was excellent, but can't help thinking he gets distracted when things are not going well. Worked hard and linked up well with MOM Sanchez - so much for lazy and lightweight - scored a well worked goal, and showed some great touches. His finish for the offside goal was excellent, and linked up with Foran effectively. Obviously, gaining match fitness, and 3 in 4 games is almost unheard off for us in the last few years!

    Proctor came on for Eagle, and took his goal well, but don't remember anything else about his afternoon apart from chatting with the ball boys! Barrowman on for last 5 minutes, and looked OK - still think he'll come good in this division against the slower defences. Rooney got the last 90 seconds, either as time wasting or to allow Foran to get a round of applause.

    Crowd was not bad, but quiet; Mass booing from the home fans at the end of the game, and quite rightly so - Morton were rank rotten.

    Overall, very satisfactory and signs of an improving team - after the last league game, back to normal away day service. Hopefully another 3 points at Airdire next week will set us up for a challenge at the top. Have to say, it's great just to be watching a team playing football and winning again - it's been a bloody long time!

  11. We do not have a god given right to come straight back up, but who have we got next season. Butcher and Malpas will be a driving force to get us out, and we will likely start as one of the 4 favorites. However, I do hope we get better refs this year as we were outdone by some "simulation" in several games in the spl. Lovell went down like a sack of turnips today when Rossco put his hand on his shoulder. And you could tell Toks had been done by the look on his face." Anyway players will come and go at all the clubs over the next few months at all 10 clubs, but what will we be facing in Countys league. LIVINGSTON are in dire straights financially- a lesson those wanting to spend money on players should heed. They will be unlikely to challenge over the season, if they get to start in the 1st division. AIRDRIE UTD or AYR UTD will depending on the playoff result probably look to survive, not having strong enough squads to go the distance. RAITH ROVERS will be hoping to get mid place security, although a good start may push them along onto the fringes of the top 3 or 4. GREENOCK MORTON not the easiest place to go often, but cant see them getting a squad together that will get into the top half. ROSS COUNTY will provide stiff opposition to us purely because of it being a derby. Although we might think it 12 points on the board, they may actually be our 4 hardest games. Cant see them pushing for the spl though, but could be the strongest team in the league next season if you know what I mean. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH difficult one this, wonder if Barry would still be there. Think they under performed for most of the season, cup final hangover and high expectations maybe. Lost Dobbie which might leave them in the lower half. DUNFERMLINE ATHLETIC will be no pushovers, and showed potential this season. WILL be one of the 3 pushing us I expect. PLASTIC WHISTLE oooh I cant stand them, but I rate their wee manager in this division. Podgie McCall does know how to knit together a good team at this level, just hope them fall short again. DUNDEE FC our main rivals I think. Hope they dont get a sniff of Foran and Kerr, as I would think they would improve their lot with them. Jocky Scott is quite a shrewd guy at this level. Biggest team we will face, but weight of expectation keeps them from shining. If we trim the squad down, keep the main guys who have been important over the time since January, get Vigurs, Rooney, and some of the younger ones good experience we could have a wonderful season. Barrowman might start scoring again at this level and I hope we are the full package. We will need to be motivated from the start though, and theres none better at that than Terry. The emotion in his voice after the game today told me he wants to be here, and I for one want him to get us back where we belong.

    OUR league, surely? :ohmy:

  12. big tel signed an 18 month contract

    ?250K for signings? Source?

    Butcher mentioned it in his interview after the match or someone said it not long after his interview, either way it was on Radio Scotland at somepoint

    Fair play, but where the hell are we getting that kind of money from? Surely not, from our wonderful benefactors in credit crunch times? No OF gate receipts (if such a thing still exists), no Setanta money, smaller fortnightly crowds. A pipe dream, IMHO.

  13. Why does it always have to be the manager's fault? Can it not be the case that the players underperformed or the team we had this season were just not capable of the job, given resources?

    Ever watch Inverness Caldeonian Thistle FC playing under Craig Brewster's managerial reign? Obviously not.

  14. just to be annoying....The first thing about the colour black is that it actually isn't a colour; it is an absence of colour. Technically you can't get the colour black. If you did it would appear as a silhouette with no distinguishable features whatsoever.

  15. Papering over the ever increasing cracks. what has really changed from last season? fair play to the young guys in the team, but we ain't good enough to be playing them every week. Mind you, at least we're not Hearts. But I say that to myself every day anyway.

  16. peneltie!

    how long to go?

    we have to win!

    how embarasing would it be to lose!

    Peneltie?? Is this a new way of deciding games still level after extra time? Are we guinea pigs at Gayfield? We really should be told.

  17. Rumour has it that Mixu's appointment is being seen as a big mistake, and he could be replaced shortly. Have also heard that a certain Mr Rankin has been utter mince in the pre-season games and has had a big fall out with the boss.... now where's that bag of used euros we've got lying around? :023:

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