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Posts posted by Donaldinho_10

  1. I've just Googled the words of the Soldiers' Song and what I saw, although a clear reference to Ireland's battle for freedonm from the UK, is essentially no more offensive than that Anglophobic dirge which is Flower of Scotland - except that the Soldiers' Song glorifies a period within the last century as opposed to something that happened 700 years ago.

    Regarding the kind of chants you get from Celtic fans and from Rangers fans, the triumphalist cr@p that tends to pour from the Orange ranks most often refers to the expulsion of the Catholic James II and VII of both England and Scotland(not just England) in the period 1688-91. Strangely enough, though, although there was fighting in Scotland here such as at Killiecrankie, most of the rhetoric refers to Ireland with Derry's Walls and the Boyne.

    Mary, by the way, who died in 1695 after a period of joint monarchy and left King Billy to reign on his own for the next six years, was the Catholic James' Protestant daughter and elder sister of Anne who succeeded Billy at which point the Act of Settlement provided for a Protestant succession in perpetuity. Charles II, James' older brother, is thought to have converted to Catholicism when he died in 1685.

    In contrast, the Republican stuff concentrates largely on the fight for Irish independence from 1916-22 and also the divisions which persisted after that because the Anglo Irish Treaty provided for the counties of Ulster to remain as part of the UK. Given the role of the British military during that period there is inevitably a lot of resentment involved.

    But the bottom line has to be that it's completely absurd that Scotttish football should have the albatross of Irish religion and politics hanging round its neck in the manner in and extent to which it does.

    Mind you it's equally absurd that, despite recent indication of minor liberalisation, Catholics should still be prevented from occupying the throne of the UK. The main reason now for that is apparently that the monarch has to be the head of the Church of England.

    That is even more absurd... almost as absurd as having a monarch at all.

    Take your head out of your own behind! What a load of pompous crap as usual from you, complete bore. There is no one here as up themselves as you

    • Disagree 7
  2. He made me laugh a couple of months back, I was in the toilets in Jonny foxes and he got caught trying to pinch the toilet attendants pump action soap, so I dont know if he was actually trying to steal the soap and got found out or if he was just trying to wind up the attendant.

    I personally think it was just a wee joke as I cant understand why anyone linked to County would have any need for that kind of thing.

    You were in the toilet with Craig Brewster...surely there is another story in there you're not telling!!

    • Agree 4
  3. This was a peice of disguting bile. Some fans i know who are caley fans will not be back after this filth. disgusting.

    These obviously thick little boys who try and think they are better fans by doing this are stupid and should be banned for life! Trying to sa it was a joke is no exscuse, and they should rightly be banned and never be allowed back in the ground again. these boys are not 8 years old, they know what they were doing and should be thrown out of caley park for life. Even thinking that I am part of a team who have fans like this makes me sick and they should be disgraced by their actions, they knew what they were doing and should face the consequenses. dont come back you bunch of idiots you are not welcome back.

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