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Posts posted by Donview

  1. Acrimony like this is rarely because  a person decides to move on or better him/herself. Everybody has the right to do that.


    In this case it's simply about the way it has been engineered by Mr. Butcher and Hibs and the way it has progressed--especially sitting in the stand as reported and in the Boardroom prior to the game if I read reports correctly? No one could have faulted him for being in the CaleyThistle dugout throughout the match since he was still the ICT's Manager. If the HIbs fans missed that little play then they had better remember it for the future because a leopard does not change it's spots  To me that is unforgivable and showed both cowardice and disloyalty and contempt for the team that has brought HIM to prominence also. This is a two-way street and is not just about how great HE was--as someone said above, this was a team effort.


    And I remain unconvinced that this was not in the works for  many weeks, not just in the flurry of the last few days. This is all too sudden and fast to be believable because the Board at Hibs must have been thinking about this change of Manager for a long time and surely could be expected to have made some moves to test the way the Managerial winds were blowing before Mr. Fenlon resigned or would have been fired. How? By making a few private telephone calls ........


    And let us not forget that he had signed a contract and is very lucky that Mr Cameron allowed him to set it aside. Of by suing him for breach of contract if he resigned without a very good reason to support such an action. If he had sued Mr Butcher then I can't help but wonder how that would have affected the view of Butcher's character in football quarters going forward into the future. I sincerely hope that the compensation the club received is well over the 100,000 pounds suggested because this is just unethical nonsense.

    With you on the 'in the works for many weeks' Pimple, no way did this happen suddenly. Fenlon resigned on the Friday and the BBC sport team were stating at 4.30 on the Saturday that Butcher was the man. We were kept dangling for 10 days knowing fine he was taking the **** but the nerve of the man to sit with the Hibs hierarchy while still on our payroll playing against us will never be forgiven by many, myself included.

    • Agree 9
  2. I was meaning Craig Levein.

    Craig Brown probably doesn't know what day it is anymore!

    Isn't he in a DOF type role at Aberdeen after handing the reins over to McInnes?

    Doddery Old Fool ?

    Like it.....wonder if Mr Bennett is reading this and relating to his role lol

  3. I still don't get the antipathy towards Calderwood. Dunfermline into Europe. Aberdeen a relegation side before and after he left but top six with some Euro success in between. From what I understand, did well in Holland too. Proven manager with a strong track record. Ideal.

    I'm with you on this one, proven track record in Scotland and wealth of contacts throughout Europe, Worked wonders on minimal budgets at both Dunfermline and Aberdeen.

    He'll be able to get Jimmy Nick back with him as well as I'm sure he'll be leaving Hibs now that Dumb has taken Dumber along with him.

  4. FFS, wish these cnuts would put us put of out misery.

    This must be the only occupation where you can openly flaunt your services in front of your employer ( not for the first time) and get away with it.

    Butcher is fast losing respect, and I'm not wearing the 'he didn't know' about Hibs advances line, utter bull**it

    • Agree 1
  5. Think this thread is bang out of order until concrete proof of Butcher's departure is confirmed.

    Also the BBC need to enlighten us as to where they 'learned' of his agreement to join Hibs.

    Looks to me like somebody trying to stir it with the Highland upstarts.

    • Agree 3
  6. Some good comments and analysis of our performance, would just add I became very frustrated with the long punt ( and Richie never won one all day) and thought we got our tactics wrong big style.

    Defences on top, Dons were the more hungry and ambitious in my opinion. Let's hope Butcher & Malpas open their eyes to our shortcomings a bit quicker in future

  7. Superb display, however should have been all over by HT. Mr McLean was his usual petty, baffling self and seemed determined to ruin the game.

    Hey ho, still sitting pretty top of the pile and will take a bit of shifting if our first two performances are anything to go by :-)

  8. That's me at the ferry terminal ready for a couple of beers and a wee flutter in the casino tonight :-)

    Alex, Runrig without Donnie is worse than Caley taking the jags to the 'Big League' ;-)

    • Agree 1
  9. Hope to make it, sitting at Dover waiting for the 01.00 ferry to Calais, long day ahead up to Esbjerg in Denmark.

    Back to Amsterdam Friday for the overnight ferry to Newcastle and should be in Dungdee for 13.00 on Saturday. Dedication or what?!?!

    • Agree 2
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