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Posts posted by ammac

  1. I am flabbergasted !

    Who is the current Scotland's football writers young player of the year and also nominated for PFA young player of the year ?

    Just proves again that the SFA are not fit to run our national game.

    It is not a numbers game, it about producing the right talent through the youth system to benefit ICT and the Scottish game.

    • Agree 1
  2. As the OP I should point out that I don't understand twitter and today was the first day in 2015 I have looked at my Facebook page. All I was suggesting was a couple of post a day on Facebook even if they are not directly football related. While I love football I have no interest in footballers, their beards or their knees. However there are thousand of people who are. Big brother etc. If we can get people interest in ICT who aren't football people maybe they will come to the games. Win win.

    My motivation in this post was in a week were everything in the papers and on this forum was negative. It is all about who is leaving etc. Who is **** off at the club.

    I think at times the club needs to get in front of stories. Tomorrow we are in the last sixteen of the greatest cup competition in the world, in the tie off the round, the two jags go head to head. Why is that not what everyone is talking about. Why not even a story about a 1million impression a month.

    Do I have the answers, no. Do I think I know the answers, hell no.

    I believe the marketing the club needs to be controlled by the club. There needs to be strick boundaries to protect not just the club but all the staff at the club. Any marketing should not get in the way on the main business wining football games, merely a sideline.

    PS I have enjoyed all the post, we have had nice artwork slacking me off, music suggestions and a YouTube video which I can't get out off my head. A warning would have been nice! Yogi interviews will never be the same again!

  3. This subject has been mention in a number post on different threads therefore I thought it possible needs its own thread. Personally I think the club is trying to improve its image but it is nowhere near the level it needs or should be. 

    The Facebook pages, twitter feed etc go days without any updates. We live in 24/7 society that demands interaction and stories with a “personal touch” numerous times a day, every day. Simple stuff like, what do the players think of beards in the dressing room? Any Fun stuff, pictures of training, Yogi cycling to work in the snow. The only reason I know he has a bike, is a friend on Facebook put up a photo of her kids at the stadium with Yogi and his matching helmet. What’s the Inverness Caledonian Thistle Community Development’s boys up to today? Even who’s turn is it to make the tea. Any rubbish is better than no post. 


    The club needs to reach out with positive comments and actions to non-football supporters and Facebook etc can do that. I am not saying for a moment that Yogi and the boys need to stop training and start tweeting. However the club needs to allocate a lot more resources to this.


    Forget all this highland rubbish about “staying under the radar” and complaining about the poor levels of the crowd. These are negative and boring.


    Let’s puff out our chests and scream on every media simple "We are ICT and we are coming".

  4. Personally I think Hughes should not be allowed to speak to the press. Nothing he says encourages me to go to the games and I have been a season ticket holder for 20 years. Nothing about the most exciting league in years. Nothing about the fact there is very little between the teams. Nothing about ICT are up for this season battle. Bring it on, ICT are ready!


    Where is the aspiration, Where is the inspiration, Where is the motivation.

    • Agree 2
  5. Here's the new Cheltenham kit - 




    Something like that would('ve) look(ed) pretty cool IMO.

    I am not sure that Richie would not be keen on the strip being two sizes too small, the tiara and the lipstick to match the top. However I am sure the rest of his team mate's smiles would match the photo.

  6. John "Yogi" Hughes has to go. 




    He has not won enough games, pure and simple.




    I pay my money to watch by beloved ICT win games. From the Board in terms of finances, the Manager in terms of prestige, the Players in terms of wages and the Fans in terms of glory, all that matters is wining.




    The stats don't lie, his track record as ICT’s manager is 7 wins out of 27 games that’s a win ratio of 25.93%. If he had been in charge since the start of the season we would be fighting for survival will all the other bottom 6 no-hopers who can only win 1 in 4 games.




    A top six club aspires to win every second game.  




    I am not saying ICT should win every second game but wining every third game has been a bench mark which other managers seemed to have been judged. Butcher in 2011/12 when he only won 11 games all season was under real pressure. The fact he was rebuilding the team and the board probably knew this in advance meant he did survive. The only other manager to fall below a 30% win ratio was Brewster in 08/09 and we know what happen to him.




    Please Yogi do the right thing and walk.


    Rant over!

  7. Amidst all the righteous indignation about the injustice of the red cards, we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that the players must share some of the blame - it is not all down to poor refereeing decisions.  Warren's second yellow was an awful decision but he wouldn't have been off if he hadn't got the first yellow and I don't think he can have any complaints on that.  With no chance of getting the ball he puts his arms up as if to say "I'm here but I'm not making a challenge for the ball" but yet he steps into the Hearts players path.  He knew exactly what he was doing and the referee got that one right.  He was on a tightrope after that.


    You could argue that justice was done with Meekings.  Whilst the offence that gave him the red was never a sending off offence, it was certainly an intentional and cynical foul and a very unnecessary one.  If he hadn't been so petulant then there would have been no decision for the referee to make.  Also, he could easily have got a yellow for the foul that led to the second goal in which case his later foul would have seen him off in any case.


    We can't do anything about poor refereeing decisions but the club should be able to drill some discipline into the players so that they don't pick up cards as a result of challenges where there is clearly no real attempt or chance to win the ball.


    Our players are ill disciplined?  Can I draw your attention to Robinson's lunge on Mckay in the first half and Hamill's professional foul on Watkins.


    The referee is there to produce a level playing field for both teams and I don't think anyone believes that happened on Sunday.  Players make rash decisions and should rightly be punished, likewise I'd say the referee certainly made a rash call for the red card.  

    • Agree 1
  8. 12-12-18..... 12-10-10-10....14-14-14..... it's actually largely irrelevant. What has been under discussion today is nothing more than a rearrangement of the deckchairs on the Titanic. It's the basic product that's fundamentally dysfunctional as a result of two clubs, artificially enhanced in size because they are the focal point of west central Scotland's religious and Irish political divide, sucking in such a large percentage of the game's resources.

    People are getting terribly excited about the £1.3 million that would be handed down to the First Division. Better than a slap in the chops, but wait a minute... £1.3 million is LESS THAN 3% of Celtic's annual turnover of £52 million! It's also roughly the prize money for finishing 7th in the SPL.

    So compared with the kind of cash the Old Firm deal in... and that is the problem... £1.3 million, divided among 10 clubs, is little more than farting into a hurricane. It's less than ICT's drop off in turnover the season they were relegated.

    Quite simply, in the current era of football economics, wage expectations, broadcast deals etc etc, I believe that there is NO model where a population of 5 million can sustain a viable number of full time clubs alongside two which are turning over what the Old Firm suck out of the system.

    There simply isn't enough cash left for the other clubs when so many football fans and their money disappear from Scotland's towns and cities to Ibrox and Celtic Park.

    So I'm afraid I just have to return to my original suggestion that there is NO viable solution to this problem.

    With that attitude the board might as well just put up a "For Sale" sign at the stadium. Every league in world is normally dominated by a couple of teams. Today was about getting the right structure to manage Scottish football going forward. Maybe the proposal are flawed but what harm is trying it?

  9. It would be okay if who ever had the smoke bomb was big enough to walk down the front and let it off. But they don't. They push into apart of the ground far away from were their ticket is thus trying to casting suspicion on someone else. Remember that could be you! It was more that obvious yesterday that "some people" were not sitting in their own seats. They simple headed to the back of the lower teir. I personally had to tell two idiots to move at half time when I came back from the toilet. They simple push their way down a couple of rows and forced a elderly couple out of their seats. These people are cowards and bullies. If this is the new type of supporters we want at games to boost numbers I would rather stay at home.

  10. I doubt the pitch will be a problem. A9 is bad at Drumochter just now but still open. Snowing heavy in and around Perth but trunk roads are drivable. Very little from the camera's between Inverness and Kingussie.

    It nice to see our soft southern supporters concerned about a sprinkling of snow. Be brave "The Highland Juggernaut" is coming.


    Snow, Hearts, brick walls, nothing will stop us.

  11. First there need to be a cull of the smaller professional teams in Scottish football. Scotland cannot support 4 leagues containing 42 clubs. This proposal start this process with 24 clubs in the new look Premier and Championship. Personally don’t like the ideas of the split but let’s give it a go if it get us there.


    The teams under that will hopefully split into 3 semi-pro regional leagues. A Highland, East and West leagues. These leagues will probably have 18 to 20 teams in them made up of the current Highland league, Junior football and 18 left over from the current structure. Interestingly this could include a certain team from the west side of Glasgow.


    Therefore we have a setup controlled by 24 teams which only needs 18 ambitious teams to agree any meaningful future proposal.

  12. Daily Record article:


    "They (ICT) are aware former boss John Robertson is keen to get back into management and ex-Caley Thistle star Paul Sheerin has impressed at Arbroath, while Paul Hartley is making waves at Alloa. Ex-Inverness manager Charlie Christie is also interested and Elgin City’s Ross Jack is another who has been tipped to succeed Butcher at some point."


    Translation: We really haven't got a clue but we still had another paragraph to fill.


    If they are throwing names about from the lower leagues surely Alistair McCoist would be near the top of the list, is he not looking to be at the second best club in Scotland! 

    • Agree 3
  13. Looking forward to an "away day" at the begin of every year for the Scottish Cup.


    The bus driver asking for directions to Stenhousemuir.


    The best of these being the only two away supporters in an empty 60,000 seater stadium when the game was called off due to a piece of guttering flapping about in the wind. It was okay though because the nice boys from east end of Glasgow let us win the re-schedule match!

  14. TB will be asking himself, can he turn around a bunch of no-hopers at the bottom of the league into be a top of the table side with serious cup ambitions.


    He did that 4 years ago when he took managers job here.


    Therefore it is quite simple does TB believe he can take Barnsley to the Promised Land of the English Premier League. If it is yes he will take the job, if not he will stay.


    Personally I hope that every week from now to the end of the season there a story of TB going here or going there, that means we are still winning!


    terry strikes me as being someone who cant be ersed with computers let alone social media. Probably still has the original brick for a mobile phone.


    Terry was on my table at Sponsors night and I can confirm that he has an iPhone so as CD says he ain't no technophobe!


    I was under the impression that Apple products were designed for technophobes so that no argument.

    • Agree 1
  16. We have one of the best community departments in the SPL with awards coming out their ears for the good work they do.

    I know...why do we not know about it...comes back to what I said above. Would you rather stop them doing the good work to take time to tell you about it, or would you rather they kept on doing the good work?

    Why is the club not screaming this off the top of every mountain to the bottom of every glen? This is a good story about the club and should be pushed hard. Why has there not been a feature in the local papers. Why is there no presentation to these hard working unsung heroes on match days?

    This is where the problem lies, if allow other people to control the information around the club it will always be negative. That’s because being negative is easy. Just log on here or read the newpapers!!!

    Public image is very important in any business especially if you want to expand and football is no different. A non first team story about the club with a personal touch could always be interesting to a wider audience.

  17. Personally I think that small crowds in down to the whole match day experience at the Tulloch Caledonian Stadium. There is nothing the club can do about the football on show but there are thing which could be greatly improved the atmosphere at the ground.

    Where is the match build up before the game? Big clubs tend to have a build-up from 2.30 ending with the playing of the club’s theme tune before kick-off to get the crowd singing. Why don’t we have a theme tune? Preferable something everyone knows the words to. (Nothing by 10CC and Graza please)

    When we score where is the good music to celebrate with, where is the not so good music when the opposition score. Any tactic should be used to try up lift our team, we are at home. Forget this stiff upper lip rubbish.

    People who when to the Northern Meeting park last weekend would have been very disappointed if there was no big stage, flashing lights, big speakers etc to go with the acts on show.

    Also there is always someone collecting money at the gate. Why aren’t they ask to provide the entertainment at halftime. No free rides here. Even it is only an egg and spoon race. For example our next match is against Aberdeen, one team in blue the other in red. Gives both fans something to cheer at. All the club would have to do is veto anything suggestion which they did not like. Remember it is them who want to our money.

    • Agree 1
  18. The question is Butcher the man for the job, well yes he is actually a football manager whether we like it or not. I know everyone say he “good” with the press but that my problem. He tends to tell the press what he thinks which the press love. He is far too realistic which then means he is far too negative.

    I would prefer if he did what every other manager did and just talk up team, the style of football, all the plus points with the club and ignore the rest. We are top goal scorers at the moment with 7 goals in four games. Our recognised strikers have all scored along with 2 midfield players. We scored 2 goals against the champions elect, how many other team will do that this year in the SPL?

    At the start of season how many point would you realistically expect after 4 games, especially after play two of the top 4 club in the country? Personally I would have thought 4, a draw away to St Mirren and home win against Kilmarnock. So has the start of season been so bad that it is time to lock away any sharp objects.

    PS can anyone on here tell me that any of the game this season has been boring? I have been to all the games apart from Hearts (still upset). 16 goals with 2 red cards that an average of 4 goals a game with a red cards every 2 games. You don’t get that following EPL or Spanish teams.

    • Agree 4
  19. Missing the point here guys , us fans pay the players wages .

    The point I was trying to make (in English) was that yes we the fans may pay the players wages and yes we may idolise them but that does not mean they have to love us back.

    I suspect that the players became professional footballers because they wanted to play football not because they like being booed at or because they liked being told there not up to the job. For the one who do there is always the local S&M club.

    How many of us would take that kind of abuse every week.

    Personally I prefer to give rather than take!

  20. It must be farcical for the players when the average eighteen stone fans shout between eating his cold pie and swilling on his Bovril about them as a professional player being unfit and overweight. We know the fan having to work so hard just to lift all that grease and **** water to their ******** sorry mouth.

    Did you have any specific 18 stone fan in mind with that comment?

    :P yes me

  21. What do players think of fans, an occupational hazard which they have to tolerate.

    As a fan sitting in the stand every week I laugh at how fans seem to think that the players aren?t trying and are tactically inept. Player wages thus drinking style and babe pulling power are based on their performance each Saturday through win bonus, clean sheets and scoring goals etc.

    It must be farcical for the players when the average eighteen stone fans shout between eating his cold pie and swilling on his Bovril about them as a professional player being unfit and overweight. We know the fan having to work so hard just to lift all that grease and **** water to their ******** sorry mouth.

    The other classic from fans that once played the game at some junior level on a brown piece of grass in some backwater, always remember themselves being a better player than those on the park. The irony is that most of player on the park have played football at the highest standard in Scotland.

    In any other walk of life it would be quite funny.

    PS it is the only reason I go to football is because I can shout abuse and get away with it.

  22. The club shop is the public face of the football club for most of the fans and in my opinion the only part of the off field activities which the club does well.

    It is the girls that sell us the fans the tickets for games, home and away. The football shirts etc we wear on our back. Nobody can tell me that the club shop does not pay for itself. It is a portacabin with two full time staff and from what I have seen at just the cup games so far this season the sale of the new away top should cover their cost until Christmas.

    I may be getting old but I can remember the service the club gave us as fans at the reception desk before the club shop. Being polite the service was very poor. A common response when trying to buy merchandise or a ticket was the person dealing with that is not in today or in a meeting which is totally acceptable.

    For years the supporters called for a dedicated club shop and MissICT is right we need a campaign to ?save our club shop?.

  23. Having attended many games home and away for a number of seasons with a person who had mobility difficulties, the last thing on their mind is the cost of the ticket.

    It is the crap facilities that the football clubs lay on. The areas at the front of the North stand are poor in the respect of watching the game. You are sitting at ground level and with the curve of the pitch it is very difficult to see the other end of the ground. Try it sometime to see if you would like to watch the game from there everyweek.

    All any fan wants and "your disabled" fan is no different is to be able to see the game in comfort.

    Dunfermline is probably the best ground I have been to. The small things, any helper get in free thus not patronising some one less fortunate that the rest of us. At half time a cup of tea and pie on the club. Saves the dilemma of the helper having to leave the person they are with to go and get any refreshment.

    Every person who I have ever met who is "disabled" all have one thing in common, to be treated the same as everyone else.

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