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Posts posted by Invermac

  1. :lol: Well done all the lads, management and backroom staff. To surpass all expectations, against all odds, is fantastic. Would have been so easy to say, "job done" in steadying a rocky ride, but to push on and bounce back in the same year deserves credit beyond any that you will recieve.

    The last 19 games has shown the spirit we want and expect from our team. Very proud of you all.

    (especially as i have to work in Dundee) :lol:

  2. Duncan Shearer could teach our strikers to score.... maybe?

    Sacked by Buckie Thistle. No thanks !


    All this aside, i really believe that Butcher could be one of the biggest signings ever made by the club and it might actually give us a fighting chance!

    Only question is... would he stay if we did go down? maybe not!!

  3. Duncan Shearer could teach our strikers to score.... maybe?

    and what else? we have more than a striking problem to be solved. What players would he attract? How would sort a leaky defence? a lack of confidence? etc...

    Dont get me wrong... i think he could have a role to play in the club, but dont think he could do the big job.

  4. Given that the squirrel (allegedly) gets his information directly from the Heathmount Mafia, maybe that's the early shortlist:

    Butcher, Robertson, Chisholm, Knox.

    I think Archie Knox with a younger, ICT-related assistant would be an ideal appointment.


    it HAS to be Duncan Shearer....

    55 Games 17 goals...

    Been here before, knows the club...

    has to be...

    I agree with Knox, Butcher and even Robbo till the end of the season

    Really dont see what shearer would offer though!

    Il vote for Butcher thanks!

  5. Its never nice to see a manager sacked, but this was the right choice. I wish CB well in the future

    totally agree. Pleased to see the fans voice still counts and im glad to see a change but i still wish CB well wherever he lands!

    Hopefully Livingston!


  6. Would Love to go to see my team. unfortunately they disapeared when CB arrived at the club!

    Maybe I should put up missing posters in Edinburgh before the game?

    Out of interest, can anyone tell me what the record is for consecutive league defeats by ICT? we cant be far off it with our current tally of 7.... 8 after next saturday!

  7. just saw CB on setanta. Not exactly inspiring! Looks like a smug git who knows he is driving the club down but doesnt really care. I am so sick of the excuses, nothing is his fault according to him!!!!!

    AND.. in a no lose game at home against the old firm, it looks like he is playing 4-5-1 again!! We are bottom, why not play 2 strikers!!!

    regardless of the rangers result CB - Get out of our club - NOW!!!

  8. ICT aren't done yet... EVERT team (outside OF) at some point in the SPL go through a relegation scrap season.. and it had to happen at some point. Luckily for ICT that this is happening for a few teams this season, and Brewster has the courage to give the youth a chance and improve their game for the teams long term prospects. The board are making money available and new faces (Pressley for example) look like they will be coming in to bolster the team.

    Of course we arent finished. but from what you have seen can you seriously tell me that the way we are playing we are a better looking side than Hamilton or Falkirk. bearing in mind 6 games ago we had a 7 point gap to bottom!

    All ICT fans are behind the team, players will leave to better things. thats part of the game. ICT's strength, though, has always been to take a good selection of OK players and get them to perform together. we dont have that now and im sorry, thats managements ability that reflects on.

  9. Unfortunately it gets worse. if the board persist we may actually find that money is spent on players selected by CB. If he cant get a system right now, how can add to it effectively?

    It seems a shame to think we spent so long building properly to secure our club whilst climbing the leagues to end up like this. I hope we dont become another Airdrie or (god forbid) Livingston..... i actually feel sick now!!

    P.s - Apologies to all true ICT fans for mentioning the vile livi on our site! i promise it wont happen again.

  10. Getting relegated will do nothing to improve all the areas you have mentioned. Some of which are fair, most of which are rubbish.

    To use travel distance as an excuse is nonsense! that isnt really a new problem is it. Inverness is still the same distance from the central belt as it always was!!!

    As for financial backing, we have never been able to pay big bucks but we have managed to use what we have, well. Untill now. We have some good players, we have a good support (despite what you think).

    We dont have any motivators! and that is down to the management! end of story, case closed. thank you for playing.

  11. I agree that the attitude of the fans can affect the players on the park. However, you have to realise that the fans were positive and supportive for a considerable time during some dross displays earlier in this season and at the end of last. Remember, its the fans that pay to support the team so they have the right to voice their displeasure.

    As for the argument that we have a good management team! thats not being supportive im afraid, only blind to the real problems facing the club. Look at team selection, faith in poor players, tactics, reactions to defeats and the attitude of the players when up against it. How can that not be down to the management? they are responsible!

    I hope we beat Rangers and Partick (i doubt it) but if we do it will be in spite of Brewster, not because of him!

  12. considering Brewster prides himself on fitness and getting teams fit, surely he should spot that Proctor doesnt have the physique to play centre half. Right back yes, but not at the expense of Rosco. Im sorry, i just dont get playing a player because he likes him! that is not management!

    Drop but keep Proctor (useful as a sub)

    Bin Mcguire (please)

    Buy a centre half to challenge what we have.

    In the meantime, give Duff a chance. It cant be any worse than now!

  13. Dear Mr Linton,


    Thats right, 9 comments posted on your newspaper's website. All independently giving the same opinion. That the performances thus far are not a coincidence but because of mis-management.

    You, however, chose to ignore this, and, with no supporting arguments, mock the support of Inverness. And your credentials as a sports reporter are?

    Your articles will be followed very closely from now on Mr lentil head, perhaps you may want to get some substance into your articles next time

    hahahahaha. Mr Lentil Head. Genius! How do you fancy a career in management?

  14. Agree players need support of the fans, however, with the board clearly not moving and Brewster blind to his errors, I really dont see what other option we have but to voice our displeasure.

    In my opinion the board have had it easy since ICT came to be... to my memory we have never actively called for a change of manager. (Pele, Robbo, Charlie and brew all left of their own accord) Surely, the "journalists" must understand that for the core support to reach this stage shows that there is genuine concern for the future of the club and not just a moaning excercise.

    This isnt personal to any player and I am fully behind the personnel on the park, Its the dugout thats the problem!

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