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03: Full Members
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Posts posted by gerrybrisbane

  1. Looking forward to televised matches that are NOT in Gaelic, and having a place on a Scottish football highlights program (still cant believe there isn't a division one program).

    Oh and of course outing the OF supporters in the North Stand!

    Getting to see ICT on the big screen over here (Brisbane) on Setanta, rather than just the web highlights.

  2. I find it ironic that the OP has at various times on this board 'supported' at least half a dozen different teams - sometimes at the same time.

    It would be nice if the club could have some sort of 'open day' at the stadium to celebrate or hold some function at the Social Club or such like .... but I loathe any type of thread that pigeon holes any group/groups of fans as better than any others for some reason or another.

    We are all fans of the club and we support them how we can. Some may not live in Inverness so cant get to as many games as locals, some may not have as much money as the next fan so have to pick and choose which games they can attend or merchandise they can buy, some who do work might be obligated to work shifts or some saturdays, it doesnt make them any less of a fan than someone who has every weekend off. At the end of the day we are all fans of ICT and that puts us one rung of the ladder higher up than fans of other teams ... those poor souls are the only ones we are better than :lol:

    Well said Scotty! I would love to get to more games but i get to the ones i can, seeing that i live in Australia!

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