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Posts posted by seattleict

  1. Leave now before anyone gets hurt.

    God, I hope he doesn't leave. I'll start greetin. There is a bit of morbid fascination in seeing a manager leave a club desolate like that though...

    Love the modified County badge. Why waste a perfectly good sh1t?

  2. Summer football. Discuss.

    I used to play football in the summer in G'town. The weather was good. Granpa's arthritis didn't bother him and he could take the full volleys like the good old days when he was at Celtic. It didn't snow much between May and August and the sheep weren't grazing in your back gardeeeen. Rubbeeer bumpeer...sorry couldn't help it.

    You can actually grow grass in the summer I believe and it doesn't get dark until 9-10 o'clock at night. It might be even later if you live in Alness.... What the hell are we doing playing football in the winter months when we are at the same latitude as Juneau. Don't tell me about the Gulf Stream. At the moment the Arctic has oscillated it somewhere else.

    Can you imagine the beauty of thrashing County 7-0 at Victoria Park on a warm balmy evening... the County fans in their caravans, the smell of canvas, camp stoves, the sight of scabby dogs, the odd county fan playing his penny whistler and maybe, just maybe County being relegated back to the 2nd Div after the game. Not being too harsh am I...

    What would we do in the winter I guess... thrash those Canucks at curling of course and then beat the Austrian's in the Slalom (perhaps not!)

  3. I don't think we're broke but we do have a reputation amongst players for not paying very much at all... Well we are a very small outfit. Over here in the MLS the junior members of the team get paid a mere $34,000 USD/year. That is much less than half a skilled laborers, techies or newly graduated engineers salary (well here in the US anyway). Hell, its only football. Our guys used have day jobs..... I digress.

    Terry isn't going to leave. He'd have been down the road at Motherwell if he was going anywhere. He's a native now. I am sure I heard him talking about rubber bumpers, surviving and digging your gardeeen just the other day..... What would be wrong with St. Maurice of Malpas as manager anyway....

  4. I know a few threads already exist on this, but they all speculate his going to other clubs or being sacked based on performance and this post is neither.

    Butcher will, allegedly, be gone within a fortnight and the reason he is going is because we are, allegedly, skint and need to get as many people off the wage bill as possible just to ensure we can make it till the end of the season. The hope is that he finds another club and we can get a token compensation payment but that's wishful thinking on our part (regarding the compensation, not him finding another club).

    Any players we can get a couple of quid for or who are on larger wages and we can offload will also go.

    ICT is, allegedly, operating hand to mouth at the moment and have started to make some ridiculous cost cutting measures which some might have already noticed.

  5. I just can't get my head round this one. I am totally amazed. OC has committed character suicide. Burnley for Bolton. It is exactly like Paterson to Aberdeen, Robertson to Hearts and Rooster to the Tangerine Dream. Sometimes it is better to stick with the devil you know rather than the devil you don't. That's probably a bit unfair on our guys. Steve, Robbo and the Rooster (first time round) had great teams. So good in fact that Stevies goalkeeper actually built my folks new fireplace whilst concurrently beating Celtic. All in a days work for the average Grantownian..... I digress. I also once punched his son in the face... 200 lines. I will not punch the B team goalkeeper and the son of the only footballing genius this town has ever produced in the face for pinging my ears and then push him down a set of stone stairs... I?d probably be up in front of the Children?s panel nowadays.

    Just been reading the Clarets fan page. These guys are really upset. This is a guy who has brought the whole community together, built a reputation on clean living and integrity, taken a very average side, turned them into a great team, gained promotion to the Premiership, won some really big games (lost mostly on the road...sound familiar) and then...and then just walked away. OC has left a trail of complete devastation behind him. If I was a junior Claret this week would be the week the dream fully died. I now have no faith in the integrity of football players/managers.... but then there is St. Maurice of Malpas. 8,000,000 games for the Tangerine Dream. Total commitment, totally brilliant. Reminds me also of a certain Rossco Tokely.

    By the way has anyone seen Terry since OC left Burnley. He isn?t working in his garden is he?

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