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Posts posted by caley89

  1. I want to offer my apologies again for my contribution to the stupidities of last Saturday. I have learned a few lessons this week - that there is no place for sectarianism in our country - that it is silly to think you can use certain songs to wind up other people when they can cause offence all round - unfortunately not all young supporters appreciate the background to these things. I intend to take a break from football for a while and will later re-join the fair and sensible supporters that Caley Thistle is rightly known for and make a more positive contribution to what people expect of the Highlands. I am signing off the Forum as well.

    Best of luck, Caley!

  2. People done wrong today. People have acknowledged the fact and have apologised for their actions, both on here and to me privately. I accept their apologies and am sure they understand the error of their ways, in this instance. I think we would all do well to draw a line under the episode, learn from it and go forward as one supporting unit of ICT

    well said alex ;) lets just get over today and get ready to make a gd atmosphere against well

    :rotflmao: :018: :thumb04:

  3. How would you know if I am at home or away matches? Do you personally greet every single member of the crowd?

    We are not all blessed with lots of money, the time or the means to get to football matches sonny boy. If I could I would be at every single ICT match, however the particulars of my life means that I can't.

    What you have done is commendable, however going to away matches isn't giving money to ICT, still does not make you in the right about what you did. Notice I didn't call into question your 'commitment' to the club.

    No second chances, no excuses, no apologies. Everyone knows these songs are wrong

    you're just stupid!! you were agreeing with JDM that i wasnt a proper fan and all that lol. anyways see you next sat :thumb04: cause i'll still have my season ticket(Y) maybe you should come up and sit with us :rotflmao:

  4. i'm actually starting to wonder if ews is pissed and only taking the mick :018: :rotflmao:

    anyhoo ews you have forgotting about the loads of cash the section G boys put into th club going home annd away!! dont think i see you at many away games tbh, or is it because you're so silent you're not noticeable??

    but what about tom and myself who have spent quite abit of our own cash to try and make a better atmosphere at TCS by making flags/banners or purchasing them. when was the last time you made such a contribution to the club eh!!!

    most definatly nout! but ofcourse i'm not a real fan


  5. can everyone stop getting wound up about this now!!

    yes ok we were wrong in singing those songs and we could have given our club a bad reputation, but we didn't. also i can be absolutly sure that these songs will never be sung again next week or any other week from now on!! the only reason they were sung was because we were playing celtic and we wanted to wind up the tims.

    however people stating that we should all be arrested and thrown out for good is going waaaaaaay over the line!!

    i know ive down wrong and will make sure i dont sing those songs again at TCS! my aim was only to wind up the cretins in the south stand, unfortunatly ive also offended my own fellow supporters for which im sorry!!

    You are a cretin, you should be banned from the TCS as well.

    And no, we shall not "stop getting wound up" by all of this. What you guys did was wrong.

    :L:L:L:L:L:L:L im starting to wonder if you're a timmy yourself :rotflmao:

    ive appoligised buts its still not good enough. time for you to grow up now!!

  6. can everyone stop getting wound up about this now!!

    yes ok we were wrong in singing those songs and we could have given our club a bad reputation, but we didn't. also i can be absolutly sure that these songs will never be sung again next week or any other week from now on!! the only reason they were sung was because we were playing celtic and we wanted to wind up the tims.

    however people stating that we should all be arrested and thrown out for good is going waaaaaaay over the line!!

    i know ive down wrong and will make sure i dont sing those songs again at TCS! my aim was only to wind up the cretins in the south stand, unfortunatly ive also offended my own fellow supporters for which im sorry!!

  7. who cares, its to annoy those touchy w*nkers in the south stand. I'm not sure i'd join in, but go ahead anyway.

    You don't understand the whole point of supporting a team do you? It's not about getting it up the other set of fans, its about driving your team forward by supporting them.

    We have songs that are about ICT for a reason.

    i suppose you'll agree then that we should never sing our anti-county songs ever again??

    what's wrong in winding up the opposition?

  8. and if you could keep your points in here instead of PM'ing me. Doesnt matter if you 'think' you are a loyal fan, which you are clearly not, and been going to games since 1996. It does not legitimise being a bigot and sinign those songs. doesnt matter if you have followed caley for 1 week or 14 years singing bigoted songs is out of order and you are a disgrace.

    ofcource, asking for a fight with teenagers now isn't? :rotflmao:

    ano hahaha joe th wanabe casual is such a saint :018:

    im more loyal than you :thumb04:;):D:D

  9. You are a total muppet and should have your season ticket taken off you and ripped up and never allowed to set foot in Caley Park again. Singing bigoted songs is a laugh and just a different sense of humour?? Well why is there such a big deal made about i then? Singing dirty fienan fu**er is a laugh?

    shut up you pathetic little boy. how bout you just sit with your daddy and mind your business!! atleast we creat atmosphere somthing you no doubt defo dont do!!

    funny how i'm not seeing you complain about celtic singing "god bless the pope", "ooh ahh up th RA" or "f*** the queen"

    i'm guessing you're just a part time celtic fan too

    if youse were so upset why didnt you say something at the time insteading of bitching about it on the forum , keyboard harman , i like youre style!

    we have a laugh at all games , sing and shout things that are over the mark most weeks , it was just to wind up celtic fans who were probably dotted around us . you call us pathetic , you are the ones crying about a few lads having a laugh and winding up the opposistion.

    youre telling us to stop supporting caley , some of us have followed the club since the lower divisions and have probaly have attended more games than many over the past couple of years and are the only ones who make an effort to get behind the team and create a bit of atmosphere. you seem to have alot to say on this forum but when it comes to supporting youre team at a ground youre pretty much silent. now go f**k off and find something else to winge about

    well said my son ;) :rotflmao: :018: :thumb04:

  10. Now that I have the online T-Shirt store up and running, you guys want to work with me to come up with a couple of designs for the BENI and/or Section G?

    that sounds pretty good idea caleyD (Y)

    i've also thought of a badge design for the group. could i meet up with you 2mo n show you what i have in mind? do you sit in section G?

  11. Only just noticed the pm.

    Yeah i'll take flag along on sat. Think its in shed somewhere. I'll hand it over to you before ko on sat. Our seats are very front row in section F. I'll be the guy carrying the big bag! Providing you look after it and i get it back at f.t i'm happy.

    alright everyone, sorry i haven't commented for a while just got bak from holiday today!

    good to see proctor getting involved (Y) looking forward to seeing you on sat mate :018: and govan jaggie that's great to hear you'll be back up with your flags (Y) (sorry for asking, but could you bring your pirate one aswell please ;))

    and bronson, yee that sounds totaly great and we'll most definately look after it!! it'll be either tom or i who will meet you at the bottom of section F/G on sat.

    really looking forward too th game now :rotflmao: and hopefully a buzzing atmosphere :thumb04:

  12. the most important and main reason for low turn-outs of crowds is due to the ridiculous prices set for matches!!

    if we had ticket prices of ?10 for adults and ?5 for conceesions, oap's and students i reckon we would get an extra 1000 through the gates for when we played the diddy teams like falkirk and saint mirren. the crowd would get larger depending on which team we were playing ie hearts/aberdeen. we would also see an increase in travelling supporters.

  13. enocuraging to see more people getting into it :rotflmao:

    that's a good point L_G made about switching seats for the game into section G!! even if some people were to move to section F then they could start somthing there. let's just say they could start "spreading the gospel" :thumb04:

  14. Rather than rely on everyone in the stand or area doing something like a card display why not have a display that a few people can put together, like streamers or buy some flags and distribute them around? If you try something like a big card display first off it might fall flat, as said above small acorns, big oaks.

    we're not plannin on doing a card display. we're just tryin to get people to bring flags to th game. streamer and balloon idea is good one though (Y) even if we were to use afew loo rolls, same effect really :rotflmao:

  15. whatever your problem is DC, that's your problem. no-one really cares because your in th minority!!! but lets not get off topic!

    CaleyD you into it? or what about caley100, alex macleod, theman4thejob, gringojnr or any other section G regulars are you up for it??

    i think there's alot of other youngsters who would be up for it but are not on th forum. do you think it would be possible to put somthing into the matchday programme or even the courier to inform them about future BENI displays or the "purchase your own flag" idea??

  16. I think a St Andrews cross would be much better than a flag of the Union.

    Scotland first. :018:


    Rule Britannia ;) :rotflmao:

    Think your on the wrong board....Now **** off to the Huns board where you obviously belong.

    Because only Rangers fans are Unionists... :lol:

    :thumb04: well said tommo

  17. myself and tomcaleyjag have decided that BENI should do some sort of display for the celtic game. we are both working on a banner that we will display pre-match and at half time. we were also wondering wether you were up for either a balloon or streamer display before kick-off? or wether you would rather just wave flags and banners?

    we would also like to encourage fans young and old to purchase their own flags in which they can take to all home games and wave pre-match, when we score and half time. a site which we have already used numerous times and sell high quality flags is www.1000flags.co.uk. they sell there flags for ?5 each with free postage. how do you feel about that?

    all new ideas for the display are welcome!! and i hope you're all enthusiastic about a potential big display as we are!!

    p.s. if the moderators want to switch this to the BENI forum that'ts cool. i just put it here so more people will notice it!

  18. very very well said ross :rotflmao:

    atmosphere was fantastic today at parts. we just need to build on this now and try and keep that atmosphere going from start to finish!!

    proper job today from team and fans and especially that one guy who told the jobsworths to take a hike. good times :thumb04:

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