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Posts posted by draganict

  1. I am now starting to feel very guilty about my earlier posts after seeing these poor peasants on their way back down from the Highlands last week.


    Could someone from the club or the fans club clarify how much money we gave these people?


    Can't help think If Billy had a more glamourous name he would be more in the limelight and get mentioned more often

    Sounds like a local plumber/joiner/painter but if it keeps him out of the minds from the money clubs from the English championship

    Billy does his job quietly and brilliantly for us and his goals last season and so far this reason are one if the main reasons where we presently are





    That is all....!


    Good thread. I have all the behind the scenes twitter text recorded forever. It was hilarious watching you guys planning to wind up people on CTO thinking we were not watching you. Not agreeing with your tactics but hey it was great watching you guys planning it. 


    No harm done. Good times - and you and some of your buddies had a good laugh along with the rest of us.




    I'm off to watch a non league team this weekend. Yep off to Hampden to watch non league Scotland play non league Belgium

    I'm off to watch Austria vs Germany in Munich in a wee weekend break with some of my new Austrian mates


    Like your posts on here buddy.


    I am in Stuttgart, Frankfurt and Munich regularly. I have got access to season tickets and hospitality at all 3 grounds but more regularly at Stuttgart. Tremendous stadium.


    Just give me a shout and we could go on a beer fest.


    Also just negotiating a sponsorship deal with Forest Green Rovers (long story)


    In your area regularly so just shout. 

  4. falkirk fc web page



    Where To Drink? Being on the outskirts of Falkirk there is not much in the way of choice of places to drink. Neil Stewart informs me; 'The nearest pub is the Mill Inn on Thornhill Road, which is around a five minute walk way, going towards the town centre. There is also the Tam Bain in Mary Street, Laurieston, which is around 10 minutes north of the stadium'. Kevin Dunn adds; 'There is a bar called Pennies at the old ice rink, just off the Grangemouth Road. Go up Grangemouth Rd towards the town centre and you will pass the college and the old ice rink (which is now an indoor football centre) on the left hand side. The pub is just down the right hand side of the old ice rink, near to the Saturday market'.
  5. After missing those chances yesterday he needs to go ASAP. We should bring in someone who would have scored 4.

    Dragan, you still about? Seem to have gone quiet after a very energetic start on the forum.

    Hi Fraz

    Been away at a WRI Conference so I have been to busy to come online, It was good fun though.

  6. I think the ICT Board are doing a remarkable job. In these times of austerity I have 100% respect for the job that they are doing on and of the park. What they have done for our club in a controlled and studious manner is nothing short of amazing in what are challenging times for clubs, business and commerce.


    On this occasion i disagree with Mr Cameron's decision and I am sure that he respects my view whilst maybe not agreeing with it. I most certainly respect his entitlement to and opinion and I also respect his authority to make a decision.


    I am stepping in nowhere (too busy elsewhere for that)  but will carry on buying my tickets, pies, merchandise whilst helping out where I can.  


    But anything we can do to assist the board would be admirable because between now and 2020 there could still be difficult commercial challenges both within and outside football.



    Why did you feel the need to quote your CV on of all things a football forum?  

    ps I am a supporter with an opinion

  7. I think the ICT Board are doing a remarkable job. In these times of austerity I have 100% respect for the job that they are doing on and of the park. What they have done for our club in a controlled and studious manner is nothing short of amazing in what are challenging times for clubs, business and commerce.


    On this occasion i disagree with Mr Cameron's decision and I am sure that he respects my view whilst maybe not agreeing with it. I most certainly respect his entitlement to and opinion and I also respect his authority to make a decision.


    I am stepping in nowhere (too busy elsewhere for that)  but will carry on buying my tickets, pies, merchandise whilst helping out where I can.  


    But anything we can do to assist the board would be admirable because between now and 2020 there could still be difficult commercial challenges both within and outside football.



    Why did you feel the need to quote your CV on of all things a football forum?  

  8. Scotty

    If you read back I think you will find  I took more incoming than I gave out. It seems that certain forum members can dish it out but not take it.


    If someone tries to beat me down because they boast about being a banker then yes I will respond.


    Why have you pulled me up on this?




    BTW the way I make no apology for detesting Aberdeen, Celtic, Rangers, Hearts, Dundee United, St Johnstone, Livingston. Dunfermline, Kilmarnock, Airdrie and Gretna (I don't hate Co*nty just feel sorry for them). Please accept my apologies in advance for any negative comments that I make about these organisations in the future.

  9. Not pulling "rank" in any way, just trying stimulate informed banter. BTW, I seriously hope you weren'y watching footie before I was born or you're in danger of being incredibly old!

    I am old but certainly not infirm.


    And certainly not fecking oldfirm

  10. We owe it to ourselves and Scottish football to hump these guys who have bankrupted joiners, plumbers, bakers, carpet fitters, mechanics, cleaners etc in latter years by not settling invoices whilst their fans on more than one occasion thronged on their thousands singing "Hearts, Hearts, Glorious Hearts down in Tynecastle bide" whilst knowing that they were winning under false pretences. How many families suffered at home due to redundancy and debt while these t*ssers were lining the street celebrating?


    Let us give them good hiding instead of all this patronising donation cr*p to MAKE REPAIRS TO A STADIUM IN GORGIE ROAD. 


    Go on ICT. Never apologise for speaking the truth.


    CALEY TILL I DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!








    Dragan, you have posted elsewhere that fans should be doing more to take control of their clubs and having a say in how they are run....this seems to be in stark contrast to your comments and views on this thread.


    ICT have protected their own financial position by ring-fencing the income from the average visiting Hearts support and are making a donation to a fans group who are helping to keep their club operating while another fans driven organisation attempts to find a way for their club to continue.


    Nothing at all in any of that is damaging ICT....quite the opposite.  There's also no hint of supporting those responsible for Hearts getting into the position they have, nor is it supporting a return to a regime who are likely to run the club in similar fashion in the future (should they survive)....in fact, it's not supporting any of the groups looking to make a bid to take over the club.


    Not only is your economic evaluation of the offer clearly wrong, your moral evaluation also seems to suffering somewhat as well.

    Your post lacks cohesion and clarity. What are you trying to say? No matter how much you bleat my opinion will not change.


    We have great board who apply a great deal of dilligence to the governance of our team.


    Our role should not be to help finance Heart's successes of the past few years. It is none of our business. Have you conducted due dilligence on this organisation that you are proposing to finance. Do you even know who they are?


    You clearly have not got any background in business or economics.



    1.  The offer protects ICT's financial position as income from the average visiting club is ring-fenced.  i.e. no split of income will be offered from the first 650 tickets.

    2.  The club will benefit to the tune of £15 for every additional (full paying) Hearts fan that attends as a result of the offer.

    3.  Your claims that this somehow supports a corrupt regime are unfounded.

    4.  Yes, as a matter of fact I did do some due diligence on the 1874 Fighting Fund...maybe you should too before digging yourself a deeper hole.

    5.  Qualified as a Financial Consultant aged 18, held position as Senior Compliance Auditor, Senior Risk Management Officer, Head Analyst (Change Management), Project Manager (Change Management)...all for a major banking group.  Does that count as having a sufficient background in business or economics to allow me to comment on this subject?


    All for a major banking group? Check you out! All for a major banking group?


    That instills trust in us all oh wise one. All for a major banking group? I would be keeping that to myself sonny after the recent performance of MAJOR BANKING GROUPS. You could be unemployable with a CV like that my boy. Especially if you are now backing UKIOS Bank Group.


    Sorry in answer to question number 5 you are probably the last person I would ask on this subject.


    ALL FOR A MAJOR BANKING GROUP. Who the feck do you think you are? 












    GET A GRIP!!!!!!!!



    As Chairman of caley Jags Together, I was genuinely interested in your ideas about membership etc, and would have raised them at my next meeting with Kenny Cameron. In light of that last post - won't be happening. I realise that you appear to be new around this forum and appear to be wanting to point score, but that is out of order. If someone presents you with  a counter argument, could you do them the good grace of arguing back instead of spewing vitriol at someone you don't know. That's how we work. If you want to discuss your ideas, PM me please - but don't expect me to get into a haranguing match on this forum. Cheers, Davie Balfour.


    In my opinion you used your status to take a shot at me and I can assure I don't back down to cheap shots. Not from you or anybody else. If I have anything to say to Kenny Cameron on a commercial basis (and yes I have some positive ideas that may or may not involve you) I will talk to the club directlly. I hope to do this soon on a schools season iticket nitiative backed by some businesses.


    If you send outgoing fire then please expect some incoming fire!


    There is really good fun on the forum and I treat it as good fun. Bit of banter here and a bit of banter there. I thought publishing your CV online was quite ridiculous.


    I have been on the forum before and I can assure you that I watched Caley with my Dad in the days of Clyne, Pressley, Allan, Park, Urquart, Caldwell, Johnston etc before you were born and I regularly stood in the Howden End before you were born so don't give me the newcomer attitude. 


    There is no harm in stimulating debate but do not even attempt to pull rank!!!!!!! I will continue to express  my opinion

  12. Imagine the scene in a Hearts household!


    I live in Wester HaIles and my family budget is £200 this week,


    mmm will I spend £120 on a trip to Inverness. Bit expensive so I probably will spend the money on family stuff instead. OH wait a minute if I blow the £120 on the trip  ICT will donate £5 to a group who at the moment have feck all to do with the running of Hearts.


    What should I Ngoo DO? Will I blow the £120 but cut back a bit and do the family stuff and I could put double (£10) towards Hearts if I  don't travel.



  13. On my YouTube account I'm starting a new series called "Away Days" based on ICT's away games this season with there being footage of the match from the away end, goals from the game and reviews on it. This may be a pointless idea but I thought it would be alright if I made videos to show my support to the club. I made the first episode yesterday based on the Celtic game. Hope it's okay and I'd love to hear feedback on it:)

    Absolutely brilliant my man. Please keep it up. Maybe a future career

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