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Status Updates posted by TheHighlandsAreOurs

  1. At least we don't have any hearts fans or st mirren fans at are school

  2. Beat so what,but you didn't give a **** before the game #Dikes

  3. Big brother is the biggest heep of pish iver #shitonthetelly

  4. Big game for caley today, really want the win! #ICTFC

  5. Calaise can really work it! Damn!!!!!!

  6. Caley have no decent squad players,and connor pepper never gets a run out and then when we need them who have we got...Phillip roberts<*****

  7. Can anyone in my English tell me the task for the close reading as I have lost the sheet!!?

  8. Can so tell me and @WhiskeyRoger369 are ganna have fun Monday morning double drama with the penguin #ideal

  9. Cheer up Jonny Scott spent a bomb to go see his team "trash" mine,ooh i think he'll regret that Monday

  10. Claire winna let me go to the fitba seterday #****

  11. Could be worse could've been born in Dingwall!

  12. Craig Gordon feels same way I did after parents evening!

  13. DA **** so bored!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Dale on FaceTime all I hear is Dale "da ****!!,Kerri!!" A shot of the floor and the dog and the dogs bed in shreds, so funny!!

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