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Posts posted by Piledriver

  1. Hi guys, Hibs fan in peace.


    Hopefully I will get a reasonable welcome as per your banner at the top of the page. Highland Welcome and all that :smile:


    I have been watching this farce from a Neutral perspective as my team couldnae get past QOS in the cup.


    Both Hibs.net and Jambos Kickback have gone into meltdown regarding the issue of DW. 8 pages on .net and 13 pages on Kickback. Each trying to outdo the other.


    To correct a couple of posters on here, it actually started on a jambo's facebook page which was then questioned on kickback and then the Hibs fans got digging. It's a sad state of affairs and brings out the worst in fans when they start having a go at the other clubs fans, none of whom have anything to do with the issue. I'm sure you're aware of the thread on Kickback but wondered what you thought of this comment.




    "Can I give a wee history lesson on Caley Thistle. When the merger occured those for it had to obtain a two third majority from the Caley shareholders to transfer the assets of the club to Caley Thistle. They didn't achieve it but yet still went ahead and transfered the assests. Some old Caley fans tried to freeze the assets but ran out of money to fight it as you could not get a lawyer in the highlands to touch the case and they had to take one up from Edinburgh each time.

    The club was rotten from the start and still is.

    The majority of there "supporters" are Celtic and Rangers fans. I even heard one say today it was a bad weekend for him as Caley and Celtic lost!!!! What????? EHHHH??

    Horrible little club".


    I hope for the sake of Scottish football that the truth comes out, and if Hearts got the all clear from the SFA, they'd surely have a copy of the fax.(paper permitting).

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