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Posts posted by Charlie1986

  1. Yeah i understand the banter between ex players and fans but still there is a line that shouldn't be crossed. I think some of our fans have a genuine hatred towards him, its all fun and games but when people start to comment on a personal level without knowing the guy it just shows ignorance.

    Anyway its only a minority but sometimes it goes a wee bit far. We are still in a small enough city where fans and players can be friends etc so we never no who we could be offending. Lets keep it banter between fan and player and not cross that line. I know this won't stop it happening the comments I've made but sometimes gotta just put it out there.

    Anyway amazing season, lets talk about that instead of talking about another teams player. Seems a little petty don't you think.

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  2. Im embarrassed when i read some of the comments about vigurs on here, being a caley fan but also a friend of vigurs and his family i can't believe some of the rubbish that our fans come out with as he is a top genuine guy, i don't post on forums usually but this deserved a reply. I think some of the comments about vigurs are completely childish and lack backing, going on about how much he hates us, but really its our fans that waste time making up pathetic songs about him and boo him every time he gets the ball. He's just doing a job and does it well, all we do is sound bitter and jealous. Some of our fans should show more class, however, class probably eludes them.

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