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Status Updates posted by highlandrover

  1. Why do you continue to sell 'The Sport' A paper that is anti women and that promotes vile mysoginist porn.What utter hypocrisy.

  2. I've just wasted 30 minutes re registering with this crap site, I've been given a new password however the whole process ended up with me being told to contact administrator, stuff that this site is useless, doesnt work and 'with a validation key running to30 odd digits its like fort knox.All this in order to post a few stories for a laugh !

  3. Co-op to remove 'lads mag' Nuts magazine from shelves because it won't tone down front page http://t.co/7hHn9bnbcI

  4. .@MichaelKissman Please show leadership: #losetheladsmags. No half-measures like cover wraps or age restrictions. http://t.co/nyOAncpcVr

  5. How about a boycott of the UN ETHICAL CO OP who profit from selling the vile anti woman 'Daily Sport'

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