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neil mcleary

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Posts posted by neil mcleary

  1. Remember to take your EHIC - European Health Insurance Card. 


    It allows you to use the Romanian NHS however you DO NOT want to. Make sure you have travel insurance.

    Believe it or not Sneckboy Romania does actually have a national health service providing free healthcare to all citizens and financed by the state.

    The quotes above are not directly linked, but are both related this post, which will hopefully clarify an earlier post I made.
    I apologise to Neil for taking umbrage over what was simply a difference of opinion on 'semantics'.
    I read the acronym 'NHS' as the 'National Health service (UK), and I understand that by 'Romanian NHS', you were simply referring to (the equivalent) 'Romanian national health service'.

    Apology accepted, thanks. Hats off to anyone who works in the NHS. UK/Romania have a reciprocal arrangement where by Nationals qualify for free treatment in the others country but its a bit like swapping your Rolls Royce for their Dacia! Wouldn't like to post any stories on this forum, better just say it's best avoided.

    • Agree 1
  2. "Romanian NHS" - you couldn't make it up...
    "The NHS" are not some world-wide body waiting for you, to right your indiscretions and woes, or possible medical needs - it's unique to the UK (in name, certainly).

    Almost every country has it's own 'healthcare system'. This arrogant 'NHS will pick it up' attitude is so typical of society today -  no personal responsibility.
    Bugs me particularly, as I work in the NHS - and can't go to the away leg!

    But, unlike IHE, I don't compile the 'off duty', (as we call it in the NHS)!

    Not sure if I understand your post but sorry if you have been offended by it.

    I don't think my wording was wrong because I was referring to the "free" Health Service of the Nation of Romania and what I was suggesting is that it is a long way from our NHS. I won't go into detail on these pages.

    If someone is unlucky enough to have a problem they are better seeking private care, the cost of which will hopefully be covered by your insurance. 

    • Agree 3
    • Disagree 1
  3. First post guys, but a huge fan from the beginning and follower of this forum forever. Travelling to Romania, and have a query. In some European countries you have to show Photographic ID when you go through the turnstiles. Will this be the case in Giurgiu? If so we'll have to take our passports to the game. 


    First post guys, but a huge fan from the beginning and follower of this forum forever. Travelling to Romania, and have a query. In some European countries you have to show Photographic ID when you go through the turnstiles. Will this be the case in Giurgiu? If so we'll have to take our passports to the game. 

    Good to highlight that, JagXE might be worth checking as its just as important not to take it if its not required. Or keep it in the safe and take a driving licence card instead

    Pretty sure I didn't in the games I've been to. Romania is one of those countries where you have to carry your ID card for everything. Probably a good shout regarding the driving licence though.

    A good tip anyway is to take a photocopy of your passport abroad. Maker it easier to get a replacement if it goes missing.

    • Agree 1
  4. That's us over 170 on the list now so only another 20 or so and we're onto coach number 5 which I think is a great effort! 
    No problem making it 6 coaches if we need it.....

    As Scotty has said on the event page the online payment facility will be set up in the next couple of days - £10 per head return including online transaction fee. Needs to be paid before we go as I don't want to be wandering round Bucharest with loads of cash in my pocket!

    Is it possible to overpay for the bus as a thank you to DBJ? Or we could just buy him 170 pints?

  5. If anyone is there by Tuesday they could take in the Steaua Bucharest Champions League game. If all games kick off at 7:45pm UK that would be 9:45pm in Bucharest.

    Game will probably be in the National Stadium as there are no other stadiums in Romania that meet CL guidelines.

    I went to a 2nd round game a few years ago and I think it was £8!

    I was at their qualifying game against Stromgodset last season. Nice shiny new stadium and their ultras are pretty mental but a lot of turmoil at the club at the moment. The army have taken away their badge! http://www.espnfc.com/blog/espn-fc-united/68/post/2497187/dinamo-steaua-bucharest-derby-nick-ames

    Interesting. Do you think Marius Niculae will be at the game or did the transfer dispute leave bad feelings?


    His old agent is an Inverness lad who lives out there with his Romanian wife. I was in touch with him about this trip. He says Marius is on holiday at the moment so he wasn't sure if he was aware of the European tie. He did say that he was absolutely buzzing when we won the cup so I guess there are no hard feelings. Marius is a really highly respected player in Romania. My girlfriend is Romanian and when I was telling her family that Marius played in Inverness they thought that we must be a big club. Romanian media might be less naieve but they probably think we're decent. I'll get the lowdown on what they're saying closer to the time.

    Looks like he's heard about the game!

    Former Caley Thistle striker Marius Niculae tips Astra to beat Inverness


  6. Yep, Many Thanks DBJ for arranging this. Anybody any idea what currency to take; Euros or Romanian dosh or a mixture of both?

    From Bucharest in your pocket

    Romania’s currency is the leu (plural lei), divided into 100 bani. Leu notes come in denominations of 500, 200, 100, 50, 10, 5 and 1. There are also 50, 10, 5 and 1bani coins. €1 is cur - rently worth 4.44 lei. The best place to get your hands on lei is at an ATM. If you have to change cash, do it inside a bank. Credit and debit cards (MasterCard and Visa) are accepted almost everywhere. American Express cards are less widely accepted, but can usually be used in Bancpost ATMs. 


    In most places I would use lei. roughly 5 lei = £1. Beer = 5-10 lei. A meal + drinks 50-100 lei

    If you take cash for exchanging it needs to be good quality English notes (no folds, pen marks etc) or euros. You will also need to show your passport and count it when you get it. NEVER change with someone who approaches you in the street, it'a a scam. If you have to change at the airport just get enough to get you to the town, the rate is rubbish.

    ****Look after your money etc. Romania is very safe for violent crime but there are a lot of expert pick pockets****

    If you take a rucksack keep it to the front on buses etc as they will take a blade to it.

    Don't leave your phone on the table when out, you will be distracted and it will get lifted.

  7. If anyone is there by Tuesday they could take in the Steaua Bucharest Champions League game. If all games kick off at 7:45pm UK that would be 9:45pm in Bucharest.

    Game will probably be in the National Stadium as there are no other stadiums in Romania that meet CL guidelines.

    I went to a 2nd round game a few years ago and I think it was £8!

    I was at their qualifying game against Stromgodset last season. Nice shiny new stadium and their ultras are pretty mental but a lot of turmoil at the club at the moment. The army have taken away their badge! http://www.espnfc.com/blog/espn-fc-united/68/post/2497187/dinamo-steaua-bucharest-derby-nick-ames

    Interesting. Do you think Marius Niculae will be at the game or did the transfer dispute leave bad feelings?


  8. If anyone is there by Tuesday they could take in the Steaua Bucharest Champions League game. If all games kick off at 7:45pm UK that would be 9:45pm in Bucharest.

    Game will probably be in the National Stadium as there are no other stadiums in Romania that meet CL guidelines.

    I went to a 2nd round game a few years ago and I think it was £8!

  9. For flights try: http://www.skyscanner.net/

    KLM usually the best and may include a long transfer in Amsterdam :twothumbsup:

    hotels: http://www.trivago.co.uk/

    Definitely stay in Bucharest, i'm sure transfers can be organized even if it's 4 in a taxi.

    Type "old town bucharest" into google images, wall to wall pubs!

    football pub in centre http://www.halftimepub.ro/

    Unless you have an aversion to cheap beer, cheap food and sunshine get yourself along.

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