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Posts posted by bwf91

  1. I do fear if we do keep Richie Foran for next season for a number of factors. I also think that any suggestions of RF being kept in an alternative role (i.e assistant) would be a incredibly bad idea and a disaster waiting to happen. 

    - His recruitment was poor and will inevitably be harder in the Championship with less money and the club being less of an attraction.

    - He had a team that was on paper not the 12th ranked team in the league and underperformed massively. The team assembled for next season will not imo be one of the top 2 squads in the league therefore we will have a need for a manager that can get the best out of his players if we have aspirations of returning to the top flight.

    - His man management skills are below par and 'stories' of fall outs and discontent coupled with remarkable post match interviews anywhere else would not have been tolerated. 

    I sincerely hope the board are trying to find funds or a replacement during this period of silence from the club. You would like to think that despite the 4 year contract, there would be something inserted stating that in the event of relegation full severance would not be paid, although that sounds too much like common sense for the ICT board. 

    Many fans I know and from reading posts on here, it seems that a large amount of season ticket renewals will be hanging in the balance until the fans have a clearer picture of the way ahead.

    • Agree 5
  2. I do understand this completely.

    In terms of wanting something in return, I do not really see the benefits of getting shares in return. Possibly a seat at the table with voting rights for a CJT type organisation?

    I do believe a model like FOH would increase transparency between club and member fans, something that people on this forum have been bumping their gums at recently. 

    Like I said earlier, I don't know the ins and out of fan investment models and what can and can't be achieved in the way of shares being issued.

  3. I believe an initiative similar to the Foundation of Hearts could only be a positive thing. Not that I am claiming to know all the ins and outs.

    I do believe however, that it would be an issue asking fans to generate a lump sum, and believe that even a direct debit of £20 a month is not unrealistic. I acknowledge that fans do already contribute in the way of ST and so on and that the small match day attendances may perceive that getting 1000 fans to sign up could provide a stumbling block. But, I do feel there is a bigger following than matchday crowds indicate with many loyal fans living out with the area as well as having other commitments which impact this. 

    As an example, 1000 fans giving £20 over a 12 month period = £240000 pa

    Just a thought...

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