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Posts posted by Brian

  1. Would agree with Proctor being dropped from current position

    Fish out of water comes to mind.

    Unfortunately for him, he has been played midfield and centre half this season, neither of which is really his position.

    No threat going forward from midfield (accepted he scored goal!)

    Only real threat posed from right back but will have to dispose of Tokely

  2. Lionel was badly positioned and we would have been screaming for a pen if it had happended at the other end.

    Sending off - rather soft as not sure Falkirk player would have reached it, didn't see the ref assistant lending a hend in the decision.

    I honestly thought that as not serious foul play, his ban was in cup and would only hit next year, and so would stick with him.

    He is raw, positional sense is lacking but Hastings was not good when he came on and didn't pass ball well.

    Lack of control with ball also left him open to losing control too often

  3. a long way to go yet and lots of points to be won and lost.

    Have to make sure we win our home games and pick some points away and we will be safe

    Still will be tough but hopefully will get the necessary points to stay up and the Board learn by this season

  4. Stunner

    Brilliant score and off the bottom, would have taken losing tonight if we had won on Saturday

    Cup tie should give us a bit of relief from the relegation fight

    So come on guys (and gals) get out and support your team on Saturday and the following Saturdays, they need as much support as possible

  5. I would add that today I thought the pitch was the worst I have seen it for ages.

    Between Hibs game and yesterdays there has been work done on it, which appeared to leave it rutted and filled with sand.

    Park has generally been good since I moved here in 2000, and contrary to radio commentators, has always managed to put on a game.

    Quite a few players failed to get a good grip and slipped, occasionally at critical times

  6. Butcher has given him confidence. Stuck by him even when he has made some very simple errors. Brewster would have dropped him after 1 game like he did with forwards and Duff.

    Played well today some scary moments but overall it wasbetween him and Imrie for man of match

  7. Good performance first half, faded second but whereas before would have conceded and lost the game, they really didn't look like losing the game

    Great first goal, second from Rooney was a peach of a finish too

    Could have done with getting the second goal earlier, first half we could have got it, but still a bit hesitant in front of goals and even taking shots from outside the box. Today showed a slight improvement in both but we need to start shooting on site on occasion

    SLow progress but hopefully as each game passes improvement will keep coming and we will save ourselves from relegation

    Cup run would be good too, so hope for a home draw tomorrow

    We should not be scared of anyone

  8. Agree he is still not match fit, but think he will become a great asset for us over the rest of the season.

    Actually surprised he lasted the full game

    I thought his work rate was excellent, although the whole team appeared to fall out of the game for a fair chunk of second half and were on back foot for ages

    I like was I have seen so far and long may it continue and improve even more, he has brought something to the team

  9. Need a center foward to provide "guidance" and support to Rooney and Woods and Barrowman, all to young to run the line on their own, need experience

    Kerr I would take, thought he mat try and use his connections at Ibrox to get a loan.

    I realise the previous loan from Ibrox didn't work, but then Caley did not give him a chance

  10. First sight of him today, been on holiday!!!

    Looks really good and good reports from Hearts game

    All signings made in window are all short term until end of season so Butcher has his work cut out.

    Yet again Board being over cautious and not wanting to commit funds in case we go down.

    Whereas we should be committing funds to ensure we are positive about staying up, FANS are now we need the BOARD to STAND UP AND BE COUNTED

  11. Brewster out after results from next two games is too late if we lose them

    Would leave a mountain to climb to safety##Team played really well first half and really looked up for it

    They need a game where they score 2/3 goals quickly, and early on to settle the nerves and give the confidence a bost.

    All the platers anow appear to be passing the buck when it looks easier to have a shot at goal (trying to walk it in comes to mind)

    Hopefully will not come to this though

    Will miss games now as away to Tenerife for some sun next weekend, but my thought swill be at the ground!

  12. Has to be Robertson with Pressley as player/coach.

    He would be ideal to bring in alongside Munro and would bring some stability to defense.

    Brings back the dominating Mann/Dods centre half we have missed.

    Also now need to seek out a centre forward with some experince and a midfielder now short even if Black stays to end of season and do not want to be left in lurch towards end of window if Cowie moves.

    The quicker Brew moves on the quicker the team can get settled into new regime.

    Would be good to have in place prior to Rangers game so they are better prepared for Thistle.

    Need a good cup run this year to bolster coffers!!

  13. Bewster was a good signing when he came here but that was also as a player and he certainly gave us a lift then.

    This time around his tactics must be questioned.

    Play at home with 1 up, away with 1 up but then last week v St Midden her plays two up - why!

    Wood was good today and was turing the Aberdeen defence for fun, when he got the ball to feet, but then found himself all alone

    Brewster puts on Rooney once we are 3 down - that achieves what?

    3 bas goals, first down to what looked like a bad refering decision to award a free kick (at least from where I was sitting)

    Gent in front of me, quite rightly applauded Aluko wen he was subbed - we had no one close to him at all ( 2 rousing Tokely challenges near the corner flag) but other than that he ran the show.

    Also did we win the toss and changed ends - was this Brew's last throw of the dice to change our luck at home.

    If this is his best tactic then definitely time to go

    Who to get in would be next issue

    Robbo back?????

  14. As I stated at outset odd change of tactics

    Also thought Duff had played well at Centre Half andthought last week should have had Proctor at right back and |Duff centre half.

    never mind damage done now I think.

    Still time to hit back but our scoring record this year not good

    McAllister and McBain on again odd choice especially when taking Black off

    Come on Caley prove us wrong and fight back

    Also again slow out blocks for second half and lose goal

  15. Home form is what is most depressing.

    Teams didn't like coming to INverness, now no longer the case.

    We have the odd great game but are getting so predictable

    1 up front and playing long ball up and hoping midfield (generally Cowie) trying to get up to support.

    When we do play well and pass the ball we can look like a really good team but this does not happen often enough, by miles!!

    Brew's tactics are questionable, 1 up and then playing 2 up once we have fallen behind, today was the exception, bar one occasion when we were winning 1 - 0 v Celtic at home and for some reason for last 10 minutes we ended up playing with 3 forwards and lost the game.

    We appear to have an inability this season to go ahead in a game always waking up once behind!

  16. Think Barry is unlikely to last a full game so would it not be better to have him coming on later in game and use his experience to settle team as we close games out - if only our strikers would score!!

    Imrie tends to overrun the ball as was most evident today.

  17. Excellent result today. Not at match but radio gave impression we were holding out ok and playing well on break.

    NOw need to build on this and get results this week against Falkirk and Hearts.

    If we do then then it will be a good week and hopefully a turning point in our season which would then hopefully lead to a successful season again, maybe even top 6 - the league is still very close and a couple of back to back wins ( 3 this week would be magnificent and well within our capabilities) would have us climbing the league

  18. Think Rooney and Barrowman are the future pairing, with Wood in reserve.

    Could Wood go on loan to a higher level than Montrose to help

    Why did we not go for Lovell - scoring goals for Falkirk already

    Maybe we will go for Buchanan again in January, although he is still injured (I think) although again another player not yet proven in SPL

  19. We are still just I thnk very close to turning this around

    Need someone to consistently stick the ball in the net and someone to dominate the central defence.

    Tokely needs more pressure exerted on him for his place

    I think we willhit the goal trail soon, but it needs to be soon and on a consistent basis especially at home

    Also concentrate for 90 minutes, don't think that is a hard thing to ask, we always appear to lose concentration and get punished for it big style.

    One small blip on Saturday lost us the game, the coming together of Woods and Rooney when if Woods ahd taken the ball we couod have been 2 up, think Rooney was offside anyway and should have held back.

    We have to start getting results and what is also disturbing is that Caley and Accies sit in the bottom 2 of the reserve league

    We need to keep Black, even with the temparament but he is getting better at managing it.

    Hopefor adecent Scottish Cup run now as the money comes in handy

    Noted Rangers had included this game in their season ticket allocation - would we have done that - think not.

    Still think not promoting the team properly - should have a kiosk at Tesco's on Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings prior to a match - makes it easier for getting folks to come along

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