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Posts posted by Caley4eva

  1. Haha never thought of it like that lol. Ned 4 Bs for my Uni course so 2 down 2 to go lol. Whats everyone taking next year? lol - im doing English, Home Ec, History and a crash higher in Modern Studies plus a HND in Gaelic formal writing lol (V.posh i know lol)

  2. Yeah i notcied that - haven't got a clue why though. My cousins going to buy me my ticket lol. He's there right now  :019: I really wish i was there and i'm sure i'll here all about it lol. But i am goin lol

  3. Well i got texts from my cousins and mate who said they were having a good time and enjoying themselves and i have to go next year which i plan to do - work can go stuff themselves if my mate can get off then so can i. Im starting saving from now on lol

  4. It's looking brillant aint it I loved the Kook and the Chillis. Got a text earlier from them saying it was brill!!  :019: How does it compare with Rockness ?? anybody lol

  5. Yeah but they're just jealous cause he is ours not theirs. I think it's brillant he hasn't forgotten his roots or Scotland. I cant wait to see Andy play hope he starts before i have to go out. Good Luck Andy!!!!!!!!. Yeah it was Peter Nicol who defected to England where he supposedly gets more money ha !!!

  6. I don't care if Andy Murray has an attitude problem i for one list him as a hero of mine. I think they way he is handling things is great. I dont like those English people who have been sending him the sick mail about Dunblane now thats really sick for you

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