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Posts posted by ICTBTTH

  1. There already are one or two drums at the games. If we could get one section of people who will actually bother thier a**e to make alot of noise then yes it would be a cracking atmosphere. The fact that people who do bother to sing sit in different sections of the north stand doesn't help the atmosphere really. Because this game is on Setanta then not many people who dont have season tickets will prob go down the pub or stay at home.

  2. 4046242638a10745262778l.jpg

    Praise goes to the police. The coppers that came up and asked us to sit down told us they didnt want to do it but because it was from someone higher up the chain then they had to come up and tell us it. Personally i hope Falkirk at home means the winner stays up and the loser goes down because it will be a fantastic game. Might be cagey at times but all the same. Would love to see us beat the cnuts nxt weekend. I hope the support there will be on a par as yesterday as i have to admit, i was proud to be a part of.

  3. I wasn't alive when this happened but I watched a documentary on it and I was practcally in tears.

    Innocent people just layed on the pitch and passed away.

    A lovely Sunny Aprils afternoon turned out to be such a nightmare and yet no one has ever been in trouble.

    It is very hard to bring somone in front of a court accused of something like this. There was a number of factors that contributed to the disaster. The fact that police were still letting people in when it could be seen a mile off there was no room for anyone was yes probably a big factor but its hard to pin point the exact cause of the crush. Sure i wasnt alive at the time but from what i seen no one in particular was to blame for this.

    Yes i agree with the next guy that the families deserve justice at least but there was bound to be a case like this when there was all standing stadiums and i for one am sorry that this had to happen for the authorities to take this decision. Ok it was easier to build stadiums like that back in the day but, and i really do not mean anyone any offence or that, am glad that that was the one and only time something like this could happen.

  4. dont know how many of you seen the record the day but there was a bit on Bobby Williamson and he was saying that there is some cracking talent in africa and the market was very cheap.. The clubs are semi-pro and its been said that any players club would not stand in the way of them chasing better football. Look at David Obua at hearts hes been good when iv seen him and i know that not every player in africa is good but it could work for us. Sure we might pick up a dud once in a while but i reckon if we find the brilliant players and get them to come over im sure they would jump at the chance of playing regular football if they are upto the challenge. If we do pick any duds im sure we could always sell to a smaller club and easily get our money back.

  5. If we moved to the Bucht theres no question that itd take alot longer to drive away form the ground after a match, but then we would adapt, as fans of other clubs have done over the years. Less would drive to games, more people would take advantage of the free buses, we would get used to adding 20 minutes onto journeys etc.

    All said the Bucht thing will never happen..!

    Think about it as well, the local businesses would also benefit if it was decided that we move there then renovate the roads going in/out to the general area. The road inbetween the Ice Rink/Aquadome is far to narrow for my liking. Plus people could get buses/walk to the ground a heck of alot easier than where we are currently situated, thus also doing our bit foir the enviro

  6. i hope the person who was filmed pushing the man to the ground gets what he deserves.

    Why is it 1 rule for everyone else yet those "rules" dont seem to apply to policemen or that? Having watched the footage it wasnt just once that the police officers had had a pop at him but 3 or 4 times. Its shocking

  7. I would be delighted wi the Bught. Could we not just build 3 more stands around the one thats already on the pitch there an lease it out when the close season to the shinty?

  8. Whats the difference between Wendy Richards and Jade Goody?

    With any luck, about a fortnight

    What do ye call Jade Goddy in a wedding dress?

    A Shuttlecock.

    The Press Complaints Commission say that despite receiving over 60 complaints about OK! magazine publishing a 'tribute issue' to Jade Goody even though she isn't dead yet, they will not be holding an investigation.

    They have suggested a compromise, however. They've offered to kill her.

  9. hopefully we can get him and others on permanent long term contracts as we cant really afford to lose him. He has done wonders for Munro and hopefully they will be our rear guard partnership for a long time to come.

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