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Posts posted by troublegum007

  1. Just heard the interview after the game. After Brewster was asked about Wyness not being included in the squad he states Denzil has until the end of the season to prove he's worth a contract (presumably, his worth is proved somewhere other than on the pitch then if he isn't going to be in the squad), then rambles about the inability to score today, then stutters through a lack of firepower comment. Lucky that our most experienced striker was left at home then huh

  2. Just read this idea which apparently has Gordon Smiths backing,what do ya's think? I reckon it's a great idea which would maintain intrest in many more league games and improve crowds

    12 team SPL..play each other twice.then top 8 play each other twice again  to decide Euro places and Champions...bottom four join up with top four of the 1st ..play each other twice...top four of that mini league are in the SPL the next season.. total 36 games a year...

    This may be a stupid question, but I haven't seen the idea anywhere but here - Surely you can only take the top 4 teams after all teams have completed all fixtures, so does this mean that Division 1 teams will have played 36 games by the time the SPL clubs have played 22, or would division 1, 2 and 3 be altered too?

  3. Can't disagree with those asking for an announcement soon. I don't post here often and last time I did about Brewster I think it was something along the lines of, "I didn't think he was the right man for the job, but as a fan of the club let's wait til the end of the season and judge from there". Well, our season is over now in reality and nothing has made me believe he is taking this club anywhere but the 1st division. Aside from the playing side of things, the treatment of certain players has been a disgrace. If we are going to appoint a new manager Brewster has to go now to give some time to find a new manager before the end of the season, so that he can assess who he wants to keep and where he needs to strengthen during the summer. Bottom line, like many other people have already said today - Brewster OUT NOW!!!

  4. As was already said looking at a different angle on video is the best way of seeing it properly. A still image can always look a lot worse. You're taking a split second of something that happened at pace, so the photos are always going to look worse than video. You can take frames from any video if you're selective enough and change the entire context of it.  The photo shows the studs hitting the shin but half a second before that was the boot in line with where the ball was and Eduardo just got there first?

    With that said, at best it's a very poor tackle and at worst, if it was intentional, it's an absolute disgrace.

  5. Just to throw a completely random idea in (since he's just quit his job), what about having a young manager working alongside Roy Hodgson? It's extremely unlikely to ever happen but just wondered what people thought since he's well respected as a coach and undoubtably has great knowledge of international football

  6. You going to "ban" all the supporters who booed the Team off the pitch against Motherwell too?

    People do have the right to express an opinion, but to boo a player before he's had any involvement in the game is hardly justified on that day. The team was booed off against Motherwell by fans disappointed with the performance, the entire team weren't booed onto the field yesterday because of the performance 2 weeks ago.

    Is Rory up to SPL standard? Right now, I'd agree with those who say he's not at the moment but he's going to be around the squad because he is one of the few U21 players who have any 1st team experience, and although he would no doubt benefit from going on loan to County, Elgin, Peterhead or another lower division side to get some first team experience with less pressure on him it won't happen because of the U21 rule. He came back yesterday after a while out injured and before he even had the chance to get involved in the game he's got people on his back. That seriously can't be helping the guy's confidence

  7. As ridiculous a decision as it was to give a free kick to the Itaians, it shows how far this team have come in the last 2 years how gutted we are that it cost us the match. From expecting to lose to countries like Belarus not so long ago, to being genuinely disappointed we didn't turn over the world champions in a match we could have won. The Scotland squad have been outstanding through the campaign (Georgia away aside, which is the one that really cost us qualification as it turned out) and played for the shirt. Let's look forward to 2010 in South Africa now  :021:

  8. If you had x-ray vision and could see through anything, wouldn't you see through everything and actually see nothing?

    If Milli Vanilli fell in the woods and would someone else make a sound?

    Would you need to use a silencer to shoot a mime artist?

    Can you be a closet claustrophobic?

    Why does monosyllabic have so many syllables?

    How many people actually thought of the Post-It note before it was invented but didn't have anything to jot it down on?

  9. Cup winning teams in the Champions League was never going to happen. From the point of having more actual "champions" of some kind it would have made sense though, considering the name of the tournament. Perhaps if they just rename it the "Big Clubs With Money League" it'd stop people from questioning why the majority of teams in the group stages of a CHAMPIONS league aren't actually champions

  10. Is Brew still the right man for the job?

    Like a number of people on here I didn't think he was when he was appointed, but he's in the job now and I'll be happy at the end of the season to say I was wrong if he turns things around. He does have a lot of work to do if that's to be the case though, starting with finding a solution to the defensive problems

  11. while walking the dog I saw RH running down the hill from Culloden, past Tesco and carrying on past Raigmore hospital, he was going at a fair rate of knots, he was wearing the yellow training kit with the sponsors logo on, fully expected some of the other lads to come after him but no such luck, either he was way in front or way behind

    or he'd been nominated to go find and bring back the ball following a shot by rory in training  :016:

  12. For some reason a lot of fans seemed to be drawn into a storm of pro Warnock hysteria... but on the basis of what? A statement from Warnock which smacked seriously of the shop window? Did the directors ever really rate him as a realistic option? Would his financial requirements have been realsitic? How big a risk would there have been of him being away in months to the Premiership or the Championship? Does he really know much about Scotland outside the Old Firm?

    .............and did the board interview him to find out?

  13. If you look at the last 3 managerial appointments made the board took a chance on each one. Robbo and Brewster lacked experience as managers and CC lacked experience and had no real profile outside of Inverness. Surely if Warnock is even a remote possibility it's time to take a chance in the other direction and bring in someone high profile with bags of experience. We're not a diddy club from the Highlands enjoying a holiday in the big league now. We're an established SPL side. What we need is someone to take the club to the next level. I'm not a fan of a some of the things Warnock has done and said throughout his career, but one thing that can't be denied is that his teams go out and play with passion and fight for the cause. He has experience of taking teams with limited resources and pushing them on from the position they were at when he took over, and if there is a genuine interest from him then the club should be doing what they can to try and work a deal out.

    Coyle would be the traditional risk that we've taken in the past as an inexperienced manager and so far, in varying degrees, they've paid off and we've had no disasters. Coyle or Warnock? For me it has to be Warnock if there is a choice.

    Brewster would certainly not be my choice, and clearly isn't the choice of many on here. I have no problems with the fact he wanted to manage the club he supported. It was the loyalty speech beforehand that left the sour taste in the mouth. As many have pointed out Brewster the player helped Brewster the manager to have a decent record at ICT. The problem was that tactics revolved around Brewster the player, NOT making the most of the squad at his disposal. Surely at 41 (i think) that isn't exactly long term tactical thinking and without Brewster the player, his record at Dundee United doesn't really fill me with much confidence that "plan B" should have got much further than the drawing board.

    At the end of the day it looks like it'll be Brewster (unless the board are using the ease of naming Brewster to fill the rumour sections while doing a deal on the quiet, which is unlikely) but whoever it is let's hope the fans get behind them until there is a reason AFTER the appointment for justified criticism

  14. As a lot of people have already said it takes a brave man to make the decision to step down, especially for someone who genuinely has such a connection to the club. A true legend at ict and a man that I'm sure everyone on this forum wishes all the best for in the future. Thanks for all you've done as a player and a manager. Hopefully you'll be at the club for a long time to come in some capacity

  15. For anyone that doesn't know, the highlights of the spl games are online each week now. I think you have to wait til after 6 on a Sunday to watch them though. Still, it means people not in Scotland get to see them and no one has to sit through Scotsport now  :016:


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