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Posts posted by GATEPOST

  1. 27 minutes ago, Glover said:

    “Vultures, helmets, Ann Widdicombe (!)”

    I think that it is time for this language to be stopped.  However much you disagree, there is a big difference between offensive and derogatory name-calling v appeals for transparency.

    The Trust and the club have been working together closely on ICT25, bowling, etc. recently. and nothing has been said on here that hasn’t been raised directly with the club and professionally so, without ever being personal.  And as for true fans, another issue.

    Appalling bullying language - and nothing to ‘great posting’ about, is it?  Do you see the Trust board you have issue with, or other posters here who have issues with the board’s interaction (transparency), using this language?  I knew there was opposition to fan voice and why not, but some are now going over and above and getting worse.

    Legitimate for people to re-direct the discourse on a fans forum, SLO, even the need for a Trust, hopefully next week at the AGM there can be a long-awaited members forum to get the Trust on an even keel. I don’t care whether a few of the Trust board members are right or wrong, members can direct them/vote them out, but I have zero time with this ridicule and name calling and zero time for the people who do it, members or not, nobody is answerable to irrational bullying.

    Not sure if this is directed at me?

  2. 2 hours ago, Kingsmills said:

    A worrying and growing disconnect between those now running the club and the fans.

    That really needs to be addressed as a club of our size can only really succeed with everyone pulling together.

    Personally, I'm so sick of this constant and unending talk of 'the board' on here.

    I support my team, have since I was young and always will. As long as nothing is going wrong financially, I care not one jot who the board are or how/what they communicate with me. I just want them to pick the correct manager, support him as well as they can within budget, and that’s pretty much it.

    The only real disconnect I have with the club at the moment is with this site, and the few helmets who take every opportunity to bleat on about perceived issues with the board and seem to think they’re speaking for us all. I go to games, and it’s good crack watching the team (well sometimes…) and seeing folk I know, few beers etc. Come on here however, and it’s always the same few folk constantly whining, and for a fans forum it doesn’t reflect any actual match going fans I know or have met.

    Personally, I have no interest in events like this or anything to do with our supporters’ group solely because of individual posters on here who seem to be running or involved with these things (see ridiculous SLO debacle for reference). It’s very clear they have personal issues with those running the club, and seem hell bent on proving points and highlighting any negativity to further their own egos over and above actually supporting the club.

    You can say that events like this are not attended because of a disconnect with those running the club, but maybe the reason fans don’t turn up is because a lot of us are just happy to go to games and have no idea what it is you guys actually want? That’s the case for me anyway, it’s not apathy, I just find this all incredibly boring.

    I’m even bored with my own post here, this is what CTO has driven me to and I feel ashamed.

    • Agree 12
  3. 11 hours ago, DoofersDad said:

    There is absolutely nothing in what I wrote which in any way condones what Calder did.  What we shouldn't do, however, is rush to judgements when we don't know all the facts.  From the report, the facts are clearly not as clear cut as your summary would suggest.  In fact, the report paints a rather bizarre picture and there are clearly gaps which may have a bearing and which presumably will be known to the courts and will be taken into account in sentencing.

    Yes he knew the victim.  He dropped her off at her car.  She then, for some reason or by accident drove her car into his.  The report doesn't say whether this incident happened at the point where he dropped her off or at some later point after they had both driven off.  The report says that following the collision they agreed to drive to a pub car park.  That means that immediately after the collision they must have had a discussion.  One can imagine he was pretty annoyed  but there is no suggestion that he was in any way threatening to her at that point, indeed, had he been, then why would she have agreed to drive to a pub car park?  There is no information in the report which says whether they got out of the cars at the point of collision - perhaps they spoke on their mobiles and agreed to drive to the car park and look at any damage there.  

    At the car park Calder punched her through her car window.  When she got out of the car he is reported to have hit her with a shoe / thrown a shoe at her.  What shoe?  Did he stop to take off one of his own shoes to hit her?  Or perhaps when he went to talk to her, she tried to hit him with her shoe?  After all, many women will remove high heeled shoes for driving.  He claimed he was acting in self defence so presumably he told the court what he was claiming he was defending himself from, but that is not reported.  Did she try to hit him with the shoe which perhaps he took off her and later threw back at her. Did she say something to provoke him?  What caused him to lose the plot?  We simply don't know the answers to any of these questions.

    Let's be clear.  None of the unknowns I have outlined can possibly excuse Calder's behaviour, but they may help explain it and may influence the sentencing decision.  I would expect the club will have far more  detail about the incident than we will ever know.  I hope the club will make a statement tomorrow but I would also expect them not to rush to making any decisions other than a suspension until after sentencing.

    Aye that's a really good point mate, what shoe?

    Was it her shoe? Was it his shoe? Maybe it was her left shoe? Or maybe Calder just found a shoe? And what kind of shoe was it? A doc marten shoe? That would hurt, but maybe he just melted her with a nice brogue type shoe? Is a slipper a shoe? I mean if its a slipper shoe he's smashed her about with, thats important.

    It's very, very important we all wait to find out the shoe details before we rush to judgment folks. We don't even know the size of shoe yet!

    The state of this site sometimes, ******* embarrassing. Sack the ***** today.

    • Funny 3
  4. 3 hours ago, wynthank15 said:

    Hi MJ, according to the WHO obesity rates have increased 93% since 1996 and two thirds today of the male population in the UK are classified as overweight or obese (also a WHO stat). If you are overweight you cannot compete at a contact sport (there are a few exceptions) I include rugby, football, boxing, wrestling you are soft, as you cannot cope with the physical challenge, you simply have not developed the necessary amount of muscle which is gained through training, nor the courage to get into direct confrontation. We are told that the youngsters today are spending on average 5-7 hours on social media that hardly leaves time for anything else outside of school and studying.

    As regards entitlement, I know of several employers who have offered jobs to unemployed lads, effectively apprenticeships and they cannot find an assistant, the various excuses are 1) the start time is too early 7.00am 2) the work is too heavy 3) The wages are too low, when I started work my annual wage was £600, less than my part time summer job paid me pro rata.

    I could also bore you with stories of the Welfare league in this area but I wont bother. Look, I'm not going to tar an entire generation with my comments because there are exceptions but as a generalisation my comments are fair.

    PS Add in the attitude of schools today when we can have no winners and no losers and you end up with a generation of non triers where even the losers WIN ie give grades for qualifications which are in fact a FAIL. Sorry, I need to lie down now.

    Perhaps the most idiotic rambling I've seen on CTO, which is really saying something.

    • Agree 1
  5. I see county realised Dingwall (and apparently Ross-shire altogether) was too much a dump to launch their own kit, so they did it at Dores ?

    Says a lot.

    • Agree 1
    • Funny 3
  6. 4 hours ago, old caley girl said:

    I understand most of the board are on holidays so maybe not this week? 

    Has this actually been confirmed?

    I can't for the life of me imagine taking up the job as Chairman of my club, sacking the manager and then swanning off on holiday. We are such a passive fan base, it's arguably the most important period in our clubs history and we're not even sure if our board have started interviewing or not. The league cup starts in under 6 weeks and we have a grand total of 10 first team players, no manager, maybe an assistant manager (still no clue if Rice is still about?), and a vague suspicion our board aren't even in the country.

    As the fans we should be demanding better communication from the cub, and withholding our money (be it on season tickets, new strips etc.) until we get it.

    • Agree 4
  7. This is about as good as we could have hoped for imo.

    County game out the way early doors and both Motherwell & Hamilton at home. It's a disaster for Hamilton fans too; away to us is an early kick-off and away to county midweek.

    Also no home 3pm Saturday kick-offs for county :laugh:

    This gives us as good a chance as we're going to get, ******* mon :ictscarf:

    • Agree 2
  8. 2 hours ago, wynthank15 said:

    Old Caley Girl and Davie I am not being judgemental I expressed sympathy for anyone with health issues if you read my post, I just think there are more deserving unheralded people in society who need help who do not have the resources of footballers nor the time to seek professional help themselves nor do the majority fall into the various addictions of footballers due to outlandish salaries (to quote IHE) and spare time on their hands. If you think lying on a couch for hours on end to have a mural imprinted on your back at considerable cost is a good use of time and money then I disagree. The outlandish salaries are due to one Mr Bosman, did his fellow pros contribute to "thank you Jean Marc Bosman" fund, not a chance, only two players thanked him personally, which speaks volumes for the self centred football fraternity around which the world revolves, for now.


    How someone can honestly think like this, much less type it out, read it, and then post it for others to see is beyond me. Regardless, it's clear you have no understanding of mental health whatsoever, might be worth doing some reading on the subject. Drivel.

    Well done to Richie, proud my club is associated with this.

  9. 1 hour ago, ed said:

    Just out of interest, do we pay employees above the 'Living wage'? I have read recently about Scottish Nationalists trying to shame companies who don't / can't afford to pay the living wage.    Can we reduce outgoings further by having spending cuts? What kind of wages do we pay players? Are we really paying £30 for the Main stand on Saturday to fund wages of £40,000 per year and more?


    • Agree 2
  10. 10 minutes ago, caleyboy said:

    Do you really believe that?


    ICT boss John Hughes revealed at the weekend that club chairman Kenny Cameron had a surprisingly hands-on role in the 21-year-old striker’s arrival and could be targeting a sideline career as a scout.

    “Miles Storey is rapid quick,” said Hughes. “It’s all credit to the chairman who came in with the name actually."


    • Agree 1

    Has anyone else heard the guy in Section D (I think)?  He speaks with a broad Invernesian accent and seems to go on rants that last a good few minutes!  Classic entertainment!

    Someone must know him as there can't be many that have such an accent amongst all the incomers



    That barely make sense you dullard.
    I feel bad for you man but try getting a hobby or something.
  12. Azgaz as a fan is a loser  ..  why oh why did we have to have him when there were other suitable and available fans. There is only one way he can now progress and that is downwards.


    His ability to support players once a slide in form begins does not exist.  He is one of the most prolific bullshitters in Scottish football and his ability to analyse situations is very poor  ..  you only had to listen to him on CTO.


    Goodbye Azgaz, next season it will be a scrap against relegation for County.

    • Agree 15
  13. Personally feel in a really odd position in that what he has done for us has been incredible, and I'm grateful, but I'm not that gutted he has gone.


    Despite how well we have done some of the long ball football is atrocious to watch. We are doing so well due to the standard of players we have not tactical nous. Butcher is obviously a huge part of why these players may have come to Inverness but he is not the be all and end all and don't envisage him doing much at all at Hibs.


    Butcher never got the best out of the players when it mattered, be it a big cup game, or even just when a match was televised.


    I honestly think we now go on to get to at least cup final, finish in a European place, play well in the odd TV game and continue to dominate county.


    Thanks for everything Terry, but it's onward and upwards for us now  :ictscarf:  

    • Agree 2
  14. Doran goal correctly disallowed. The ball simply didn't leave the corner circle after Draper's touch so it wasn't in play when Doran touched it first so he wasn't allowed the second touch for the cross. Sad but that's the rule.


    HT 0-1


    Since when?

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