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Posts posted by highlandexile

  1. 15 minutes ago, STFU said:

    £300k on renting can't be right.  That's 25 properties at a grand a month.

    Unless they've all been living it up by staying in the Kingsmills Hotel.

    If we were really paying that sort of sums in rent for players accomodation, why did the club not buy some properties for players.  That's what other clubs do.

    That way they are not paying silly money to line the pockets of others and the club retains the assets.

    You wouldn't think that several board members make a living in the construction/property rental businesses.




    • Agree 2
  2. 38 minutes ago, bdu98196 said:

    Sounds like a principled stance, however all this does is weaken the finances at our club and increase those of our competitors. In another years time everyone will say we should have invested more or done better if results dont go our way yet individuals including fans need to be honest about their roles in that case.


    I get your point but unfortunately there are very few other ways for fans so show their feelings to the board.

    This situation where fans feel they are now so disconnected with the club hasn't happened overnight.   There has been fans meeting etc but nothing is getting through to the board.

    In the statement Ross Morrison talked about unity.  If him and the board really beleive this then the only actions fans have to make them sit up and listen is by withholding money buy not renewing season tickets etc.

    Its not something most fans want to do but what is the other option to get change? 

    • Thoughtful 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Robert said:

    From the note of the February Fans Meeting, Scott Young said there were 1459 season tickets and a further 50 half season tickets. 

    Unfortunately he could not say what the split of these are.  The real question needed asked was how many full paying season ticket holders?

  4. 1 hour ago, ictchris said:

     As for the old Caledonian and Inverness Thistle shareholdings, again, who controls that?  My memory is that these shares reflected the membership of the pre-merger 


    From memory, these shares are classed as category A shares which do not have the right to vote like ordinary shares do.  However, instead these shares came with a fixed 10% voting right which is currently  held by the supporters trust.

    • Agree 2
  5. What a sad day this is for ICT supporters.

    Reading all the responses here and on other social media platforms, it feels like this has really divided our support.  Everyone has the right to their own opinions but its really sad to see that anyone who thinks the council has come to the correct decision is somehow not a real supporter of the club.

    Just remember it was not the council who got the club into this financial situation resulting in an all or nothing planning application.

    At a time when supporters should be coming together to find a way to salvage the club, we seem to be fighting with each other.

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  6.  following the bewildering behaviour of certain Highland Councillors in seeking to overturn a democratically lawful decision to award the club with planning permission for the ICT Battery Farm, I feel we must enlighten our fans re just what has been going on in relation to this most crucial matter and I will answer all and any questions relating to the Battery Farm 


    I’m finding the above statement from the club very uncomfortable as a supporter of the club.  Its seems that anyone who does not support the battery farm somehow does not support the future of the club.

    Its also a bit of a contradiction that, the club are objecting to the overturn of a democratically lawful decision, even though the council are more than lawfully entitled to call this decision in to the full council.  But the chairman made it clear that if the planning decision went against them they could raise a challenge with the Scottish Government!

    This all feels like a publicity stunt to bully the councillors to vote in favour of a planning application that many do not feel comfortable with.

    It’s also disappointing that the club are finally engaging with supporters but only taking questions relating to the battery farm.  When really most of us are wanting answers as to how we got to this situation and would question the running of the club in general.  The current board really do not seem to have any other plans if the battery farm fails.

    Without the accounts being made public, its hard to see how bad things really are financially but rumours are the club could have made up to a million pounds in losses.  When you compare this to other clubs like Ayr and Morton who have both managed to make small profits despite having a similar support to us, what is going so badly wrong with us?

    So many questions, but I feel this meeting will be nothing but Highland Council bad and its all their fault if the club fails!

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  7. 8 hours ago, Fraz said:

    I wasn't at the meeting nor can I speak to the rest of it but the ICT girls football academy has absolutely no link to the battery project and is entirely self funded. 

    Not sure why Mr Morrison would say that. 

    This is all to try and prove that the profits from the battery farm sale will have a socio-economic benefit for the city.

    The document submitted by he new planning consultant is very reliant on claiming the funds will go towards a lot of projects particularity things run by the community trust.   There is also a lot about the funding of the new pitches which basically claims that none of these things can continue without this money.

    All very odd as its always been claimed in the past that all these projects as self funded!

    These extracts are directly from the document submitted to HC:

    A significant proportion of the financial benefits accrued from the development will be managed through the ICTFC Community Development Trust. This is an established charitable Trust organisation that already provides significant benefits to the local community including funding community related initiatives; incorporating school visits to develop the importance of health and exercise, walking football, facilities to enable participation by disabled persons and school breakfast clubs. The community/charitable work is delivered by a combination of paid ATC staff, volunteers, supporters and members of the local community. The investment of time spent on community and charitable work is some 14,000 hours equivalent to 1,758 days or 352 person weeks. The Trust access funding through multiple sources which is challenging in the current financial climate and the stability of income over several years can help provide a stable platform to flourish and grow. For 2022-23 the Trust had an income of some £181,718 of which £165,000 was spent on community initiatives. The Trust delivered projects to the local community and in an educational setting equivalent to some 12, 000 hours or 80% of its annual activity. This is a considerable contribution to the area and will continue to expand and progress with the funding the BESS provides.

    The proposed new Hub at the IRA will enable these initiatives to be expanded and developed and increases the community benefits to the local area. The new Hub will only be capable of delivery with the funding this proposal will deliver.




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  8. 56 minutes ago, ICT Supporters Trust said:

    A big thank you for everyone who came along to yesterday's meeting in the Caley Club, and particular thanks to Board Member George Moodie who led the Q&A Session.

    Thanks also to Ross Morrison, who joined for the first hour, and to Scott Young, who was present for the full meeting. It is encouraging to see the Chairman and Board wishing to engage with the Supporters Trust and with fans in general.

    A full update will appear on the Supporters Trust website in due course, but some highlights from the discussion.

    Ross Morrison provided an update on the Battery Park, and the implications for the club. The planning decision will be made by the Council at Wednesday's South Area Planning Committee. The club has overcome three of the four grounds for refusal, with the loss of open space being the remaining issue. With the work that has been put in since the previous Planning Meeting, Ross is confident that the application will be approved. If it is, the club will quickly receive a seven figure sum which will stabilise finances, allow debt to be cleared, and allow investment to start in areas which will secure future income streams for the club. The club will not get an ongoing income stream from the Battery Park. Areas which may see investment include the North Car Park.

    However, the position is very bleak if the application is refused. An appeal will be submitted, but the delay will cause significant cash flow issues for the club, as it cannot continue to sustain the level of losses that have been prevalent in recent years. This will have a serious negative impact as the club will not be able to support all its current activities.

    Fans received an update on the activities of the Community Trust, and in particular the good progress that has been made on the Sports Hub. The future progress on this is one of many issues which are dependent on the planning decision on Wednesday.

    Scott Young advised that, at the club's Board Meeting on Friday, he was confirmed as the Supporters Liaison Officer. Scott indicated his commitment to making this role work, and to ensuring that the club responds to contact from fans and takes action where it is required. The Supporters Trust has been pushing for the club to make the SLO work properly, and this is a welcome step forward. We look forward to working closely with Scott to ensure that fans' issues are understood and addressed.

    Scott advised that there are 1459 season tickets, and a further 50 half season tickets were sold. The club intends to be more proactive when it comes to season ticket renewals this year.

    The meeting between the Trusts Disability Group and the club remains outstanding, but a date should be fixed soon.

    Options for Hospitality Days that are aimed at fans rather than businesses are being explored.

    The club recognises that the attractiveness of player sponsorship has reduced, and intends to address this for the coming season.

    It has been great to see some new members join the Trust in recent weeks: welcome to you all!

    The Trust exists to represent fans of the club, and to be a bridge between the club and its supporters. Membership is only £5 (£1 for under 16s) and joining is easy. Just follow this link:


    If anyone has any comments for the Supporters Trust, we can be contacted through this link:


    or through the Trust Facebook page:


    Thank you again for everyone who attended yesterday's meeting.


    Robert Andrew

    (please note that the above is my personal summary of the key issues and not a formal Trust report on the meeting).



    I  did make the meeting and while I do appreciate the chairman and a director turning up,  I came away from the meeting feeling very disheartened.  While there may be some small sound bites being said to try and make out they are listening, most suggestions were being dismissed.

    To see no progress with the disability group is also very disappointing and for the club to now say they are waiting  for potential names to allow for due diligence before the meeting feels like they are just stalling on a very important issue. 

    They were also very dismissive of the issues that happened in the North stand at the Dundee United game.  They did not seem prepared to listen to season ticket holders that were affected.  Homophobic abuse and unacceptable behaviour by a small majority of supporters were brushed under the carpet.

    I know a lot of the focus is currently on the battery farm but does that have to be to the detriment of the day to day running of the club.

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  9. On 1/28/2024 at 3:05 PM, Leaky Blinder said:

    Just a thought but will the Supporters Liason Officer also be liasing with the supporters ?  

    I received a response to an e-mail I sent to the SLO e mail address.  Turns out Scott Young is now officially the clubs SLO, so the answer to your question is yes!

  10. 1 hour ago, STFU said:

    Doesn't make any difference to me, as I won't be going to the meeting, but I'm with Jamie.  The last time I was in there it was full of Rangers fans and even had Rangers memorabilia hanging on the walls.

    Were a lot of fans not also boycotting it for this and other reasons?

    I was one of many fans boycotting due to the Rangers issues.

    Luckily, the person involved has now left and I went back to the club for the first time in a long time on Saturday.

    The club is now being run by the committee and there is a big improvement already.

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  11. 2 minutes ago, Yngwie said:

    Is it not the case though, that whilst a lot of that bread and butter stuff has indeed been dealt with poorly, it is only big projects that could realistically make a major difference to our finances? 

    Yes, I agree, but not to the detriment of everything else.  A football club is nothing withhlout fans.

    I would also be happier if the big money projects SG was in the press shouting about actually made the club money.

    We all know the disaster the concerts were despite SG telling us all that concerts were the future for the club.  Was that his fault with insisting on doing everything in house to make more money instead of handing it over to a company that knew what it was doing and making less money but still a profit. Yes it was.

    We were then told by him that the free port was an amazing opportunity for the football club.  Only to be told by the chairman recently that was not true.

    Now all hope is being placed on a battery farm, is that going to go totally pear-shaped too.......

    Like I said, he talks a good game but never seems to deliver.  And thats not only at our club.

    • Like 1
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  12. 2 hours ago, MacOne said:

    I'm just going to put it out there.  I have met SG a number of times, at games and outwith, and have always found him good company, interesting and willing to chat.  He's got an almost impossible job, with no money to do it, and most criticism seems to be based on him supporting Rangers, 'Gasp, shock, horror, pearl clutching'.

    What I really dislike though is that no-one actually knows the facts but everyone is absolutely sure that if it is negative it is true. Yes communication is poor, but as far as I can see we have a SLO, and a communications team, and they are the ones failing.

    The man has tried things, some have worked, some haven't, but at least he has tried.

    While I'm on a roll.. Let's be honest about our club and our city. Our attendances of c 2000, if you believe that, are shocking, the cub is in decline and with the best will in the world it is not Scott Gardiners fault.  The city does not support the team, for whatever reason, definitely not because SG supports Rangers, and that is what we need to fix. Getting rid of the CEO will not sort that.

    I agree that SG can be good company etc.  But, my problem with him is he talks a good game but nothing happens.

    The club may not have a large budget, but he seems to not want the fans money and only interested in the big, high risk projects which so far have not been successful.

    Too focused on concerts, free ports and battery farms and not interested in the bread and butter business of football and the fans.  Season tickets not being renewed, hospitality non existant, player sponsorship nothing like it used to be, businesses not supporting club any more due to the concert fiasco, lack of communication and lack of fan engagement.  The list goes on and that is nothing to do with him being a Rangers supporter!


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  13. 2 hours ago, RiG said:

    What involvement in the planning application have the club had? Everything has been done in the name of ILI. Have we chucked them some cash to get this off the ground and are now desperate for it to be approved so we (somehow) benefit financially? It's incredibly odd for a party with seemingly no direct involved in a planning application come out and lambast the local authority for their recommendation. This SPV sounds like another "at arms length" company using club finances possibly in a similar manner to the concert company which obviously went well. I'm all for diversification of revenue streams but it seems that we chasing overly ambitious schemes at times and don't employ the necessary expertise to deliver them.

    According to he chairman at the fans meeting, they have agreed for the car parks at the stadium to be used by ILI for the red john project.  But instead of the club getting the money for the rental of the car parks ILI are doing the planning application for the club for this battery farm.  well that was my understanding.

    At the meeting he said that the club owned the land, but when challenged that it was in fact David Cameron and David Sutherland that owned the land, he then sad that there was a lease in place.  Not quite sure how that then equates to the club getting a seven figure sum should planning go through.  Do they then get a rental figure from the company who would run the battery farm, who knows!!!!!

    Then there is the planning itself, which was always going to be difficult to get through as its on land that was designated as an area where no development could take place.  The battery storage facility is also very close to a built up area.  The chairman had said that was not an issue as ILI had got lots of these planning permissions through but, these permissions were a lot further away.  In one objection it was quoted that the battery farm would only be 30m away where battery farms that had got planning granted  were over 250m away!

    I really hope this is not yet another pipe dream by the club of making big money away from the football.  But after the concert fiasco followed by the freeport lie, my trust in the board of directors and the CEO is not very high.

    • Agree 4
  14. I usually have a season ticket even though I cant always get to games.   I did it to show support for the cub.  This season I didn't renew and will end up saving money by just paying for the games I can attend.

    The one thing that is a bit disappointing is that the club never bothered to contact me or any of the others I know that did not renew.  Its like they just don't care.   In previous years, season ticket holders who did not renew would always at least be contacted to find out why.  I even remember one year players were drafted in to call people before the season started.

    So, this season I will still be going to the games when I can, but I'm so disillusioned that I'm not buying  the usual new top/merch or be spending silly money in hospitality.  Something I did around 4 times a season in days gone by.



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  15. 1 hour ago, old caley girl said:

    I don't think it's Gordys fault. I suspect he's just a name put forward to fulfill our licencing requirements. I have no idea who reads the SLO emails though 

    I think this sums up exactly what the club thinks about the fans and their issues.

    If Gordy is only a name on a bit of paper for a tick box exercise and not an actual active SLO we really are never going to get any sort of fan engagement.


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  16. 2 hours ago, Alan said:

    All these posters who say they are not renewing their season tickets can't really call themselves true supporters. You support your team through thick and thin no matter the circumstances - the players need all the encouragement they can get from those of us who are the real fans

    I  am a long time season ticket holder who also goes to a lot of away games but have decided that this season im just not renewing my season ticket.  

    Ive renewed year after year, even though with not living in Inverness I tend to only be able to make games on a Saturday. So, with with missing Friday/Midweek games, it usually costs me more for my season ticket than if I just did pay as I go.

    With the season tickets going up by 10% and the feeling of being totally unappreciated by the club as a fan,  I'm going to save a few pounds and just pay for the games I can get to.  

    So I will carry on supporting the players on the pitch but refuse to be taken for granted by the powers that be who only communicate when they want us to renew season tickets.  If this makes me any less of a supporter then so be it!



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  17. 8 minutes ago, ICTPAISLEY said:

    Looks to me it was renewed in 2022 but as Inverness Caledonian Thistle. Nothing in for our historical name Caledonian Thistle which is a bit of a blunder. 

    As far as I can see, the renewal date was in 2022 for Inverness Caledonian Thistle but was not renewed so has been removed from the trade mark register.  But, as you say, Caledonian Thistle does not look like it was ever registered!

    trade mark.jpg

  18. 20 hours ago, old caley girl said:

    Hopefully we still have it registered? Or do we? 

    Looks like the club have not renewed the trademark on the name Inverness Caledonian Thistle FC or the trademark of the badge for some reason!

    • Sad 1
    • angry 1
  19. What a shame the prices are so high.  I get the same pricing structure for both games as gates are split but I had thought some common sense might have prevailed and let our game charge less to get a larger crowd!

    The old firm will sell out regardless of the pricing so cant see how ours being cheaper would really affect them!

    • Agree 2
  20. 1 hour ago, snorbens_caleyman said:

    That's a fair point.  But you have to balance that against the risk of such a change unsettling the players and making things worse.

    The way I see it, are the players not already unsettled?  Everybody kind of knows that Billy will not have his contract renewed at the end of the season.  Its like watching somebody work out their notice period.  Do you get the best out of a person during that time?  Then in turn, does Billy get the best out of the players we have knowing that he will not be there come the end of the season.

    Id be much happier to see Billy go now, get a new manager in, steady the ship and start looking as sorting out contracts for next season.

    • Agree 4

    Its hard to know where to start having read through the accounts!  Ok we all know that football clubs have a hard time to balance the books, but these seem to go beyond that.

    Personally, I do think Scot Gardiner, if in not wholly responsible for this mess, then a good part responsible.

    Last years accounts were signed off with the promise of funding coming via the concerts, this was spearheaded by SG and we all know the mess we ended up in thanks to that.  Not only did it not make any money for the club but the damage it did to the reputation of the club with the local businesses will take a long time to heal.

    SG was brought in to the club to basically manage the non-football side of the business and although the club were making losses prior to his arrival, was that not the whole point of investing in a CEO to reverse these losses?

    Now this years pie in the sky to get the accounts signed off is Red John and a battery farm.  But there does not seem to be any time frames for when or even if these ventures will ever show any income for the football club.

    Yesterday when the accounts went into the public domain, it would have been good if the club had issued a statement to explain things, reassure the fans, explain a bit more about all these things that are supposed to be happening to keep the club trading.

    The silence from the club is just as worrying than the actual accounts. 

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