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Posts posted by Murchison

  1. Saw an interview with him a few months ago as he tries to get into management, not sure if Russell Latapy would be interested in coming back. Certainly would know the club and players. His leaving always seemed a bit strange, I thought at the time it seemed Hughes was creating space for his pal Rice. Was just as big a part of our most successful spell.  

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  2. I said last season I was disappointed he was only given a 1 year deal, and now equally disappointed he seems to be unfancied and possibly on his way out. Don't see the logic behind it.

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  3. If you look at the form over the past 10 games, we are exactly where we should be. There are 5 teams with worse record, and 6 teams better. Only team below us on better form are Partick, but still have St Johnstone ahead of us on a worse run. We have 6 games to the split, and even if the current form continues it should be enough, will be close anyway.

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  4. Top 6 would obviously be preferred but I don't think its vital. While this has obviously been a harder season than last year (understandable with the players lost, and the success of last year), i'm not panicing yet. We have managed 32 points from 27 games, so over a point a game. Even averaging a point a game for the last 11, we should be fine.

  5. Don't think it would be fair to say it would be purely money motivated. Unfortunately Dundee would be commutable for him from Edinburgh, so I'm pretty sure the chance to live with his family again may be quite a big draw. 

    Pits not looking good by the sound of things, but will wait until I hear something official. If he does decide to go I wouldn't grudge him it. We've replaced successful managers before, and I'm confident we will do so again. 


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  6. I stay in West Lothian, although don't get to as many games as I used to due to work/family. Looking forward to tonight though, I think living in West Lothian as they bought their way through the leagues made me hate Livi even more. Worse than County!

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  7. Don't think he will rest Esson. He's experienced enough not to loose confidence, and is getting better each game so keep him going. Raven could probably do with a game after his suspension, so put him in for Meekings, and maybe Tremarco in for Shinnie. It's anyone's guess though, and he has plenty of Midfield options. Would personally keep Ofere up front, he is scoring and will want to keep doing so.

    Glad it's not my decision though, good headache to have but a headache all the same.

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  8. I was surprised yesterday how many people I heard around me don't seem impressed with Ofere. Not to say they are wrong, I just think he looks good, hopefully with more to come once he really gets settled. His scoring record so far is good, and I think his size and hold up play brings something different to us. I hope he is signed up for longer, and we see more development next year.

    If you compare how long it took Rooney and Mckay to settle and start scoring regularly then Ofere has hit the ground running. Not easy when you join the team over half way through the season.

    • Agree 4
  9. Raven has been in the papers a few times now asking for a new contract. I know negotiations with some of the out of contract players will be ongoing, but it appears he has had nothing. A bit disappointing, but good he wants to stay. Surely they should at least start the discussions to get him tied up.

  10. I'm not wanting to start any arguements, I appreciate everyone will have different opinions on the matter, and I've been to enough games over the years, I certainly don't expect no swearing or some abuse at players. Yesterday though was, in my opinion, completely different and not what i'm used to at away games (I havn't been to Hamilton before I must admit).


    It was my sons 2nd game as he has only recently become interested in going to see his Dads team. He enjoyed the singing, the atmosphere, crowds, and strangely enough the guy who was screaming like a monkey? at the end of the 2nd half. He was however very aware of the shouts and screaming coming from one area at the back. It was not the single use of a word (as much as I don't like the use of the C word, I know it will happen and he knows to ignore it and never repeat), but the constant barage of abuse (F***ing pedo C**ts, F***ing beast, i'm going to F**k your mother, you're going to get F***ing battered you wee C**t, I'm going th F***ing kill you you little C**t), which was repeated over and over for most of the half.


    He had said to me a few times he didn't like it and wished the guy would stop (for the record he was asked to), and eventually said he wanted to leave. People can disagree with what we did if they wish, but i'm sure most parents if their child is scared and wanted out a situation, they would remove them from it.


    As I said, I used to go to most away games in past years, and try to get to as many as I can now which is harder due to work and kids who previously were not interested in football. I have not previously heard the level of abuse that was at the game yesterday. It is not in my opinion typical of an ICT away crowd, and hopefully is not going to continue to be. I also hope it won't stop him going to more games in the future. I enjoy the away atmosphere at games, and generally they give the team a great support. I do think it crossed the line yesterday though.

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