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Posts posted by Azgaz

  1. Hughes as a manager is a loser  .. Falkirk, Hibernian, Hartlepool  ..  why oh why did we have to have him when there were other suitable and available candidates. There is only one way we can now progress and that is downwards.


    His ability to manage players once a slide in form begins does not exist.  He is one of the most prolific bullshitters in Scottish football and his ability to analyse situations is very poor  ..  you only had to listen to him on Sportsound.


    Goodbye the dream, next season it will be a scrap against relegation.

  2. The Scottish football authorities deserve all the criticism they receive .. they have no thought or consideration for fans who attend their games.

    To postpone a game in April two less than two hours before the scheduled kick off demonstrates how little if any thought was given to travelling fans of both clubs.

    The Met Office Invent forecasting system has a site for the Caledonian Stadium in Inverness. The forecast last night was for heavy rain from 02.00 hours until 10,00 hours this morning, followed by good drying conditions, a rising south westerly wind and sunshine. By midday the pitch will be draining and drying quite quickly .. by 15.00 hours it should be perfectly playable.

    Why was there no earlier inspection ? This nonsense of refusing to use local referees and having to use the match official in the SPL must stop .. none of this is the club's fault just part and parcel of fans being at the bottom of the list .. Health and Safety of pampered players and television timing dominate everything.

    I was on my way to the game having already checked that the game was on when I heard there was an inspection under way. It is a fair distance from the North West Highlands to Inverness but Caley are our team and my daughter and I were prepared to make the early start due to the midday kick off .. so we turned around and went home. If I was a Celtic fan I would be fuming.

    Scottish football organisation is a shambles .. a ten club SPL, inconvenient kick off times, lack of information, appalling communications, no sense of urgency, referee's strike, out of touch senior management .. the list goes on .. and finally zero consultation with you and me . the fans.

    • Agree 6
  3. The current situation with the Caley Thistle team in the SPL is the most obvious sign of the decline and pending fall of what used to be a well managed organisation.

    The inability to deal with the poor football performance illustrates the situation in the boardroom.

    Where is the clear direction and determination which used to be evident ?

    The relationship between owners and board has disolved and each is suspicious of the other whilst all the time the ship sinks. The forthcoming stay in Division One will be a long one.

    Any Chairman worth his salt would examine Brewsters total managerial record (not just this season) and see that it is poor and inform the board that it was time to act .. this should have happened during November 08

    I fear it is now too late.

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