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03: Full Members
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Status Updates posted by Georgeios

  1. Bit rough, think open all mics in bed this afternoon ;-)

  2. Black ops because I can n feel like poop :(

  3. Bless my nephew is taking me to see Brave in the morning but confessed he had all ready seen it, however he didn't want me going by myself ;-) (and he does like the Nachos ;-)

  4. Blue Ray is LG's Mon the Xbox

  5. Boats n Hoes!!!!

  6. Bolt runs at over 30 MPH, if he hit someone at that speed they have a 40% chance of passing away.... Not so cool eh ;-)

  7. Booked in ;-) Thursday for the out line ;-) boom

  8. Bored out my tiny mind, home, mums in the Games room watching tv so no Xbox for me, dads painting so the house stinks n I've nothing to do.........

  9. Bowling all day with George, Jamie, Grandad uncle gordy and Garry :)

  10. Breaking Amish: Social Reload on TLC is really good I'm right in to it..

  11. Bugger, I'm on the last Caprica :-( tea n smoke to bring it to an end :-(

  12. Bugger, my windows open n the rains dripping really loud outside my window. Someone come over n push it closed please

  13. Busy week ;-( clearing

  14. C4+1 on..... Off....

  15. Can't be ****** this fine morning :-/

  16. Can't mind if I took my pills this morning.. what's the worncjhgbfgnvguopm.......n

  17. Casino royal...... Good, that is all

  18. Check the check engine light light ahh Sheldon ;-)

  19. Cheeky wee win on the football, paid for my Indian :-)

  20. Chilling with my Nephew, why not lol ps he loves my tattoo ;)

  21. Considering what Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark did with their wealth, Bill Gates should be ashamed of himself lazy ******...

  22. Cooooooollllleeeeee

  23. Costa is not the place to hold a Subway Disciplinary with by the sounds of the employee he's in the right however not up for employee of the month, but the two managers are making a fool of themselves too Ooft.... I wanted a chill out brew ;-(

  24. Council office makes you relies your better than them, sitting here I need a pint n a pick me up .......

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