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Everything posted by JohnRobertson

  1. Good answer !! Thanks John.... I hope TB is reading this!! Just quick one for you all out there here a said earlier is my thoughts on changing Scottish footbal all crticism is welcome but i reckon it would provide much needed stimulus scottish premier league 14 teams scottish premier league championship 10 teams scottish regional league 1 2 and 3 promotion relegation champions from championship up bottom premier down as usual then our own play offs 4th in championship play 3rd one off game at 3rds ground as 3rd finished higher the winner would travel to play 2nd and the winner of that would travel to second bottom of the premier league in a one off game with the winner taking its place in the spl think about it as the leagues are right now st johnstone up falkirk down 4th dunfermline travel to3rd dundee sell out crowd say dundee win travel to partick crowd 5k plus winners travel to caley crowd 5k plus excitement would be brilliant and would give real sense of a chance to the ist div teams as even if you finish 4th you still have a slim 3 away wins required chance to get to the spl and gives all teams in the division something to play for at this moment 6 teams could make the play offs just say premier was celtic,rangers,hearts,dundee utd,aberdeen,hibs ,well,hamilton,st mirren,killi,caley,falkirk,st john and partick championship dunde,livi,pars,queens,county,clyde,airdrie,morton,ayr and raith premier teams play each other twice(26games) then split 7+7 and play home and away again (38) games same as moment and takes away the stupid thing of 20 home/away games or 18 home/away games you are guaranteed 19 home and 19 away games simple championship would continue to play home and away twice (36 games) as would the 3 regional leagues regional leagues would be north montrose,forfar,brechin,arbroath,cove,inverurie,elgin peterhead,fraserburgh and huntly central east,east fife,cowdenbeath,berwick,gala,stenny,spartans,lochee,tayport,linli thgow preston thletic central west stirling,queens park,albion,dumbarton,annan,stranraer,pollock, killwinning,alloa,auchinlek most have tried to apply in past but atleast we would have pyramid system all 3 league winners plus challenge cup winners would play off home and away to meet in final winners playing bottom of championship in one of game at championship teams ground and if they met championship mcriteria so many seats etc this wouls assure that only teams with a wish to improve their stadium etc could come up if a team won the challenge cup and the regional division they would proceed to play off final direct only regional teams compete for challenge cup advantages 2 extra teams in spl more safety allowing use of more home grown talent plus more excitement to the 1st division plus we retain more full time teams and we retain the new look 3 divisions in the regional leagues allowing young managers/coaches and players opportunity to play in the senior game what you reckon have thought about writing to spl and sfa have it all typed out
  2. leadership qualities can be found in many ways its not always the guy who is fist pumping and shouting who is the true leader its guys who show through their dedication in training and games thir skills on the park the way they go about their busines in games and training that can show true leadership qualities sometimes being a captain can give players the extra responsibility they need others it could be an un wanted burden TOKELY and BLACK for example might see being captain as a need to show more resonsibility on the pitch (better discipline lead by example) where as a MCBAIN DUNCAN IMRIE type might see it as a burden and would prefer to concentrate on their game i beleive Grant is best suited but beleive that Ross russell and brian kerr(in time) could allso be fine captains
  3. Lets take a wee reality check here yes it was a bad result yes it would apear a poor performance but while dissapointing it is just 3 points lost against the 3 surprise points gained at ibrox people talk about honeymoon periods and bubbles bursting dont look back look forward the most important thing is the next game ST MIRREN remember this as i have said to players many times and i urge the fans to take on board YOU CANNOT CHANGE THE PAST!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT YOU CAN INFLUENCE THE FUTURE forget the falkirk game that has gone lets concentrate on supporting the team v st mirren
  4. in reverse order i do remember stephen occasionaly get caught offside but prefer to remember his wonderful header v clyde and his clinching challenge cup goal both great days yes we will stay up i have no doubt last time on i hoped for 3 wins to pull us up ther and make as many teams involved as possible and now falkirk st mirren killi and hamilton are all in the mix we will NOT GO DOWN
  5. As said i feel this could be the most important season so far in the clubs short history staying up would allow the clubs flourishing yoth system to continue and of course ther is an up turn in the setanta deal for next season as well so that is vital.The club with the continued progress can in my beleif avheive what donald and i along with danny macdonald and graeme bennet set out 1promotion (acheived) 2.become an established premier league side(acheived) 3.set up a conveyer belt of local talent and keep them up north(acheived) 4.reach top 6 (work in progress) 5 win a major cup (work in progress) 6 qualify for europe its not just fanciable i honestly beleive that with continued progress all of the above can be acheived i have argued long and hard that our location can be used as an advantage to encourage al local businesses to get behind club(lookat finance and budget increas since reaching spl)and encourage nore youngsters to games another 5 yearsin spl would see the next generation of caley fans start to watch games and see more local talent play beleive it or not i feel the directorsand director of football have done very very well to keep the club going forward and reckon this will continue its a tough tough job to keep fans happy at any club and i still beleive in the next 5 years all of the other objectives can be realisticaly acheived
  6. It has generally been quoted as getting poorer and that things are levelling out below the old firm they seem to be not able to bring in the same quality and have unfortunatly raided Scottish teams for their best talent therefore weakening the opposition in the league you only have to look at recent times with Hibs in particular losing out on their home grown and cheaply found talent its not just money as i know that caleys budget is at least double than the one i had but this is down to two main things tv money increse and no rent to Aberdeen plus more income from advertising and hospitality at tcs. but imagine if these clubs still had this talent at their disposal how stronger they would be inverness mark brown don cowie ian black (barry robson)dargo wyness bayne. hibs whittaker,murphy,caldwell,brown,killen,miller,o connor.beuzilin,sproule thomson hearts bednar,popisil,skacel,concalves,gordon,webster,berra,hartely dundee utd zaluskas.wilson,flood,robson falkirk gow stokes killie boyd naysmith nish thats just a small example and i know they have not all gone to old firm but it shows you how quickly squads can be weakened. i think the game has become stagnant and we need to change the set up as i have said on previous visits to 1. make the full time top flight sides safer and therefore produce more home grown players and 2. to generate more interest and excitement in the 1st div that would create tv opportunity and a way to get promotion i have really good ides on this
  7. hi natasha yes that has mostly been the case as defenders certainly do tend to be on the tall side and beleive you me its crazy sometimes trying to get something as seemingly simple as getting a team photo done properly eg getting players with similar height together and sloping down from tallest in back row to slightly smaller but hey look at Caley squad today?? height. tokely,munro.zadi,pavel,duff,mcguire,esson,wood,fraser,byrne med, foran hastings,mcbain,gattusi,proctor,rooney.barrowman smallish black kerr odiambo imrie morais ,sutherland,duncan not easy
  8. Its a tough one and like a club side if a player says he does not want to play for a specific manager then there is usually only one winner boyd is a scorer and yes it has been citied at both cluba nd club level he does not allegedly score against the top sides but he rarely starts against the top sides so ma said tiugh one i would personally like him in the squad all things being equal and use him in a 4 4 2 formation for home games but as a sub in away matches if you needed someone to score you a goal. as team manager George Burley deserve respect and he has asked Boyd to re consider his options if i was manager and a plyer did not want to play for me i would not pick him i was lucky enough to play 16 times and would walk anywhwere to play for scotland so its sad to see this
  9. honestly i would possibly say HOLLAND 2 nil but as said you have to be optimistic and hopefully 1 all team wise i would go for 4 5 1 as ditch will play there normal 4-3-3 with the front men being wide centre wide(2 wingers i striker) 1.GORDON (I know decision made) 2.Hutton 3.Naysmith 4.Caldwell 5.Berra(assume mcmanus out Berra very quick) midfield 5 with wingers told to push on and centre mid to attack 6.Brown(push on and suppourt miller using his energy dynamism) 7.morrisson(push on and suppy crosses from right) 8.Fletcher (sit and pass) 9.Miller (pace to drag dutch back) 10.Ferguson(sit and pass) 11.Hartley(push on and cut in ala goal v slovenia) after an hour or so look to replace miller(tiring) and depending on score throw on Fletcher for midfielder
  10. Not at all i as you all know like to be optimistic about my team/countrys chances in any game,while i am the first to admit we are not at our strongest for the match in Holland we must be positive and have a go!!! what have we got to lose? however i beleive saturday will be more of a backs to the wall gritty determined effort to frustrate our opponents and try and nick something put it in perspective here RANGERS v CALEY and CALEY v KILMARNOCK !!!!!!!!! how many fans honestly expected us to win at ibrox?? and how many saw the match v KILLIE as must win? this is how i view both games HOLLAND anything is a bonus ICELAND must win similar reults to caley would do nicely
  11. Hi guys/ladies Slow week so if anyone is up for a bit of Q+A fire away international week as well so be my guest
  12. not got much sway on that johnboy but can pass it on to producers i think they generally do it to give a flavour to whats coming up and a bit like the open all mic s concept some people like it and some (like yourself) dont but fire an e mail in to radio scotland they do like feedback as they want to provide the best show that they can
  13. no i had a very good career played 801 games and had been in 1st team football for nearly 20 seasons and had been diagnosed with arthiritis in my ip at 29 years old so when i retired i knew it was time and had no regrets at all honestly i spent thelast 6 months 99/2000 playing reserve football with livi skids and it was nice way to ease myself out helping the youngsters learn the game little slip there folks it was meant to read LIVI'S KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oops
  14. no i had a very good career played 801 games and had been in 1st team football for nearly 20 seasons and had been diagnosed with arthiritis in my ip at 29 years old so when i retired i knew it was time and had no regrets at all honestly i spent thelast 6 months 99/2000 playing reserve football with livi skids and it was nice way to ease myself out helping the youngsters learn the game
  15. without a doubt there were many with great natural ability and poor training attitude and some who were average players but more that made up for that with a terrific attitude and work ethic it is all about getting the right balance as football is sometimes like a jigsaw puzzle you need all different shapes to fit togrther to get the desired end result take saturday the biggest difference between the teams was caley s desire determination attitude and willingness to work their socks off for each other and then deny opposition any room to play then took chances when they came along managers players are like the fans they would love to play brilliant attacking football and win 2,3,4 nil but its not always possibe so first up give everything and know you could not work any harder and your not far away one of the best players ever to wear a caley shirt was big Bobby Mann great reader of the game great passer of the ball aggressive comanding and in my view shoiuld have played at the very top level it was not through lack of effort either sometimes you can be unlucky if Bobby had been directed better in his youth his career could have been diffferent
  16. not for me to say to be honest Here's the tweezers Robbo :D Give the fence a coat of paint while you're at it not sitting on fence its just not my place to comment on wether a manager shoild or should not have been sacked at a certain time or not remember i have been in that position and its not nice when everyone is looking for you to be removed and your trying your hardest to win no manager has ever tried to fail they are the same as the fans if not more determined as they have the ultimate decision to pick the team take Lionel and Proc for example lots of fans wanted them out but right now they are playing very well in RESURGENT caley side would it have been right to get rid of them pre xmas as most wanted?lionel mom on sat and i spoke afterward to him and his confidence is returning proc scores and is doing solid job in team so as said everyone has an opinion but for me to comment on any previous or current manager/coach would be wrong in my opinion i hope you can respect that
  17. lots of good training players hardest working take your pick Kenny Black Neil Berry Craig Levein John Colquhoun Barry Wilson Golly Roy all very hard working Rankin Cowie Tiernan at county Webster Neilson Wallace at Hearts were fit lads too
  18. ok here goes no yes no no no no yes no no yes no no yes no no no no yes no yes yes yes no no yes yes no no yes not sure no no yes yes yes yes no no yes yes yes yes no yes yes no no yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes no no no yes no yes no no no yes yes no tes yes no yes yes there x
  19. darren was brought in on the same deal as proctor in that donald felt both would give us young back up at an affordable(very affordable) price while david kicked on physicaly darren did not and thats the gamble you take most of his appearnces were in scottish cup when you had to include under 21 players and he did score memrable winner at love street en route to the semi v pars some you win proctor black fox some you lose thomson finnigan etc
  20. hi johnboy yes big'chuck' is alive and well i think he was doing some electrical work for a while but if memory serves me right is working the black cab taxis in edinburgh he was a strong player really fit and an unsung hero amongs the hearts team really appreciated by the players for the unseen work of breaking up play and starting attacks(duncan mcbain) and popped up with the occassional goal to great lad and vary friendly with wayne foster who is a postman in edinburgh Hi Robbo On a similar note, do you know where Zico is now? I bumped into him at a petrol station in Bradford when he was there with Jim Jefferies, and he was good enough to stop and chat for a few minutes. he was last heard of being a kitchen fitter not seen him for a while but hope he will be playing for hearts legends this year
  21. no worries will come back again if invited just let me know thanks again robbo
  22. hi morgan spice i was lucky football was all i could think of doing and i stuck at it was always told to small to fat to slow to make it but just made me even more determined to succeed now all i would really like to do is put as much back into the sport as possible help players acheive their best life is short and therefor whatever you do give it everything and enjoy your time on this earth does not matter what you do just try and make a difference try and acheive something that you see as something i try to be as positive as possibel my current job is an industry i knew nothing about but i attack it with the same gusto and willingness i would if preparing a team for a game its just me just the way i am
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