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Posts posted by Cinejag

  1. Neil Lennon may not help himself with the things he says/does. That said no-one deserves the utter madness that he has had to deal with and anyone who thinks it's okay is off their head

  2. Its a fooking sad and dare i say...slightly disturbing day, when individuals are not allowed to form or hold opinions of their own. F**K POLITICal CORRECTNESS!

    Yeah, it is sad when thats the case, But, and it's a huge but way the decision was correct. it's Gray and Keys who obviously don't get the offside rule also regardless of gender the linesman gets one look at the situation in real time. Not countless replays from the comfort of a studio

  3. I agree it was their big day out,don't forget though in the Highland league they were probably the main rivals of Inverness teams,would their have been such a low home support if it had been County who haven't exactly been in the same league as us a lot over the years.

    More of an effort should have been made,no SPL team should be getting outnumbered by lower league opposition fans,there maybe apathy for the cup throughout all the other SPL teams but i bet none were outnumbered by away fans at their home ground

    Highland League days were nearly 17 years ago which means pretty much anyone under the age of 25 has no recollection of those times and certainly not of the rivalry. Elgin have been an irrelevance to us since 1994 and that was reflected yesterday. I wonder how many of the ICT fans there yesterday were ever regulars at Telford Street or Kingsmills? Not opening a merger fans argument, just trying to illustrate how far the club and the support has moved on since the Highland League days.

    Not sure what the attendance for a County game would have been, I'd like to think significantly higher, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have been a sell out either.

    I was there yesterday and only being 29, I have some early childhood memories. Mainly of hearing the Elginers being called words I'd never heard before then but soon realised why they got so called. I tend to agree, not that many of the younger group of fans would see what all the fuss was about. Still a wins a win as they sayictscarf.gif

  4. what is his point Telford was never festooned with Union flags when I went from 1988 until we moved to TCS &whilst there may well be some numpty fans of ours who'd want to buy that kind of item they will be in minority, It might be cheaper to get all the SPl clubs to jointly go after this guy for flogging cheese wares

  5. Agree with much said . Thought The Goal was Goal of the season so far anyway, We seemed to sit far too deep in the 2nd half. Thought Duff was immense Odi looked way off the pace today. Nick Ross better be fit for the Hearts game. Sitting before kick off I'd have taken a point today ictscarf.gif

  6. I don't reckon that many tourists would that aghast at finding out the curfews in place tbh. I get your point though but also why many see it as a good idea. An old school pal who was visiting recently seemed to think it was a good idea. He works in the licensed trade down south. Says it can be bedlam some nights

  7. I wonder if it escaped Dornochcaleys notice that we had the poppy emblem on our shirts on Saturday and I didn't here any of our Irish contingent complaining about wearing them. Seems to have a real chip on their shoulder about this. And It's not us that are backward it's them when it comes to this subject it's them!

  8. For all of our own board's failings over the years, fiscal irresponsibility has not been one of them for most of our existence.

    Presumably, Scotty, your "most of" qualification refers to the one almost fatal period around 2000 where the stadium had to be handed over to the Trust and in excess of ?2M of debt miraculously disappeared from ICT's books. That, of course, means that ICT now owns no significant asset (players in contract and the Social Club being about it) to trade against any future financial crisis (not that I'm suggesting that one is likely.)

    In the warm afterglow of winning the First Division last season and returning to the SPL, I sometimes wonder if the Board have ever had an informal "what if" session on the scenario of NOT having bounced straight back up?

    What I am talking about is last year's ?947K debt (well actually a bit less than that since the bonuses to players would have been less in these circumstances)against continuing SFL income streams rather than those of the SPL again this season. That would have been quite a serious situation but not, I would suggest, in the same ballpark as a decade ago.

    I'm sure when Price Waterhouse Coopers did a review of Scottish clubs finances only Ourselves Hamilton and Saint Mirren were the only clubs to turn a profit. Albeit I doubt it was big profits. Also I don't know for definate but I think David Sutherland and other board members underwrote the debt of a few years ago. Like I say can't be 100% sure of that last bit.

  9. had a look a pie and bovril thread . had to laugh at the 1 ot 2 kilie fans on it. haha. they humped us but lost yeah right. that'd would be why sky and bbc sites have us as deserved winners. Typical central belt cry babies when they get humped off the park! haha europa league here we come!



  10. In the last few years, Liechtenstein have had wins against Latvia and Iceland, and draws with Portugal and Slovakia - results which Scotland would have been delighted with!

    And Lithuania's win in the Czech R last night indicates that our away draw wasn't a bad result.

    I never expect Scotland to "comfortably beat" anyone!

    Exactly. It always seems to be the so called lesser nations that we stumble past or get embarassed by. yes we should have played a hell of a lot better than we did. BUT top of the group by goals scored although Spain will pass us when they play the game in hand they have over us. Frankly lets not have delusions of where we are in the world of football and be happy with 4pts

  11. :oops01:

    he always looks small to me im only 5 ft 8 lol

    i think he'd be worth a call to squad. Turner at everton has only played in friendlies for Everton and is their 3rd choice now they've signed the Slovakian keeper Mucha. Also I think David Marshall's in the dog house after Cardiff's antics in the lead up to the Sweden friendly on maybe i heard it wrong on the radio before k.o on wednesday

  12. Here we are again, when all else fails, blame the ref. If you really thought he was shocking today, prepare yourself for a very long, disappointing season. There will be much worse to come. For my money, the ref today had a good game.

    I really don't see how what you're suggesting here is relevent?

    We were beaten by a single superb effort. What is being said here is that the referee was extremely poor. He's not being blamed for anything - yet you see fit to jump to that conclusion?

    you have it exactly right. Where does anyone say it was the ref's fault we lost? He was shocking ! gave us nothing all day. Hayes gets obliterated a minute in and it's their free kick? eh, No!! 3 Samaras 3 blatant hand balls nothing doing. Say no more

  13. Was at the game today, thoroughly enjoyed the day, apart from the score.

    One thing did occur to me, the behaviour of the self styled greatest fans in the world, who invaded the pitch, fought with stewards, tore out seats and encouraged us to "join the IRA", and set off a flare.

    I know it is a minority but why do people think they can come to Inverness and behave like this?

    The answer to this question is that there is no perceived threat of retaliation from the home support, but today the home and away fans were separated by a walkway, some red/white tape and one steward. If away fans are allowed to continue behaving like this it is only a matter of time before something happens... what would they have done if they had lost today?

    I am not saying that all Celtic fans are halfwits, and it was brought to my attention today that they won an award for good behavior after the UEFA cup final although the person who mentioned it to me was unable to tell me who had won prior to Celtic and had there been any winners since.

    Their fans are generaly twats in their attitude and songs they sing but your higher than thou attidute is boring. One guy invaded the pitch, wow. We had far more invading the pitch against Ayr and that was deemed as a great atmosphere and game by most people. And everyone here was creaming themselves over Antwerp fans posting posting their videos and they had flares so is it only ok when certain team do it?

    Maybe it would be better if everyone sat on their arse in silence instead. If you went to a game in Europe or South America that had a real red hot atmosphere you would prob have a heart attack at all the 'bad behaviour.'

    true, a lot of our fans behave like their are at the theatre or cricket. But, If the s.p.l fine us for celtic fans misbehaving then it would be deeply unfair. TBH, My angst is with the stewards who try to stop us standing up ton sing a lot of the time and when some fat weegie parades around the pitch they take the longest time possible to react to it. Last word on this from me, I don't want to dwell on it. Onwards and upwards lets hopeictscarf.gif

  14. t

    what did you expect from the unwashed (m)asses??

    * pitch invader

    * flare

    * neds being bar stewards to the ground's security.

    * singing offensive songs about a country most couldn't even point out on a map

    (even ones on the back of pizza hut menu's)

    then horse them out on their bahookies !

  15. MMMM - Antwerp had flares !!

    Never saw them myself.Doesn't change the fact that they are illegal. Also shows how incompetent the stewards/ North constabulary are when it comes to crowd control

  16. Did anybody else notice that the stewards took about a minute to respond to the fattest, slowest pitch invader ever? The Celtic physio had to take matters into his own hands.

    But I don't really have a problem with the Celtic fans singing the boys of the old brigade. They've done it for decades. I have no stake in Irish politics and I couldn't care less. People are far too easily offended these days. Letting off coloured flairs? That's pretty standard. Not sure how that constitutes a breach of the peace.

    A flare is a firearm in the eyes of the law. It clearly states on match tickets that if found with one. You will AT LEAST be removed from the ground and more than likely arrested. No excuse for it what so ever!

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