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Posts posted by beachcomber

  1. In the past it's been £15 and £10 - pretty good. In fact I love going to Tynie. Best ground in the SPL and sensible prices as well.

    It is indeed a very reasonable fifteen squid  :003: - I just procured a ticket for what will be my first away game in ages. A good deal cheaper than chitty chitty feckin bang bang at the playhouse which is the reason for my being in auld reekie that weekend

  2. I suppose it's Cellic because they came calling, Rangers don't need a keeper right now, and the chance to get their nose in the OF financial trough doesn't come along for too many players. I'm no more keen on the situation than you are, and you're right we can't compete on the financial front, but the game is played on  the park and that's where we can still put one over on them hopefully starting next weekend.

  3. After seeing one of our former superstars humphing boxes into shops up the high street I can't blame Brown for taking the money while it's there to be had - I've no idea what his deal will be at the tattie bowl, but I'd imagine it's life transforming dough. I wouldn't mind being a couple of quid behind him that's for sure.

    Always seemed like a decent sort, so good luck Mark.

    Like the Murphys, but unlike TMFTJ, I'm not bitter.

  4. ERSE

    You needed type no more chibbmeister

    The greatest sporting achievement of Billy McNeil's career was not lifting the European Cup.

    It was punching the ignorant, arrogant, self opinionated **** that is Gerry McNee.

    Would have loved to have been there!

    Can you elaborate on that one for me suspicious mind

  5. I'm all in favour of Caff getting the slot and I have every confidence in him coming up to snuff pretty quickly once he gets match sharpness back, he's more adept at starting moves from defense than our current lineup who prefer the big hoof route, just so long as he doesn't try to be too fancy though - theres nothing wrong with nearly putting the ball into the firth when necessary. We will need someone as defensive backup though, preferably someone young with potential - is there anyone coming through the ranks in-house?

  6. this is what's wrong with the youth of today - no stamina

    that would've been an average night out for a highland league player, then he'd do a mornings brickying before turning out to play in the afternoon then do it all again on Saturday night

    what is the world coming to

  7. whoever said we should try attracting more fans from outwith inverness has the right idea, seen as folk in sneck dont seem to care enough.  if we had organised supporters clubs in nairn, ross-shire, forres etc then not only would travel to games be garunteed and cheap but it would also raise our profile in the wider north area, which may have an influence on the people of inverness.

    I doubt you'd get many takers from my generation in Nairn - very few football fans I know would give ICT the time of day, as attested by the "We hate Caley more than you" banner at the recent Nairn v Ross County cup final. Howden Enders and Jaggies might be all loved up now, but many native Nairnacs still hate feckin Caley. I've tried asking people if they fancy coming through with me but the usually reply is something along the lines of

    "Caley, f*****g Caley, I wouldn't give those c***s the steam off my s***e, let alone go and support the f*****s" 

    What a ******* dilemna I've got

    You might have more luck with the white settlers and kids right enough

    As for YMIP's problem with the tickets,  it's not good to hear,  but I can honestly say I've never had a problem paying at the gate, but then I stick to the Bridge End, it's cheaper, warmer & drier if you don't mind slumming it with the riff-raff. :006:

  8. I'm sure Rossco and Dodds will enjoy getting in about Brewsters old ribs, but he's still as potent a threat on the park as anyone else in the league so they'll need to be on their best form. This feckin Aberdeen hoodoo needs to be laid, and today is surely the day.

  9. I saw an interview with him on the news last night and he actually came across reasonably well.

    Yeah, I reckon he always comes across well, and seems genuine and sincere, as well as being a superb hard working saaccer player into the bargain.

    He is a fully paid up member of the lucky ******* club along with other feckers like Mick Jagger with charmed lives who've never had to do a proper days work in their puff .

    "Hey Brad shall we go to the saaccer game" - it's just never gonna catch on.

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