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Posts posted by quizzer

  1. A rather tense, emotive meeting with some very articulate and considered contributions.

    To summarise, the vast majority of the room appeared to strongly favour administration as their preferred outcome by the time the meeting concluded.  I know I know, sounds mad but it seemed the best option to get our club back, and we fully accepted the implications.  

    There was some debate/conflict of opinions as to whether the future of the youth academy was secured or not, with someone very close indeed to the club saying they hadn't seen the evidence to back up the claim of it's secure future made by another contributor.

    A fair bit of pressure on the ST to come up with an action plan/already have one in place, but I think everyone understood by the end that this wasn't something that they could have put in place - as a small group - already.  

    Some really helpful input by a few individuals, and a lot of passion and strong feelings in the room.  No miracle solution, but a massive majority of people in favour of boycott/administration.

    • Thank You 3
  2. 2 hours ago, Drake said:


    The point is the club aren't moving lock stock and barrel to Glasgow.  Nor, are they offering stupidly high wages.  This isn't about money.  It's about getting the right players in to WIN. 

    Scot/Ross/whoever you are - read the room.  I can't believe how wide of the mark you are.  As fans, much as we love the team to win, it's not the be all and end all.  We want a club we can be proud of, who represents both us as fans and the wider community as a whole.  We want a team on the pitch who are committed to Inverness, whether that's league one or premiership.  This whole situation is f*£#ed up beyond belief. 

    • Like 2
    • Well Said 4
    • Facepalm 1
  3. Kerr easily my POM.   Gave everything in midfield - and won most of it too!  Felt like McAllister was trying too hard to impress and as a result kept giving away possession.  Don't doubt his ability, just need a cool and composed head in midfield right now, not one who tries for the matchwinner every time he gets the ball.  Think it would have helped if he'd someone guiding him a bit.

    Samuel is some fighter.  Immense - but relied on him for lead-up play and he barely (ever??) got a touch inside the box.  Would sign him in a flash if an option, but sadly suspect that he'll get much better options than us in the summer.  

    Billy Mckay cost us the win?  Nope, and I'm appalled that anyone says as much, and even more disgusted if they directed it to his family.    

    Amazing goal line clearance by Devine when it seemed certain we'd go behind, I celebrated it like a goal and was not alone.  Think it's fair to say that other than the penalty, our next best chances were 3 headers from Devine from corners, all of which were off target.  

    Overall a strange one.  No lack of effort, but no real threat, as the stats say.  When our bench is 4 attacking players and a goalkeeper, I'm left wondering if we've gone too far in letting basically all of our own youngsters go out on loan.

    • Agree 4
  4. Incredibly sad news.  I spent time with Ian many years ago when he gave me an insight into the work he carried out as a historian and just last week I came across a huge wad of documents which he very generously copied and shared with me.  I'd been saving my proud copy of his new book to enjoy later this month.  


    Like many others, I thought incredibly highly of Ian and sincerely hope we as a club do something to commemorate him on a permanent basis. 



  5. 51 minutes ago, Fraz said:

    The ballot is random. You don't get extra points for how long you've held your ST.

    I called today on a hopeful whim and they said they had a few single seats left but as I wanted a double it was no dice. 

    That was my assumption...until I read this from the article -

    Gardiner said: “We’ve got to work through the season ticket list in a system. We started with who had a season ticket the longest, and was in tier one.

    Now maybe they started off with a group of I dunno - 500? - fans who held it longest and obviously not everyone can get lucky and get offered one.  Or maybe half the season ticket holders?  Who knows.  Whatever it was, they clearly haven't done themselves any favours.  Incidentally, I personally don't think they should have started with the longest holders first, everyone should have been in the draw with the same chance imo.

    Wonder if people who already have had tickets will get to go again if they are among the first 300 to get in touch for each game.

    Still time to introduce an opt-in system - anyone who hasn't been allocated a ticket to any previous games gets priority and any leftover balloted.


  6. I don't know about anyone else, but as a season ticket holder (living locally) for many many years, I'm livid at that article.  Only one of my group has been offered a ticket in the ballot and they aren't even the person who has held a season ticket the longest.  (edited to add - the longevity reference relates to a comment made by Gardiner in P&J article, not my personal feelings) 


    2020 - the year ICT completely lost the last bit of loyalty that their fans have generously given them for many years, despite the club's best efforts to blow it time after time. 

  7. Also sent several messages (wasn't easy to find a way to contact club on website, I'm sure there used to be ail addresses but now there's just a submit comment type thing. Which wasn't easiest to find). 


    Weeks later, no reply.  


    Sent a further message which got a response.  Saying... 


    Emails missed due to IT issues 😅😅. Seriously. Got to laugh. 


    Sometimes I really do wish it was easy to change your football team as it was to change your car or supermarket or brand of trainers. 

    • Like 1

    16 minutes ago, Jack Waddington said:

    Seems a touch daft to send out an apology email with a stream link a decent way into the second half...

    Apparently you are wrong and it's us silly Highlanders at fault and not the providers as per the response sent out...

    The email was sent at 3.25 one it was apparent the issue wasn’t easily fixed, it must have taken some time to get to some inboxes due to the number of recipients



    Seriously, for a company providing an online service to try to bluff us into believing that the number of email recipients has any impact on the time taken for an email to be received is one of the most insulting things I've heard this year (leaving all political discussions aside!).  So because there are about 1000 season ticket holders to notify and because we stay way up north we're meant to accept this?  Incidentally everyone else I know who submitted similar complaint was told 3.15 and not 3.25.  And personally I don't think it's at all acceptable anyway to wait 25 mins into a 90 min event before telling your customers to try another method. 

    If our club don't distance themselves from this set up asap and speak out then that's shocking.  Contract clearly not fulfilled, break ties with provider and seek financial recompense and an apology to supporters affected since day one.  Otherwise they are letting us down.

    Cracking result by the way!

    • Like 1
  9. I got an email from the SPFL helpdesk at 1615 claiming that they had in fact emailed everyone at 1515 with an alternative link to access game (same as they told 2 friends too) which stated "it must have taken some time to get to some inboxes due to the number of recipients."  This was after earlier receiving the ludicrous response telling me to refresh my browser.

    FFS.  I've utterly had enough of this, utter shambles.  Why do the club appear to do their very best to make it so very hard for us to support the team?   Yeah blame the provider... but how is it always/only us who seem to have these issues with the streaming?  If this was any other business I'd be moving to another brand without a second thought.  A brief apology or acknowledgement on twitter or emailed out at 3pm would have been so simple but would have gone a long way.

  10. I received an email saying my order is complete and the shipping method as stadium pick-up.  I've not been to collect it yet as I wasn't sure if this meant it was actually waiting for me to do so or if I had to wait until I was contacted by someone at the stadium - any advice/anyone else had same message and been to stadium to collect it?

  11. Watched on tv.  Proud of team, gave everything but have to say the attacking force of Hibs totally outclassed us.  Boyle ran us ragged, the 3 bookings on him within about 20 mins told the story.  Biggest problem for me was that we didn't have a plan B - literally no alternatives for Carson/Trafford, both of whom had very early bookings.

    I didn't get the line-up (for me Keatings and Walsh were not involved nearly enough) but such is the way of things with that formation.  We'd no other option but to try to make use of the wide players who were (abundantly) available.  

    Last season I thought Tremarco's best days were behind him, but as said by other posters this is clearly not the case.  Tremendous performance.  While he certainly wasn't flawless, Trafford gave everything and never hid and same with Carson.  Credit to them both, specially after early bookings.

    Interesting to hear White get so much praise from commentators for both his performance during game and in general this season.  I for one was glad to hear it as he gets plenty of criticism elsewhere.

    Roll on Tuesday.

    • Like 2
    • Agree 2
  12. Breathing a sigh of relief at the win, specially with their late "goal" disallowed. Better than many if not most teams outwith the premiership that have played here in recent years. Could have done without the theatricals, but really hope Brown is ok after going off looking in a bad way though. Definitely nothing theatrical about that. 

    I really admired the progress White made last season but he's missed a fair number of chances over the last 2 games. Dundee might be too early for Robbo to gamble starting Todorov but it wouldn't be a bad shout. As for Macgregor - really look forward to seeing a lot more of him

    I underestimated Vincent returning.  Really like the look of him so far.  Carson looks like a really busy and hard working player, feeling optimistic about him. 

    Really got to improve our defence though, they cut through us for both goals. Not entirely comfortable with Vincent and Carson being the 2 staying back at our corners (and Doran at one) but I'm guessing it's considered worth sacrificing the risk of having defenders up for corners due to their height/attacking value at set pieces?? 

    All to play for on Sunday, which is brilliant after how I felt after Peterhead!

    • Agree 1
  13. 18 minutes ago, sheepslagger said:

    Are there 500 -1000 fnas out there   up for putting £5 - £10 a week into the club ? 

    Frankly, I very much doubt it.

    Would I do it personally?  I really don't know.  Up until the last few days, it's not been a great season to be an ICT fan and I don't think anyone would be surprised if our season ticket sales took a substantial hit next year.  I just don't think the timing is great to ask the fans for more money, although I totally understand the reasoning that it's best to do so now than wait until it's too late.

  14. Totally uninspiring.

    Another good goal for Walsh - three very similar goals for him in last 3 games I believe - but other than that pretty dire.  Ridgers kept us in game, we totally rode our luck for a large portion of the match.

    Other than that, same old.  Even the subs are same week after week, but credit for giving Macgregor a decent run out again.  We need to see more of him though - and his U18 teammates.  Things desperately need freshened up, the first team squad have had their chance and it's at the point we've nothing to lose.  I'm certainly not being entertained this season and I'd rather pay money to see Robbo take a gamble and play more of our youngsters than hold out for yet another draw.

    Have to say that I'm getting really frustrated by lack of discipline by Brad and Rooney.  Rooney got away with it today when he kicked ball in the air in frustration, but the pair of them live on the edge/step over the line week after week.  

    Oh, and totally sick of going in entrance by sports bar and not allowed to go to toilet, never mind catering.  Instead we are forced to go up the stairs, along the passageway to other end of stand and down the stairs.  Creates bottlenecks and congestion as we're against the main flow of traffic and totally unnecessary.  I'm not trying to get a drink, so why can't I use the facilities??  Been hit and miss for a while, but now we're told we can't get into sportsbar area after 2.30.  Causing lots of frustration for those of us who simply want a pie/pee and also costing the club money in lost revenue.

    • Agree 3
  15. Tremendous third goal, great work from Macgregor and a lovely, unselfish layoff to Doran who had made a fantastic run to finish it off. Roddy looked good throughout his appearance, lively and retained ball well under pressure. 


    I hate to say it, but although White got a hattrick, he won't have won all his doubters over tonight. Delighted for him though, hope it gives him a boost to push on and keep the goals coming. How his second went in, goodness only knows. From my viewpoint it looked like it went straight (quite tamely) at the keeper who somehow let it slip thought his hands/legs to trickle in. 


    By no means our best performance but a result that we needed and the team kept going to the very end, which was typified by Doran's goal.  We all left pretty happy anyway, which is a nice feeling. 


    • Agree 2
  16. Another game where main positive was the (almost cameo) appearance of Daniel Mackay, and the refereeing being a major talking point. 

    I thought Doran's penalty incident looked more a slip than anything else, but my main complaint was the absolute eternity the ref took speaking to players/writing names in book and the handling of the situation when the guy holding the Dundee sub board blocked Mckay taking our throw til their player got ready to come onto the pitch.  Poorly dealt with. And can't blame the Dundee guy for having a fair wee laugh to himself afterwards!  Oh and the ref repeatedly counting 10 yards (slowly) then turning round and marking the defensive line about another 3 yards further back.  We didn't lose match cos of him though, I'm not blaming him by any means. 

    And agreed, waste of time Jake coming on tonight. From the stand it looked well short of full effort from him. Unlike Mackay, and, to be fair, Baird. 

    Textbook example of goalmouth stramash in second half, how Dundee didn't score I'll never know. 

    Mom Ridgers for me too. 


  17. I've been a member for about 10 years but I've got to agree, it's hard to drag ourselves there each match day given the decline and the other options available.  

    I'd love to see some money invested in it - simple things like new tvs and stocking local beers (served in glasses which aren't prone to stinking/being dirty!) would be inexpensive changes.  Obviously it could do with an entire overhaul and new furniture/improved heating in downstairs bar/whatever needs done to get rid of the permanent stale smell but these will take a heck of a lot more money.

    I appreciate that they've tried to improve the catering in the past - including very recently - but this is another area where there is still massive room for improvement.  I guess this one is a bit of a vicious circle though, no point in investing or a company/individual taking on franchise if there isn't enough footfall through the door.  Sadly the interior surroundings means that no matter how good quality the food is, not many non-members would go there for food on a regular basis.

    I love the Caley Club as a facility in principle and would love to see it prosper.  Despite whatever politics have been going on over the years, I've found the staff to be brilliant.  I love the fact that it's a meeting place for our fans before/after games, and had many good afternoons when buses of away fans have come along and everyone has mixed - the way it should be at football.  Sadly, for reasons highlighted by others, it's not a place I'd want to go on non-football days.

    I'm not exactly sure what - if any - links exist between it and the football club but if there's any possibility of stronger links then these should be built upon.  For example, cash sales for tickets/basic merchandise sales/working together on match days to create a pre-match atmosphere instead of competing for bar trade (with neither particularly attractive options atm).

  18. Really enjoyable game today, great team performance.  Tough call for man of the match but for me it's Vigurs again, held it all together and spread the ball tremendously.  Can't remember him losing the ball once either.  Great tenacious display by Bell and very good defensive display all round too.  Loved the fight and determination of Raven, another vote from me to do all we can to keep him till the end of the season minimum. If I remember correctly he linked excellently with Doran, so if Aaron's fit and back on right wing I think we'd have a great combination. 

    Slightly disappointed that Baird's grievance with Polworth led to him being booked, even after he'd been booked and ref stopped play he was more interested in carrying on that argument than anyone else.  To be gym fair he seemed to get on top of things after a wee word from Rice about keeping the head.  No doubting at all his effort and looking forward to the goals starting to go in for him. 

    Calder's inexperience maybe showed a bit at the end a couple of times when he went for the riskier option of taking on players/going for goal rather than taking the ball into the corner but on the whole a much more positive display from him. 

    Oh and I said a few weeks ago that I never wanted to see Chalmers in (central) midfield again.  I apologise for judging so early.

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