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Posts posted by ForzaCaley

  1. Graeme (Spider) Stewart is surely a decent shout? Especially if we are heading towards PT football or worse...

    Won HFL twice with Buckie, plays attractive football with lots of goals, knows the North football scene well and what potential players are available, and he is currently available after leaving Buckie the other week

    Could he be our modern Pele?

    • Like 1
    • Agree 2
    • Thoughtful 2
  2. Right here me out!

    I absolutely love our Pink kit this year and I know many others love it also.  After tonight's skudding of the Village People and superior performance, it was like watching some exotic Foreign side like Inter Miami or Palermo!

    So it's about time I reckon that we all get behind the idea of PINK becoming our new home colours. 

    No more "too much blue" arguments, or "not enough red and black" worries, or "It just looks like a Rangers shirt" concerns. Yes, pink and black is the way to go from now on....

    Who's with me? 

    • Agree 1
  3. I'm glad to see CJT have finally appeared from their own seclusion to announce on fb that they want to hear from fans. I sent them a private message along the lines that they need to outline our disgust to the board asap. I even suggested the starting of a petition asking for the club to offer a discount. 

    Cable guy hits the nail on the head. A £50 discount is far and above a decent compromise where fans are rewarded for their continued loyalty after last season and the board receives much needed funds. 

    I fear that many people are going to be put off renewing their STs and then the board will have even less funds to help the club. Nobody will win that way!

    I really hope the board and CJT will open up some kind of dialogue over the weekend, with the hope of coming to a compromise and a fair discount for fans. It's the least we deserve!

    • Agree 2
  4. Where the hell are CJT to stand up for the fans in this? 

    Clearly going by many Facebook posts on the official fb page, many others are also outraged, and rightly so. I really feel the fans need to pull together and show our feelings to the board. 

    The prices went up last year and the club said it was to ensure we could compete for top 6.......we got relegated. And so the board keep the same prices. 

    We are being treated as a cash cow and I'm fed up with it! Sorry for the rant but I couldn't buy a season ticket last year because I couldn't afford one and same applies with these prices. I want to support the club, and they're making it impossible. Where is the logic in that? 

    Disgusted, truly disgusted and embarrassed at my club today :(

    • Agree 7
  5. A name I have just seen at 12/1 on a betting site, and a name I've not heard mentioned on here yet is Steven Presley. I'd imagine he won't be everyone's cup of tea and he has failed miserably down in England but you could argue that he was a success at Falkirk. 

    I understand the point ICTChris was making earlier, regarding analytics etc. However Presley was manager of a club who had just been relegated, lacking in funds, has a similar support to ourselves and he managed a win ratio of 43%.....

    Worth a shout? Just a genuine question, wondering what other people's views on Presley are

    • Disagree 1
  6. There are two points we must look at here in defining who can manage us.

    1) We are a club with limited budget and 2) managerial statistics. 

    1) we have a limited budget with limited resources. In my opinion the two best managers we have had that could work within that environment were Steve Paterson and Terry Butcher. Both managers had the eye to catch good, youthful and experienced talent on the cheap! Paterson dipped into the Highland league and lower Scottish leagues, whilst Butcher obviously had connections with the English non league. Therefore our new manager needs to have experience of sourcing players, in the cheap that will be good enough to challenge for the Championship title. 

    Also, both Pele and Butcher had years of experience in management before they came to ICT and they also had tactical awareness. Both points which Foran lacked severely in. 

    Therefore in my opinion, of all the managers mentioned above, the two men that can tick all those boxes are Paul Hartley and Paul Sheerin. Hartley has won leagues 1 & 2 with Alloa and the championship with Dundee. He has the eye for resourcing young talent from Scotland and England and despite the last few months at Dundee has largely been a successful manager. Sheerin also has years of experience in coaching and management. He was Arbroath manager for two years and won league 2. Also his role with Aberdeen u20s means he knows the development league and could be influential in getting us loan deals of young Scottish talent. 


    2) managerial statistics

    I am a big fan of moneyball and I always like to look at the win ratio of a manager which is being touted for us. Excluding Foran who had a very poor win ratio, no surprise, our last two managers in Hughes and Butcher had a win ratio of 41.3% whilst at ICT

    Hughes has a career win ratio of 39.7% and Butcher has a career win ratio of 35.03%

    Now I must add that it is very rare at our level to find a manager who has a win ratio of more than 50%. Therefore realistically anything between 35 - 45% is what we are looking for. 

    Of the managers mentioned above the most.....

    Hartley has a career win ratio of 41.3%. A massive YES from me

    Sheerin - 38.97% whilst at Abroath (I can't find his record at Aberdeen u20s) again a Yes from me.

    Danny Lennon - 31.37%. It was 27% at St Mirren which is only 3% more than Foran. So it's a resounding NO from me

    I cannot find statistics for Paul Telfer. Since being rejected by us, he still has not have been given a management role and therefore it rings warning bells for me. It's a No

    Gus MacPherson - 35% puts him within the threshold but I'm not so sure tbh. His St Mirren side were known for Brutish, long ball football. It's a no

    Therefore we can see Paul Hartley is the resounding winner in points 1 & 2 and the fact he is available at the moment I hope we atleast try and speak to him. He is my firm favourite and I believe he could be a resounding success for ICT

    Also Paul Sheerin I believe has the ability to step into the position although he has only managed at league 1&2 and development league level. Therefore it might be wise to appoint a DoF if he were to be in the frame for the post. 


    • Agree 1
  7. 16 hours ago, highlandexile said:

    Instead of full fans/community ownership which as suggested by previous posters could cost up to 3 million another option would be to go down the Killie route.  They have just launched the "Trust in Killie" initiative to try and get a fans representative in the board.

    They are aiming to raise £100,000 to purchase unallocated shares in the club by asking fans to pay £15 a month.


    This could then be used as a stepping stop to ultimately go down the route of community ownership.



    As a shareholder and co-owner of F.C. United of Manchester, I have seen the benefits of supporters owning or part-owing their own football club first hand. Another example of a perfectly well run community ownership programme, would be the 'Foundation of Hearts' group as well. This thread excites me and I hope once CJT get their house in order, this is something they will pursue in the near future and put a definite motion on the table for us to sink our teeth into.  

    • Agree 1
  8. The blame solely lies at the managers door tonight. As soon as the team sheet came out I knew we were in for a beating. We don't have any fit out and out strikers at the club so therefore benches all our attacking options in Storey, Williams, Roberts and Polworth. I mean it's complete idiocy!! 

    In the first game against Hibs it was evident after 20 mins that the 4-3-3 wasn't working, our midfield was exposed and Polworth was out his depth at RB. It took Yogi until the 72min to make a change and 2 mins later we scored. 

    Tonight we were set up all wrong to begin with but again it took until 74min to change things and Vigurs scores 4 mins later. This tactical nievity is simply not good enough. 

    I am beginning to wonder however if the board and Yogi have concluded that the Cup is not a priority, but that staying up and trying for a last ditch top 6 spot by winning on Saturday is? Maybe that is why he kept our best attacking options benched tonight? Personally I think this is sheer folly and by putting all our eggs in one basket we'll likely lose them all....

    However i must say belt up and 'enjoy th ride'! Yogi is signed up till atleast 2018 and quite frankly he aint getting sacked anytime soon. Imho top 6 is long gone. Its all about staying up and frankly im worried. If by a miracle we do stay up, im already fearful about next season

  9. 3 minutes ago, davieB said:

    I'd love to know how many goals we've gifted the opposition this season through defensive errors. 

    Fact is we were dire in the first half and lost the game there. And let's not kid ourselves, yes, we rallied in the second half but it could've easily ended up 4-1 to them if they hadn't missed 2 absolute sitters at the end. Team selection was bizarre, and I'm finding it hard to believe Hughes knows what he's doing.

    A Falkirk supporting mate of mine said at the time of Yogi's appointment that we'd have a fantastic first season with him, then it'll all unravel dramatically. Sadly, I think he's being proved right.

    Do we have the same Falkirk supporting friend? Lol. My friend said exactly the same, plus that he will become stubborn playing certain players continually out of position and the majority of his signing will prove somewhat 'iffy'.....

    Pretty similar to ourselves sadly. He called it the 'Yogi Effect' a terminology I suspect we will become familiar with :(


  10. 1 hour ago, RednBlackComeback said:

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me you have more videos like this? There used to be a channel on youtube called Caleyclips which had loads of games from our early years, anyone know what happened to them? 

    As for the statement the OP made, I used to have that attitude and cringe every time I heard the mere mention of the merger. But after reading Going Ballistic and then Against all odds, I believe we should be doing a lot more as a club to embrace the two former clubs. Both Caledonian and Inverness Thistle were institutions of Highland football with independent and successful histories. I remember reading footballgroundfrenzy twitter page, they had a magazine extract from 1990 claiming that Caledonian were the "Greatest Non-League Football Club in Britain"........That is some accolade! Therefore, although ICT were formed in 1994, our story really began in 1885! 

    Also Sneckboy made a point that we are the only merger in the past few decades. I disagree, there have been countless mergers in non league football ie Rushden & Diamonds, Hinckley United, Lothian Thistle Hutchieson Vale(stupid name) etc. In fact the first two are now extinct and have been replaced by phoenix clubs. This further details the fact that our merger, has been an undoubted marvelous achievement. No other merger in Britain (at least) has the same success/fairytale story that we do. Again we should remember, embrace and celebrate this more often! :ictscarf:

    • Agree 1
  11. Dearest Forum friends...

    After some thinking, I write to simply apologise for my outburst during the early hours of Saturday morning. I believed that I had all the facts but sadly my ignorance got the better of me. I would like to thank L_G for her time to 'put me right' whilst we messaged on Saturday morning. I do believe I was given some 'half-truths' from the people I had been in contact with, but clearly it was not the WHOLE truth. 

    To give you a little background information, three of my best mates were banned for 3 months by the Club in 2007 during the Mike Smith/West Stand Singing Section fiasco....remember that? Sadly these three guys never came back and still have nothing to do with ICT. So when I heard that 30 odd youngsters had now been 'banned' I feared the worst, panicked and overreacted. I was fearful that an even larger group of young/future fans were now going to be alienated and not come back...

    However as it has been detailed to me by L_G that CJT and the majority of the young team appear to be happy to move on and therefore so am I!!


    It has also come to my attention that a couple of CJT stalwarts have tendered their resignations. This saddens me on a personal level because I know them and the hard work they have put in to the supporters group. Sure, this past week hasn't been dealt with too fantastically, but when you look at the long list of achievements in which CJT have been involved in, last week was a minor blip! I desperately ask those who have tendered their resignations to have a long think before next weeks AGM and reconsider!! I say this because there is somewhat uncertainty on whether CJT can continue if they are not replaced. It is a whole lot more beneficial for us as supporters to have CJT than not to have them. They are the middle man between us the fans and the board.....We need them!

    I have been asked in the past to consider joining CJT but sadly I don't have the time at the moment to commit 100%. that's not to say I won't do it in the future, because as you know through my FC United connections I fully support and fan/supporter involvement at Club level. However as JamieICT stated before on this thread, I do feel there needs to be a representative for the younger/under30s fanbase. Had their been a representative for this age group, there may have never been such a 'blow up' and confusion, Maybe this is an area CJT can look into in the near future? 

    Anyways that's enough from me! #Togetherness :ictscarf:

    • Agree 12
  12. Firstly I wish to state I have a couple of close friends who are board members of CJT and I don't want to be seen as having a 'rant' at them but personally I can't just 'put this situation to bed' so to speak. The events of this past week have left me with a bad taste in my mouth and I feel there is to many pressing questions which need answered. 

    Going by that brief statement from CJT earlier, it would make you think everything is now hunky-dory, but quite frankly I think it's a sham and I'm not prepared to sit back, kow tow and take it as Gospel. 

    After speaking to one of the lads who attended tonight's meeting, its become clear that part of the 'problem' on the Stirling trip was indeed singing....... But also some of the group were standing during the journey...... How this warrants an immediate ban, I just do not know!! Personally throughout this week I was thinking, the lads must have been drinking or something. But no! The serious offence committed was standing and singing....

    It has also come to my attention that only 4 boys turned up to the meeting tonight (out of 30 something I believe were banned?). Frankly this doesn't surprise me and from what I've been hearing the vast majority of lads are feeling very dissolution about the whole saga and not only did not turn up tonight, but are not interested in tomorrow's game either. I will be deeply saddened if these lads don't come back, ever! But who would blame them after the way they have been treated this past week. For this Clubs sake, I hope the news of a more frequent Gellions Bus tempts them to come back, but i suppose its just a case of wait and see. 

    However the main point which has really angered me tonight is that the 4 boys who were in attendance tonight and showed willingness to meet, have been told that there might not be enough space on the bus for them tomorrow. Its a case of turning up to the stadium at 10 am and waiting to see if no-one else turns up so they can get their seats.......Sorry but this is an absolutely disgraceful way to treat any loyal supporter of this club. So much so that 2 of the 4 lads have decided to just forget about tomorrow.

    So instead of 30 odd boistrous and vocal young fans turning up and cheering on the team in what is a crucial game in defending our trophy, only 2 will be going. That is of course if by chance there is any seats left on the bus. What a shambolic mess!! All because they were standing and singing on the bus to Stirling......And if it turns out that the team are defeated tomorrow and the team felt there wasn't enough backing from the fans, well the blame quite frankly lies at the door of CJT and the poor handling of this situation. 

    Please believe me when i say It saddens me to the core to say that, because CJT and the Supporters Trust before them have in general been true ambassoders for this club. The card display at Hampden, the ticket allocation at LC Final, the many times we needed transport to semi finals or finals with stupid KO times couldn't have been done without them!! But the handling of this week and the poorly written statement re: Pyro a couple weeks back have sadly alienated a large section of our support, a section which is mainly made up of young/loyal/committed supporters who are essential to the future of this Club. Way to go CJT. 

    Before I close I wish to ask a few questions. who was the person that sent that text earlier in the week to the lads, demanding that they were to be banned and that there was to be no further discussion about it. Are they a CJT board member? If so they should be struck off! Had he shown a little more wisdom none of this would have happened. I dont want some petty jobsworth who acts out with a knee-jerk reaction to be the 'voice' of our support. 

    Why if the 'problem' was on the weekend of Stirling Away was it not dealt with immediately after that weekend? That game was 4 weeks ago. Had this all been sorted out then, we might actually be seeing more young fans at Well tmo and not expecting the farcical situation of 2 young lads turning up at the stadium not knowing if they can go to the game or not.

    And lastly, what will CJT be doing in the coming weeks to ensure that all 30odd lads are made to feel welcome at TCS and away games? I cannot stress enough how these guys are the future of this club and if this is dealt badly now, could have serious ramifications in years to come!

    I close by stating that famous, elequent but simple quote by Jock Stein "Football without Fans, is Nothing". Please please please, no-one should ever forget that! 

    • Agree 4
    • Disagree 6
  13. Hello all. 

    Is there anyone here planning to take the train to Motherwell on Sat? I will be coming from Falkirk as I'm staying with family this weekend. Just wondering what station is the easiest to get to Fir Park, Motherwell or Airbles? 

    Cheers in advance

  14. On 26/01/2016 at 0:59 AM, CaleyD said:

    From what I can gather, it's a Hastie & Dyce pie that the OP is complaining about as that's their van next to the North Stand. :slapme:

    Brora, Hastie&Dyce, Scotch pie award. The OP is talking about Steak pies :finger:

    Coincidentally I had a V8 STEAK pie today at lunch. Absolute first class!

  15. The Scottish Pie awards were held in November 2015. Brora won a Gold Award for the best scotch pie in non-league. Clach got bronze for best steak pie in non-league. Brora use Hastie&Dyce and Clach use V8, both Inverness firms obviously. Why then are we, the Premier League club, being served up utter rubbish when there is clearly top rated pie makers in the City? And why aren't ICTFC not prepared to help out local shops? 

  16. Mahonio you change your mind more times than i have hot dinners. 

    As for the game, we made them look better than they actually are to be honest. I believe if we had a full first choice team to play with, it would have been a lot closer as a game. However we didn't and has been the story so many times this season, we capitulated and had too many stragglers. 

    but anyhow, its only the diddy cup and they haven't won anything yet! 

    • Agree 1
  17. Why has nobody mentioned Jackie McNamarra? He had a win ratio of 43% at Dundee Utd which makes it even more astonishing that he got sacked! That ratio is better than Yogi has now or what Butcher had.

    Sure, since January Utd have been woeful but then again they got rid of their best players and never invested properly in replacing them. Thomson is really at fault for Uniteds recent demise, not Jackie!

    Edit. Forgot to mention, whoever a possible new manager would be (Jackie, McCall) i would make them boss with Richie as Assistant. I also agree and fear that Richie is  inexperienced in a managing/coaching role. This appointment would give him the necessary experience needed. I do however hope to see Richie as manager one day as i think he has it in him to be a succesful coach, but just now would be to soon for him imho

  18. Well thats Aberdeen been put to bed. 

    But This next game is the one! It's the one i've personally been waiting for since winning the Big Cup. Win, lose or draw, i hope we are all ready to 'rip the ****' for the whole day about our recent Cup and European exploits, whilst Uncle Roys chequebook receipts keep rustling to the tune of envy and bitterness and a deep rooted lust to Equal our 21 year success story. They really are just another Chelsea-esque plastic franchise, no character and no History. 

    £4k a week Davies is suspended along with our very own youth product and Local Hero Ryan Christie (we didnt need a Football Academy to find a local £1m superstar). 

    I hope we can have a few extra players back from injury for this one as I am wary of what they could do. they seem to be strong in the final third, down the right and on the counter. This is an entirely different beast we will be facing compared to recent years, (thanks again to Sheikh Macgregor) but i have full faith in our Guid Honest Laddies! 

    #scottishcupchampions #weknowwhatweare




    • Agree 1
  19. Can confirm 100% what has been said already about County/Macgregor and those player wages. Since 2012 County have signed on average 7 players every transfer window and this summer have gone the full hog and signed a whole new team almost of English League 1/ 2 standard players. This comes at a hefty price ofcourse, but thats nothing for a guy who personal wealth puts him in the Top 100 wealthiest people in Scotland list  

    Also, since 2012 Macgregor has financed the build of 2 new stands, extension of existing Stand, relaying of a new pitch AND draining system, brand new hospitality area and this summer a new club shop and supporters bar. 

    I can tell you that our exploits last season has left certain people in a rage of envy and bitterness and therefore will stop at nothing now to equal our achievements. Sad, but true and i hope one day they'll pay the price for their lust for wealth and success just as Gretna, Livi and Rangers found out. 

    However when you take the above into consideration and all that money that is at their disposle, it really confirms how continuosly pump they have been for a number of years now and how Glorious our achievements truly are. All we have done is to build steadily whilst staying within our means by signing out of contract non league players or finding talent from within. Therefore County should not only be looking to 'equal' us but better us. We have set the benchmark with no money, so what can they achieve with all the money in the world?  If they are unable to get top 3, Europe and a trophy this year or next, they have failed! Simple as that. The pressure is on them. 

    We'll continue plodding on doing it our way (Y)

    We Are Inverness

    • Agree 9
    • Disagree 1
  20. Bridge End Ultras......

    Inverness JagBoys..... 

    Sorry but are you 13? those names are so lame and predictable. If you want to be 'Ultras' then who have to be Original! 

    How about 'RossoBlu Raggazzi'. It means Red and Blue Boys in Italian. 

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