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Posts posted by MarkD

  1.  If they are all so pro Union, why is it not the All British Tennis Club,


    And well done Alex Salmond for the wee flag, priceless.


    All who are so pro-union?  I shouldn't think Wimbledon cares either way.  If you read most posters on 'English' papers I think you will find they are happy for Scotland to go.  Scottish independence has higher support in England than Scotland.


    And Alex Salmond was pathetic.  The moment should have been about Andy Murray, not Alex Salmond.  Truly pathetic.

  2. Did former Wimbledon champion, Goran Ivanisevic, not get 5 minutes playing for his beloved team, Hajduk Split?


    I believe Usain Bolt was told by Fergie at Man Utd that he could get a cameo role at some point in a testimonial or friendly. Bolt's got a very high opinion of himself as he also claims he could have been a first class cricketer!


    Well there is a clip of him bowling Chris Gayle, and also hitting him for six I think.  Given his size, I can easily see him as a Joel Garner type bowler.

  3. A female goal keeper would create financial problems for the SPL. The new governing body would need to apply a new rule that each club had to create a female changing room and showers. It might also create havoc with our Captain's mind!  


    We could save some money though, she could wash and iron the kit in her spare time.

  4. A 14 year old Chinaman FFS?  I remember being proud of getting into single figures when I was that age, only for my dad to point out that there was another 14 year old already playing off scratch. I think he was called Lyle or something...

    • Agree 1



    I suspect those lining up to laud her did not live or were quite young during her rule. It was a truly grim time in every way. Anyway, here is a piece by Ian Bell from The Herald.



    100% wrong.  Some of us remember what went before as our postings make clear, and don't feel the need to cut and paste the usual simplistic anti-Maggie leftie bullsh*t bingo from 'useful_idiots.com' or whatever. 



    Who knew there were so many Tories on this site?


    Knock yourself out, but out of curiosity, which parts of the Bell article would you class as "anti-Maggie leftie bullsh*t bingo from 'useful_idiots.com' or whatever"?



    Substantially all of it.


    I suspect those lining up to laud her did not live or were quite young during her rule. It was a truly grim time in every way. Anyway, here is a piece by Ian Bell from The Herald.



    100% wrong.  Some of us remember what went before as our postings make clear, and don't feel the need to cut and paste the usual simplistic anti-Maggie leftie bullsh*t bingo from 'useful_idiots.com' or whatever. 

  7. His nauseating sycophancy to Saddam and the fact that his 'charity' never published proper accounts tells me everything I need to know about Galloway.


    The Captain of the Belgrano subsequently confirmed that the ship had orders to attack the British fleet and was manoeuvring for that and not heading back to port.  The Argentians had been told a week before that anything perceived as a threat would be atatcked whether or not inside the exclusion zone.  Prior to the invasion Britain had been negotiating to transfer sovereignty which is one reason we were unprepared.


    The idea that the 1970's was some golden era is a laugh.  Britain was bankrupt.  Healy had to be bailed out by the IMF rather like Greece and Cyprus now.  The dead were unburied.  The British economy (the sick man of Europe it was called) was a basket case in 1979 and strong in 1997.


    Manufacturing output grew by 11% under Thatcher, 9.5% under Major and fell by 6.5% under Blair/Brown.  (Source ONS series K222.)


    Unlike Blair (did whatever he thought the voters wanted) and Brown (did whatever he thought would buy votes), Thatcher did what she believed was best for the country.


    Britain's greatest non-war Prime Minister of the 20th century.

  8. before we get comments that more 'popular' managers wouldnt do this like Robbo, 10CC, StevieP and this becomes another TB witch-hunt thread.


    I'm pretty sure Craig Brewster would have done no such thing, or if he would it would have been a world class strike rather than a rather feeble one.

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