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Status Updates posted by TheHighlandsAreOurs

  1. I don't want sir alex to leave 😫

  2. Spare a thought for me at 12:15 to 3:20 when I sit my tech stds exam 😰

  3. I could kill my dad he's working the day of county away will now cost an arm and a leg to go by myself #fml

  4. When some misses a pen its a bad penalty then when they score it a good penalty

  5. Goreth didna need a calculator for the maths exam, he's a walking calculator #gorethdalgarnofacts

  6. I need to go on one those diets that that boy was on in the credit exam

  7. You know Goreth has done ***** when look over in the maths exam and he's doing the rabbit in the headlights look #cestsuper

  8. Mr Irving said we will have juice and cake in class if I get a credit #ibettergetacredit

  9. Goreth doesna screp he's to solid for that #gorethdalgarnofacts

  10. Fair to say my cousins new gf is a weirdo

  11. Mare entertaining than eastenders

  12. See when there's a screp on twitter I'm the person that's like a day behind

  13. It took folk 80 days to go round the earth, Goreth will do it in 8 minutes #gorethdalgarnofacts

  14. Goreth started world war two because he told hitler he was a aimboting **** #gorethdalgarnofacts

  15. Goreth invented choking the chicken #gorethdalgarnofacts

  16. The boys behind me on the bus are talking about mikey allen #LOL

  17. St Johnston away the day 😀 #awaydays

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