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Posts posted by christib

  1. On 29/09/2017 at 3:30 PM, Shorty said:

    Surely you and the club aren't denying a charity the opportunity to collect funds by allowing a group to rattle buckets to subsidise their own past-time instead?

    If that's the case, then shame on you guys for asking and shame on the club for allowing it.

    Shame on you for posting such a ridiculous post!!!!! You obviously know nothing about the aims of The Travel Club and what is in their Constitution, our aim is to support the team and encourage members of the community, especially the young, to come along. The Travel Club work really hard at raising funds with many local businesses supporting them, nobody has to give money if they don't want to, as one of "the bucket rattlers!!!!" today I was touched at how supportive fans and visitors were, some actually dug deeper when they realised the cause. We asked the club for a date that was free so we did not deny anybody else. Please get your facts right before you post! 

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  2. It is obviously out of our hands what the board eventually decide to do about Richie, however surely we should be letting the board know that many of the fans do not want him to stay on as manager? Fans chanting "Sack the board" should have been "Sack Richie! Fans pay their hard-earned cash to attend games, sponsor players, buy merchandise, sit on committees in their own time, etc. so surely we have the right to influence the board due to the frustration and disappointment that Richie has not been up to the job. He clearly does not have the skills at the present time to be in a management position, looking at an article written by sport psychologist Martin Perry and "the perfect manager" it is clear that Richie does not possess the top ten key skills -

    • Innovation
    • Vision
    • Leadership
    • Communication
    • Principle
    • Organisation
    • Respect
    • Strategy
    • Storytelling.

    Unsure as to how we let the board know but any suggestions........?

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  3. 49 minutes ago, AlexJones said:

    Don't see the point of whinging at this point. Richie is here till the end of the season. Whether or not you think he's up to the job - at the end of the day he's just a young man doing a job to the best of his ability, and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.

    Let's just get behind the team for the next 2 games and leave the inquisition for another day. 

    PS Alan Simpson - it's just a game!


    If Richie had any respect for the club and the fans who spend their hard earned cash attending matches both home and away he would have left the club at Christmas when it was very obvious that he did not have the ability to manage the club. The fans ARE behind the team - today we sang our hearts out, clapped and cheered throughout and we will be there for the next 2 games as we have been all season. Saying "It is only a game" is in my opinion very flippant and disrespectful to the loyal fans, the players and to the staff who will loose their jobs if we go down!

    • Agree 6
  4. 32 minutes ago, Kingsmills said:

    GTF is too harsh for someone who contributed so much as a player. However, I do agree that no matter how good and committed he was as a player for us, he has proved to be a hopeless and clueless manager with no sign of improving. On the contrary, he is getting worse and worse and has to go or be made to go and go now.

    Reality check please! Fans need to stop living in the past and start living in the present, it is irrelevant now as to how much Richie gave as a player. There is no doubt that as a manager he has failed this club and will undoubtedly go down in history as a manager who lacked experience and the insight to know when to walk away so yes GTF Richie!

    • Agree 2
  5. 8 hours ago, chedan1 said:

    Some of the replies to this thread about the young fans at the bottom of section E are frankly disgusting. Describing them and their parents as "neddy" is frankly deplorable and not something I'd expect from the usually friendly supporters of this football club. What right do you have to assume or judge the financial or social state of people who you have likely never met? If that's how you perceive your fellow ICT fans, maybe you shouldn't be one yourself, because we don't want you. Perhaps cricket or Conservative Party conferences are more your thing.

    Throughout Scotland, ICT are slated for poor home/away support and a non existent atmosphere. Since the group have come along, the atmosphere at the club has improved greatly and it's clear to see that the players appreciate it. Who wants to go to a football game with no atmosphere? Frankly the club has been crying out for a group of fanatical supporters for years. Since discussions with the club, the older boys who run the group have put a stop to the pyrotechnic displays and have kept the younger boys in check. Without this group on Saturday, it's 50 less fans and over £500 in lost ticket revenue for the club. The 'young team' spend their money and their time to support this football club, home and away, week in and week out, even after only two league wins since October. They deserve our respect for that. They’re hardly Millwall or CSKA hooligans, smashing up train stations and pubs wherever they go. I guarantee we would have had more violent fans in the Highand League days.

    For how many years have we heard the club and other supporters cry out for more fans at games? Well since this group started at the Celtic game in late 2015, they've doubled in size.

    Clearly some people in here have just been born a 40 year old sweetie rustler who has no idea what it's like to be young and to be a real football fan.

    Well said! I have a 100% record of attendance this season and go on the supporters bus to the away games, also my season ticket seat is in stand E above the 'young team' and I sit up the back of the bus near them and overall they are a fine bunch of fans. Yes, sometimes their youthful exuberance is a little OTT for a lady of my years but overall they are dedicated lads (some with not too much money) and bring a great atmosphere. Perhaps those who too easily judge other fans should maybe make an effort to look at the positives that the 'young team' bring rather than the negatives.  I have heard some really offensive language in the North stand being shouted out and this has been from older men who should know better! 

    • Agree 4
  6. I agree, however Mackay needs some support and Fisher certainly has the energy and pace to make a good partnership, wot is there to loose at this stage of the game. We need to try something to increase the chance of the ball getting into the back of the net! 

    • Agree 5
  7. Aaaaaah the answer to all our problems we have currently.............why has no one thought of it before?. Hang on a minute I think Chelsea have tried that!!!. Everytime Roman threw his toys out of the pram another manager got sacked( 12 managers in 10 years). Frustrating as things are at the moment giving YOGI the bullet is not the answer IMHO

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