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Posts posted by ymip

  1. You've got to feel for Ridgers and all the other lads left in the dark by our illustrious board and CEO. Despite the turmoil the lack of basic communication is really quite appalling.  I was optimistic that a white knight would arrive to save the day but we're certainly making a pretty good fist of looking very much like a club going out of business.


    • Agree 4
  2. Ding, Dong.....if anyone can rustle up an AI generated graphic of our ex CEO in full lodge regalia under a scale replica of our battery farm I'd be forever in your debt. 

    On a more serious note now that we have the desired regime change and the Kelty debacle has been put to bed how do we ensure that any season ticket monies are protected in the event of administration? Is there a way that we can ring fence these funds via the Supporters Trust?


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    • Thoughtful 3
  3. The North Caley comments from the Courier are absolutely ridiculous. The currant buns liquidated, stiffed their face painter and ended up in League Two. Our debts appear to be largely to directors so I struggle to see how the SPFL can do us for anything more than the regular 15 points. Keep the heid mun!

  4. Morrrison has resigned as a director of Inverness Thistle and Caledonian F.C. Limited (the football club) but, as of this morning, appears to still be an active director in the following ICT related companies:

    - ICT Battery Storage Limited (with David Cameron)

    - Inverness Caledonian Thistle Properties Limited (with David Cameron)

    - Inverness Caledonian Thistle Community Development (with various others)

    - Inverness Caley Thistle Concert Company Limited [In Liquidation] (sole Director)

    It would be nice if one of the remaining directors of Inverness Thistle and Caledonian F.C. Limited would like to shed some light on what exactly is going on and their collective plans for the future of the club.  Over to you gents we're all ears:

    Graeme Bennet

    David Cameron

    Gordon Fyfe

    Allan Munro

    Panagiotis Thomas

    Scott Young


    • Well Said 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, Yngwie said:

    Oh dear is not good news at all, if that is the £300,000 RM alluded to on the podcast then it sounds like we would have been depending on that to be a going concern. A bit unlucky for the club that this buyout happened, I guess. 

    The scheme was always designed to be sold on to a developer, that's the whole ILI business model. 

    This is another example of Gardiner messing up a supposedly cunning money making scheme. The guy has some midas touch. 

    • Agree 1
    • Confused 1
  6. We're now eleven days on from the Kelty announcement and five days on from Ross Morrison's dialogue with the Wyness Shuffle and subsequent board meeting. Despite confirmation from Alan Savage that he/Orion will finance the Academy moving forward and then a flurry of rumours on Friday past we're pretty much none the wiser where we stand and getting ever closer to pre-season in what is undoubtedly a make or break season for the club.

    Is it too much for the people entrusted with the running of the club to give us an update as to where we go from here? It's an absolute farce and yet, to the best of our knowledge, we continue to pay the wages of our alleged CEO who presides over the whole pantomime with complete and utter disregard for the fans, players and club staff.  It's an utter omnishambles from top to bottom and we need answers now. 

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    • Well Said 7
  7. Great post above from Achfary.  It seems to me that Ross is suffering from a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome in relation to our "abrasive"* CEO (*talk about understatement of the century). His biggest problem is staring him in the face and yet he steadfastly deflects, excuses and point-blank refuses to recognise that Gardiner is the root of the vast majority of the problems we're facing.  

    I also have to take issue with the Chairman's statements regarding the Academy. Unless I missed it he never explicitly said it was closing, only that it would be in jeopardy.  Then he blames us for not getting the pitchforks out in relation to a general remark which was quickly overtaken by more dramatic revelations. I don't think anyone was happy with the thought of axing the Academy and to suggest that we were is entirely disingenuous on his part.

    The other point that enrages me is his assertion that 90% of the people that he's spoken to outwith Inverness thinks this is a great idea. I don't know about anyone  else but I live outwith Inverness and have colleagues/mates at home and abroad who have all voiced an opinion on Gardiner's hare-brained scheme and not one person has suggested it's a good idea. Probably because they're generally football fans who understand that football is not simply a business venture and fans are inextricably connected to their club/city. A frankly delusional statement which  undermines his credibility.

    Prior to the Kelty statement I had a fair degree of sympathy towards Gardiner who's clearly a  fan and has put his hand in his pocket to keep things going.  However, his blind faith in Gardiner, in the face of overwhelming evidence of his ineptitude and unbridled hostility from all and sundry simply defies logic and suggest that it's time for a change.  

    Finally, a very interesting update from the Supporters Trust this morning advising that trust members have confirmed their intention to withhold ca. £200k of revenues for the season ahead.  Surely this has to force a serious rethink? 


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  8. This would seem to represent an excellent opportunity to get out of the disastrous "six figure deal" the club claims to have entered into. It would appear that Kelty Hearts may well have misrepresented that they're entitled to enter into the contractual agreement which the club purports to have signed. One might have expected the club to engage the services of a competent external legal counsel to advise over a  fairly fundamental and legally binding agreement of this nature.  The fact that such a glaring omission has been missed would suggest that the CEO has added club lawyer to his vast array of skills.       

    • Agree 7
  9. Read the Morrison Q&A on P&B (thanks Chris) and as ymip Jr pointed out he came across as defensive and more aggressive than he needed to be. Absolutely no attempt to strike a conciliatory tone or concede in any way to the tidal wave of rage and bad press ge's brought upon hmself.

    His defence of Gardiner is as infuriating as it is baffling. He clearly wants out but he wants to recoup his money.  I woukd suggest that ship sailed some time ago.

    A good start in terms of filling the financial void would surely be to jettison Messrs Gardiner and Ferguson. It's hardly rocket science.

    • Like 2
    • Well Said 1
  10. Thanks for sharing Scotty. Truly mindboggling that Gardiner looked this potential gift horse in the mouth. It just illustrates the jaw dropping ineptitude and narcissistic nature of our feckless CEO. If he didn't dream up the scheme then it clearly isn't worth consideration. He's demonstrated such a prodigious track record of successful money making ventures over the past five years that it would seem pointless investigating the opportunity to access the networks of others, as opposed to his own rolodex of fellow grifters, shysters and snake oil salesmen. 

    Never in the history of mankind has there been a more terrifying example of the tail wagging the dog than the free reign this utter charlatan has been afforded by our clueless board of directors.   

    Kelty today, Broadwood (or similar) tomorrow - mark my words.   

    Sack the board!



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  11. Staying full-time is a hugely positive first step.  We now need to hear what the restructuring looks like but it absolutely must involve a new manager and the exit of the CEO.  

    • Agree 8
    • Well Said 2
  12. Whilst I appreciate that the local media don't want to completely burn bridges with the club surely we could expect them to be calling out the board for the communications omnisambles they're presiding over here.  Three days on and not even a holding statement - absolutely pitiful. 


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    • Well Said 3
  13. Over 48 hours on from Saturday's debacle and not so much as a peep from our illustrious board either on our own social media or via traditional media outlets. I don't think any club in British football would get away with such utter disregard for its fanbase.  These guys are supposedly respected businessmen and yet they seem totally incapable of very simple communications or situation management. Utterly shambolic at every turn.

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  14. A truly shameful capitulation last night. The overall lack of pride, endeavour or passion we've seen from the majority of the players and our clueless management team over the four play-off games has been difficult to comprehend. Hopefully the board got the message loud and clear at the final whistle.

    A board member confirmed to me last night that Ferguson is on a 6 month rolling contract, rather than the 3 year deal he keeps referring to in interviews. Based on recent rumours it would sound like it would cost between 130-150k to pay him off. If the guy had any class at all he'd walk today but you can guarantee he'll hang on in there and pocket the pay-off he ill deserves and clearly doesn't need. His post-match comments were beyond belief. 

    Personally, if Ferguson and/or Gardiner stay I won't be renewing my season tickets. I doubt I'll be alone in adopting this stance.

    Grim times indeed.

    • Agree 3
    • Well Said 5
    • Funny 1
  15. An utterly shameful performance tonight. Mortifying to be in this position but to approach the game with such little intent or urgency is unforgivable and up there with one of the most insipid performances I can recall in such a crucial game.

    We finished the game with 6 defenders on the park and showed little or no desire to actually win the game. The tactics are garbage, players bang out of form start and play far too long. Substitutions are predictably bizarre, negative and far too late to make an impact. Ferguson was up the tunnel almost before the final whistle. Gardiner also disappeared extremely quickly.

    Genuinely one of the most depressing experiences in 30 years of watching ICT. I simply cannot see us staying up with this group of players and management.

    Beyond grim.

    • Agree 2
    • Sad 3
  16. Thanks Fraz.  I was looking at Montrose's twitter but there was no info regarding tickets.

    No pay gate for away fans - advance ticket sales only on the link above.   

    • Like 1
  17. Anyone any idea what's happening regarding tickets for Tuesday night?  Good of both clubs to keep us abreast of the situation......surely a pay at the gate on the night would be a bit of a shambles.


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