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Posts posted by reefinweedallday

  1. That would be the ROYAL NIP rig. Been going there for past few seasons with clacher when we go down leith way. Establishment is absolutly heavin 20mins b4 kick off but hide the away jerseys if brought, especially if u were to go in after the game.  :crazy07:  Really diehard hibs bar so sshhhhh  :022:

    royal nip public house

    You could say that it is a diehard hibs pub,used to be the HQ for their mad casuals!!!

  2. Not feeling defensive (don't think there's anything to defend)


    But you misunderstand me, that?s the point I was making.

    It?s not the site, the management of the site, or even the number of forums.

    What I crave is a bit of quality amongst the quantity.

    How?s the bone?

    What do you want?? A debate on philosophy would that brighten up the board for you??

  3. I won't be stepping foot inside the stadium until the club rids itself of the amateur mentality it has!!!

    Another reason being that i would rather watch paint dry than watch Brewster's style of football

    I could probably put up a list of top ten reasons not to go but i wont bother at the MOMENT!!

  4. Just another example of our current board not giving a flying f**k about the supporters

    I remember when there was a great relationship between the board and the fans as we climbed the leagues,now we're dining out at the top table they couldn't give a sh*t

    This deal has been done for months,just a saving face exercise getting the fans in to find out their opinions,when really they aren't interested

    It's great to have a blind loyalty for the club but i'm afraid i dont work hard to line the pockets of a manager with a bigger ego than Charlie Christie,i actually stopped going for a while the last time Brewster was in charge as his style of football had me running for the exit

    Division 1 here we come!!!

  5. Kingsmills, You have no need to be concerned, Donald Park WILL stay on as Craig Brewsters assistant !

    It's a done deal then Brew?? Well can't say i'll be happy to see your style of football back at Caley Stadium but i dont expect much else sadly

  6. The problem with some on here is that they believe the club get everything right and no one should ever question things

    People are allowed to have personal opinions whether some on here like it or not

    Transfers are done in two windows every year,our new managers are appointed perhaps every eighteen months,leaves a lot of spare time doesnt it :001:

  7. No one slagging bennet from what i can see,resorting to name calling because you dont agree is shocking!!!

    Just stating a point that its maybe time we started moving away from the Highland league mentality within the club,would never slag David Sutherland a true Highland Warrior who without there would be no club!!!

  8. Anyone else think Grassa should take a walk too,seems to me we still have a Highland league mentality of "Jobs for the boys" i believe that is why we are so lacking behind the scenes because we have a Highland leauge set up and a Highland leauge mentality.

    It was always going to happen that Charlie would walk away he just doesn't have the temperemant for the big stage,he walked from Celtic when he was about to make the breakthrough and you sensed from his body language and comment s when he got the job that he was scared of it

    Never mind sure Grassa will create a post for his old mate!!!

    About time everyone behind the scenes realised were an SPL team now

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