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Posts posted by Stevie

  1. Yeah, truly exceptional night ! I thought ICT were as good as Ive ever seen, very cultured, yet able to look after themselves.

    I hope I'm no' getting too carried away but I'd go as far as to say this is probably the finest team Ive seen this club produce.

    I don't accept that we SHOULD have beaten Rangers. Their team sheet has plenty of internationalists in it, the club still has a massive presense, big crowd ( 28000 !! there were never 22000 empty seats last night)

    Rangers were appalling, I don't remember them having a shot on goal, wether that was down to us I really dont know, we were fantastic though.

    Andrew Shinnie must be the most cultured player Ive seen for us, he had a great game last night but I'll ghive my M.O.M. to Aaron Doran, magic !

  2. Yeah Mahonio, I'm in a similar situation to you, Iwas pretty fed up with the new ICT, don't get me wrong still supported them but to be honest felt rather apathetic towards the team and was honestly thinking Butcher would be best slinging his hook.

    Like you this wasn't the first time I'd lost faith in El Tel but low and behold he's bounced back again and made us regret our feelings.

    Hats off to T.B & M.M and of course the players.

    • Agree 1
  3. Well I feel it only fair to say that I said a couple of months ago that I felt we were favourites to go down.

    I felt that we were the worst team in the league. We were a shambles defensivly and basically I thought that because of the Grant Munro debacle, Butcher had erred big time.

    What a turnaround lately !

    Obviously we are not out of trouble yet and I like the vast majority of us, will always think the release of Grant Munro was a big mistake, but things have definately turned.

    I couldn't see it happening myself but there is the makings of a right good team here.

    Suppose thats why im sitting behind a computer on a fans site, whilst Butcher sits in a dug-out !

  4. I thinjk you're right Bauhaus, I would be very surprised if the SPL let us both have a home game on the same day.

    I'm all for Ross Co. getting up, I would put money on our average attendance going up, It would mean there was 4 teams (Rangers Celtic Aberdeen & Ross Co) where we'd have bumper crowds.

    It's a no brainer for me.

    • Agree 1
  5. Lets be a bit more positive for a second - given all our traumas and difficulties this season we may be bottom BUT we are not adrift - only four points separate us from Midden.

    I do have serious concerns about our management loyalty to certain players and adherence to a failing tactical system but we are slowly returning to full strength and we should progress. November and December are full of potential defeats - Cometh The Hour .........

    Admirable optimism Johndo. I find myself unable to join in. Honest my glass is normally half full but since last season ended, I've lost confidence in el Tel.

    There was a quote from Terry in this mornings "The Sun" which didn't exactly have me brimming with confidence. It went " I've said all along we will ger better the more we play and the more players come back- particularly after Christmas "

    AFTER CHRISTMAS !!!! Me thinks it'll be a wee tad too late by then Terry.

  6. I havent posted for a few weeks, lost a bit of enthusiasm with the Munro debacle and the way things were going pre-season. I found myself being critical of Butcher but felt the vast majority of posters were on his side and I couldn't be bothered with keyboard arguing.

    Butcher won me over with the turn around in the First Division a couple of years ago, when if I remember right, he changed things and brought Duncan and Rooney into team and ditched Stratford and Eagle.

    Trouble now is weve got too many jobbers and loanies (copyright marks) and no team gelling going on. Wether that'll come I don't know. Butchers signing policy seems to be to almost solely centered around the lower reaches of the English leagues

    Right now I have no doubt we are the worst team in the league. Our only hope is that the injured boys turn it around.

    All we can do is get behind the team, and Butcher. (it must be remembered we had a really good season last year)

    There is no way we can get rid of Butcher. Financially it's not at all viable, and playing wise it would be a huge gamble too.

  7. This is my first opportunity to get to my computer since the news on the departures.

    To release Munro and to a slightly lesser extent, Duncan, is truly unbelievable !

    Just a couple of hours ago we had a superb victory over Celtic, for me though the whole mood is tainted over this.

    This club is where it is because of guys like Munro and Duncan, the very basis of how the big success story was formed.

    I could go on about this for ages, suffice to say I think Butcher has erred on this. He has done really really well since coming here, but I honestly think this is a shocking decision and not to the benefit of the club.

    I will genuinly be delighted to come on here in a year eating humble pie. Have my doubts though.

  8. One of the most talented footballers I've seen. Great left foot.

    A real shame we didn't get the chance to see him here.

    It can only be injuries, that have held him back. Am I right in saying his trial game with us saw him pick up an injury early on ?

    • Agree 1
  9. Well that's me just home. What a b l o o d y disapointment that was !!

    Working on a Saturday and living in Argyll doesn't give me the opportunity to get to anymore than a couple of games per season.

    I always manage to wangle a wee family long weekend break in Inverness, always seems to coincide with a home match :rolleyes: .

    I was really looking forward to our home win ! but hey what can you do.

    Fair play to the club though, I went up to the stadium today to see if I could get my ?65 quid back, and did , no problem. Also managed to get a programme from Saturday.

    Still managed a great weekend in Inverness (as usual) and of course made sure I got to The Gellions to catch the brilliant Schiehallion, What an atmosphere those boys create !

  10. No Im not going to be too negative about this, at least it's at home.

    I know we're no' doing great at home but be honest you'd always rather a home game against the Old Firm.

    Johnboy has a very valid point, after the replay either side could easily have a few suspended.

    They could also be fairly knackered, they both especially Rangers, have a very heavy schedule.

    And of course if we beat them, the worst we can hope for is Dundee Utd in the semi or final.

  11. My son and I took in the Morton-Ross County game yesterday, and I would suggest this could well be one very tricky tie.

    Morton's league position is false, I would say that they, and Partick Thistle are the league's form clubs. Morton's new manager has settled in and got his players in now.

    Im pretty sure their new striker Derek Lyle, is ineligible, which is a blessing but they've still got plenty to worry us. Their defence looks fairly tight Stuart McCaffery at the back beside centre-half Smyth. Jenkins and a young guy Tidser make the team tick. Up front Kean and Weatherson will get goals.

    I see from the league table, that they haven't won away from home this season but as I say this team have gelled and with our poor home record I don't think it's relevent.

    I honestly wouldn't be in the least surprised if this goes to a replay.

  12. Well I thought that, that was a good performance tonight. A well deserved 3 points.

    Let's not forget that this is basically the same side that was a distance of the top in the FIRST DIVISION a mere year ago. It really is amazing that we keep coming up with away results like this time and time again.

    We have ourselves one very strong team.

    Well done, yet again, to the team and management ! :twothumbsup:

    • Agree 2
  13. As one or two others are saying, the abuse Rory took from his own fans was really poor.

    Fans criticising their own players seem to have no idea the effect they have on the said players confidence and obviously their subsequent performance !

    In my opinion MacAllister didn't do an awful lot to suggest to me that he was going to be a valuable player, EXCEPT on one occasion against Celtic no less. I can't remember what game it was but as I recall Rory came on as a sub early and played a superb match.

    I definately think that there is something there, but there is probably something lacking as well, possibly confidence.

  14. A change of name would be an utter disaster Dougal !

    This club has become established as one of Scotlands finest and now biggest clubs. We are thought of as established, why would anyone want to change the name ?

    The status quo is so important to us, building a history, name change would merely complicate matters.

    Can you honestly see any one person deciding to come support the club because of it's new name ?

    Besides that all things considered, I don't think, that in this day and age, attendances are that bad.

  15. Aye fair play to them, they must be absolutely ecstatic at winning their first title since 1985.

    I can't imagine how good the party must have been in Newtonmore last night.

    One thing which annoys me is the pathetic coverage of the game in general but in particular yesterday's league decider. I bought the Sunday Mail and Sunday Herald today and I can't see any report in either (unless I just can't find it)

    I feel too, that BBC Scotland should have given us updates. I know it isn't of huge interest to the general public but it is in the Highlands and it's no' a small place !

  16. My feelings on Andy Murray :-

    Well first and foremost I am so proud that this guy is Scottish playing at the level he is. Imagine if someone had said 10 years ago that Scotland would have a player consistantly in the top 5 !

    He is a fantastic tennis player.

    If I'm honest though, I'm not sure he will win a slam. Simply because I feel Nadal, Federer and possibly Djokovic, on form, are better, and by god, that is no disgrace !

    I know that Andy has won some Masters but when it comes down to the majors, the big boys are ready.

    Interestingly I don't see anybody coming through at the moment who you'd say is going to be a no.1, so if Andy can outlast Nadal fitness wise (highly possible) then I'd say he has a chance, especially as he has a few years on Roger.

    I really hope he can take a slam but I certainly don't see it happening soon.

  17. I originally joined as Stevie (Argyll) around 2003.

    I'd just been up in Inverness for a wee holiday and I joined the site basically to say how much I'd enjoyed the game I'd attended (ICT 1-0 QOS)

    I am first and foremost a Scotland fan, and after my visit, decided to make Inverness my club. I should stress that I had always had a big soft spot for Caledonian because my family had been regular visitors to Inverness in the late 60's staying with my uncle Hamish Campbell who was an accountant with Macrae & Dick,and he would regularly take me to Telford Street.

    I genuinly think CTO is a really good site, full of good folk and good craic. When you visit some of the other sites to view whats happening, it's a real eye opener !

    Credit to Scotty and his team, and of course the vast majority of the members for making it a relitively abuse free place. :twothumbsup:

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