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Posts posted by Muzzy

  1. 13 minutes ago, PumpFake said:

    Fair enough, but you're completely missing my point. Our goal should be to get out of the league and anything that makes that less likely should be deprioritised, in my view. As I posted in the other thread, it is rare for a team to win both competitions in a single season - only Rangers have done it in the last decade, with a much bigger squad than us. Looking at the other results of the big clubs who have been relegated recently, Hearts were knocked out of the Challenge Cup at the first hurdle and ran away with the league. Dundee United won the Cup last year and are still in the Championship this year.

    If we have to sacrifice the calf to keep the cow alive, we should do so. I will say no more on this as it's clear that it is not a popular opinion amongst the happy-clappers on here.

    I agree our main aim is of course the league but it doesn't mean we shouldn't make the effort at this stage in the season in a cup competition. A defeat today would have been a shocker and to keep confidence high we want to keep winning games.

    • Agree 3
  2. I was really hoping we would some how be able to keep Myles but the £200,000 quoted is obviously far beyond the sort of money we could afford to spend, these days that is quite a large transfer fee for a Scottish club outwith Rangers and Celtic. Some people may disagree but in hindsight I would happily have seen Tansey go for £200,000 when we had the chance if it meant we could have signed Storey. Since the fiasco in January with Aberdeen, Tansey hasn't been the same player he was and has had far less impact than he did prior to that.

    The concern yet again is we are lacking a proven goalscorer, exactly the same as last season. Fisher obviously hasn't had the chance to prove himself but as it stands we are pinning our hopes on him with next to nobody as back up.

    • Disagree 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Yngwie said:

    You never know, if there's about 4 hours of injury time, that might be long enough for enough for us to at least get 2 shots on target!

    I think Hibs could get back on the coach and we would still struggle to get 2 shots on target

  4. I very rarely get to any games nowadays with work but it is also so expensive to go along to matches now and if the game is on TV and the weather is crap most people would rather save themselves a fortune and just sit at home and watch it. Unfortunately going to the football is now a luxury not as many people can afford.

    It's not just the price of tickets that is the problem but the whole package, travelling, tickets, food etc

  5. I didn't go as i went to watch Cove Rangers instead.


    Edited to say - Everyone needs to chill out a bit, i've been lurking about this site for years and i rarely post but alot of folk are at each others throats over everything, we are all meant to be fans of ICT so why are people arguing at every opportunity they get :001:

  6. I dont know why the SFA didnt just make this the outcome to start with rather than wasting everyone's time and making themselves look like the incompetent idiots that they are. I dont agree with the decision as Dunfermline broke the rules and a professional football club should have all those bases covered so that these sort of things dont happen.

    Just shows you can do whatever you like in Scottish football as you will just get a fine and a slap on the wrist.

  7. 99% of football players are arrogant ON THE PITCH, it shows they are confident of themselves which can only be a good thing. Manchester United and Real Madrid fans don't boo Cristiano Ronaldo and he is possibly one of the most arrogant players in the world. Abusing your own players is downright stupid, they play for your club and regardless of who they support or who they used to play for you need to get behind them while they are in an ICT shirt. Imagine if someone Imrie etc used to play with was approached to sign for the club and asked what it was like to play there, im sure if they were told you get constant abuse by your own fans, they would more than likely go elsewhere.

  8. I used to have a good read of Teletext before i went to bed at night, shame they closed it as it was a good service but i can understand the lack of viewers nowadays. Until Saturday i'm back to the old skool Teletext on analogue TV and i've found i can hardly read a word it says :)

  9. I travelled up to Inverness on Friday and the A96 was clear the whole way, yesterday afternoon around 3pm was a completely different story, it took us 4 hours to get back due to the freezing fog and the fact that 90% of the road between Aberdeen and Inverness had not been gritted. As much as i was disappointed the game was off, knowing now how bad the roads were when i travelled im glad i headed back down early as the road was only getting worse as time went on.

  10. I think the main problem here is that Aberdeen City Council's winter maintenance budget is about 10p

    From the way things seem to have been going in Aberdeen, I think their total budget to cover EVERYTHING is about 10p.

    I think its round about 15p to cover everything with 10p of that going towards "winter maintenance" the other 5p going towards putting electronic traffic signs up everywhere possible.

  11. I think the main problem here is that Aberdeen City Council's winter maintenance budget is about 10p and this has lasted so long that I think they would still be struggling had they not cut the budget. Aberdeenshire Council seem to be on top of things slightly more.

  12. No old firm

    No Aberdeen

    Normal kick off times every week

    Extra cup to play in

    Quite looking forward to next season, will be a nice change to (fingers crossed) make a go at winning something rather than just making up the numbers in the great SPL

  13. I have never seen so much negativity over a manager's appointment at Inverness CT.

    You never read these forums when Brewster came back then?

    OK fair point but that was different as he had already been here and left, Terry Butcher hasnt even stepped foot into the dugout and there are people moaning about it. We need to give him a chance, we cant just write off the guy before we have played a game.

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