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Posts posted by Grabe

  1. Perhaps Barry is being viewed as a threat?

    i think you hit he nail on the head there,thats certainly why he didnt get a coaching position

    Sorry but thats CERTAINLY incorrect

    Go on Ralph....back that up with something resembling a solid fact or source.

    You know you want to.

    Cd, No I won't all I'm telling Blackieforce that he/she is wrong with the assumption. I don't need to or have to reveal anything even if I knew but I'm telling you for a FACT, Barry and Park were not seen as a threat

    Ralph....2 words....horses and mouth!!!

  2. Perhaps Barry is being viewed as a threat?

    i think you hit he nail on the head there,thats certainly why he didnt get a coaching position

    Sorry but thats CERTAINLY incorrect

    AND why did he get rid of Parky???? Think it was exactly the same reason... :rotflmao:

  3. Noticed the lack of ralph milne and Wyness Legend over the last couple of days...


    Personally been away but have been watching with interest. To be honest most of the stuff thats getting spouted on here is not even worth replying too either because its innacurate or total bollocks!!.

    Yes people are upset because Barry Wilson is getting released, its a shame but heh life goes on,decisions have to be made and nobody stays forever and someone (i.e. the manager) gets the flak.

    The big picture needs to be look at here, if you step back and look at what is happening, this is a major re-building that will take time.

    Knee jerk reactions will not help and the board will not have any!

    I noticed its been quiet too, the Immortal Hairy One or whatever it is has been absent also. Maybe he's seen the bigger picture also !


    cant believe wat ive just read! :rotflmao: yeah re-building but at this rate we aint have a team that will hold its own in the 1st division. The board will buckle with pressure from the growing unrest. It was tense on sat and if we dont manage any points this sat then the home game wi the dons goana b lots of protests at both brew n the board. :thumb04:

  4. heard from a good source today that Robbo has been approached by Levin to coach the strikers at Dundee United, considering that he lives locally would that not have been a good move for us

    No way on this earth would Robbo work alongside Brewster.

    Robbo has more knowledge than 3 amigos put 2gether :rotflmao:

  5. heard from a good source today that Robbo has been approached by Levin to coach the strikers at Dundee United, considering that he lives locally would that not have been a good move for us

    Brew trains the strikers but it is so obvious he cant COACH them!! :rotflmao:

  6. Dross Countys his level now I'm afraid. Great servant to the club but its time to call it a day.

    Can confirm this is true. He was told today. He is obviously hurting at being pushed away and not being offered any coaching position.

    He feels he has not been given a chance, even with our dire home displays with 2 starts this season and a few last ten minute performances. It is obvious to me Brew feels threatened by him and the same was with Parky.

    I will say he will come back and haunt ICT, n hope it wont be with a team that will put us down. Cos looking at our vastly inexperienced squad i can see major problems before the end of the season. Yeah he will get another team, just hope it wont bite Brew on the buttocks!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I feel sorry for the lad, has to sit on his arse for a few weeks then brewster sticks him up front alone against 4 giants and is asked to win headers after we hit long ball after long ball at him. What chance does the guy have.?

  8. How many times is he going to start with 1 up frontg but change it before the hour to try and salvage something from a lost cause. He makes the same mistake over and over. Why not start with 2 or 3 up front, get a goal up then change to 1 up in the second half. Or is that too simple?????

  9. No way would robbo be a backward step. The only reason Brewster is doing worse now is that he cant play and help himself out. We have no strikers and no creative midfielders (apart from Bazza who Brew has decided not to play). I know a few of the players and cant say any are happy with the managerial set up but all would be in favour of a Robertson return. Get rid of the clown before we are playing local derbies again next season.

  10. Sorry stevico, give me a hug............................I am also wondering about some comments about Baza being a veteran and past it.............strewth, he's but a youngster,.................35/36

    /37.......in his prime ye of little faith.

    :rotflmao: sorry mftj couldnt find a hug will that do?? we are talking about a legend here and why hasnt he been a coach through no fault of his own I am sure, who would you rather as a coach shearer or wilson, aside from that he has still got a lot to offer as a player IMHO

    Stevico1, I can give you the answer to that, they cant give him a coaching role, as he would show Brew up, he is a good person as well as a player, and possibly coach, he has the respect and support of the players, whilst great for him imagine the problems this would cause for Brew and his side kicks.

    Brew pulled Barry from coaching the reserves last season and Barry feels he is being pushed out the door and not wanted. I think Barry will be leaving ICT in january and playing over the bridge for the rest of the season.

  11. John Rankin asked to leave because when Brewster came back he never played him for the first ten games and was told he could leave, then he played and done well and Brewster changed his mind and wanted him, but Rankin was already readt to leave especially after the way Parky was treated.

    I believe Dennis was ready to sign a contract, then after a poor game (cant remember v who) he was told it was off the table.

    And as for players shouting back at him, it was never so apparent as wednesday night, Black, cowie and Hastings. Seems like discontent to me!

  12. Dont know if many fans in the Main stand heard the verbal abuse the manager received from the players on 4 seperate occasions in the first half last night.

    From black, vigers, hastings and more surprisingly cowie. This was after the manager had criticised a mistake they had made and in response he recieved verbals from them. This surely must show the lack of respect they have for the manager.

    I have never heard this b4. Has anyone else noticed this?

    I was sitting very close to Brewnoclue and I certainly was very aware of the unrest. I didn't hear the words from one player, but I'm quite good at lip reading. ;) :rotflmao: First word definitely began with F and I think probably contained about 4 letters and was followed by something that looked very like OFF. :018: However, this was then followed with a longer word beginning with a W, not sure that was a sign of respect to the manager. I was very surprised to see these particular players talking back.

    Quote of the night from someone in the Main Stand, just as Malky was talking to Barry just before he went on to the park. 'And you're trying to tell him how to play football' :thumb04: Bit like trying to teach your Granny to suck eggs I suppose.

    I was aware of these incidents but this goes on all the time in other clubs .Do you not think Brew has had enough negative comments on the site without spelling out to him what is only an assumption by lip reading. This does not mean I condone any form of disrespect towards the manager but lets not start putting words in players mouths .

    izzy...you think alex ferguson or walter smith would accept his players telling him where 2 go??? Brew needs to stamp it out PDQ

  13. Dont know if many fans in the Main stand heard the verbal abuse the manager received from the players on 4 seperate occasions in the first half last night.

    From black, vigers, hastings and more surprisingly cowie. This was after the manager had criticised a mistake they had made and in response he recieved verbals from them. This surely must show the lack of respect they have for the manager.

    I have never heard this b4. Has anyone else noticed this?

  14. same team tonight, with either imirie or cowie pushing up to support wood. why change anything apart from pushing a player further up to support wood. im very glad they haven't changed barrowman for vigurs, we only seem to win games when vigurs is playing, has noone noticed that????

    hope your right caleyP.

    me too :rotflmao:

    can anyone tell me where i can listen to the game on the radio as i cant make the game tonight as i have to drive down the road?? cheers

    Heard its open all mikes on radio scotland 810mw

  15. same team tonight, with either imirie or cowie pushing up to support wood. why change anything apart from pushing a player further up to support wood. im very glad they haven't changed barrowman for vigurs, we only seem to win games when vigurs is playing, has noone noticed that????

    hope your right caleyP.

  16. It looks like Rangers had a lot of chances last night also - but the Utd defence held out with some dogged defending and excellent goalkeeping....

    Was that the difference? cant remember seeing excellent goalkeeping and mike fraser in the same sentence for a while..

    In many games this year i cant remember him having many"excellent" saves or me leaving the ground and saying to myself, fek our keeper kept us in the game!!

    I have also noticed how quiet he is compared to the other keepers. Has anyone else noticed that?? :rotflmao:

  17. went long to the reserve game today and baz looked as fit as any on show. He played right back and passed the ball out of defence which is what we have not been doing of late. Even made a few crunching tackles. :thumb04: :rotflmao:

  18. I dont think the players respect him and i dont even think Brewster does, he is pretty much a dogsbody along with the Goalie coach. It is quite funny watching the 3 amigos trying to decide who to put on or who to take off on a Saturday. Time they took themselves off i think!

  19. Proctor made some decent performances last season and was very useful in attack. I really feel sorry for him, being thrown in against a top team after only having one reserve game under his belt so far this season.

    After wat ive heard he hasent been training that well either last week which makes CB decision to play him the more baffling!! :rotflmao:

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