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Posts posted by ICT_Away

  1. Wasn't at the game but I'm guessing that the tactics for having Hart on the left was so he could cut in and have a crack at goal with his right foot. Many teams have a right footed player left wing and vice versa just for this reason and play with less width. Just a thought as CC must have been thinking something.

  2. I'm in same boat a phill - xpert league with 1 game a week is dull. My vote is for the same format as this year with 2 games a week.

    Also my all conquering Upye's team has been decimated by the stupid season update thing, it all seems very unfair, however the Upye's will rebuild!


  3. Zidane - total class. Best but I have seen in ages - lifted Mazerati off his feet  :notworthy01:

    What a way to end your career - when I hang up my boots I'm going to do it in style like that.

    Thought both teams were full of divers half of them wouldn't know what to do if they really were halfed.

  4. Ah well I must have gone to see only the dross (2 Sydney games against very mediocer opposition who did nothing - one was NZ, I can't remember who the other game was against - far too many beers that time). The crowd was decent in size but very quiet - perhaps they are more reserved down here than you drunkards up north :004:

    I do agree that the future is bright for football here and the international team can only get better playing against some proper opposition rather than tonking some islanders 23-0. As for the A league it's too early to call, the competition seems to be getting better crowds and coverage than before, but the "stars" are still leaving the league as soon as an offer in Europe comes up - until the league can keep their star Australian players (as that is who the crowd want's to see) then I think it's still on a bit of a sticky wicket.

    As for Butcher, I think he has done all he can at Motherwell, but think that he would probably be better off going to a Championship side rather than Sydney (it's not exactly in the spotlight in Europe). Re Asian CL - are Sydney not guaranteed a position in the as next season's A league won't finish before the entry cut off date.

  5. You're right Motherwell is so much nicer than Sydney :017:

    I know that the standard of Scottish football is pretty poor, but it was great compared to some of the stuff here, also if you all think the atmosphere at Caley games are poor come and see an A league game for silence. Only plus point is you can drink loads of beer.

    My gut feel from the comments in the press here is that he in on his way.

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