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Posts posted by Fanoffooty

  1. Its my Birthday on Monday 17th so a win against Celtic would be icing on cake

                                      Mon the Caley  :021: :icon_santa: :icon_santa: :icon_santa:

    ive taken monday off work , so i'm gonna get pissed  :021: :021: :021:

  2. If it aint broke, then dont fix it.  A 2-0 win against hibs is a good result, and 3 clean sheets in a row i think we should give celtic a good run for there money. 

    Aye i'm confident we'll do alright against them

    just need to keep an eye on "Herman munster " ( Venegoor of hesselink ) & the other wee muppet mcgeady

    Blackie did a great man-marking job on Nakamura in that cup tie towards the end of last season. He would be the guy to keep an eye on McGeady....

    Agree with you there , What about Skippy ??
  3. He deserves some kind of an award for taking so much stick today, and refusing to retalliate or react....

    It was easy to see what the Hibs guys were trying to do, and it totally backfired on them....  :016:

    Aye , well done Blackie you were immense today
  4. If it aint broke, then dont fix it.  A 2-0 win against hibs is a good result, and 3 clean sheets in a row i think we should give celtic a good run for there money. 

    Aye i'm confident we'll do alright against them

    just need to keep an eye on "Herman munster " ( Venegoor of hesselink ) & the other wee muppet mcgeady


      Seeing as we've been drawn against Hibs & after todays performance i'm a lot more confident of us giving them another doing

                                                          :icon_santa:    MON THE CALEY


      Delighted for Marius today , well done  :clapping03: :clapping03: :clapping03:

      Todays performance will surely have shut the doubters up !


      next week

      SUPERMARIUSGOBALLISTIC :021: :021: :021:  :icon_santa: :icon_santa: :icon_santa: SHOWCELTICTHEYRATTROCIUOS!!!!!


      We really need to be vocal & urge our team on , It canna be very pleasant for them in this wet cold miserable weather so i thought what about some good christmas songs , the Tics will be singing their usual "Winter wonderland "

    So lets all get our santa hats on & think of a good loud one for ICT

    Merry xmas everyone  :icon_santa: :icon_reindeer:

  8. mate i just don't get how some of our support think we're not real fans :017: :017:

    people in the main stand moan about our players all the time n give them a shallacking when theyre not performing, and they never get called pigs and not real fans. however if u boo 1 player thats over the limit somehow, i don't get it!!

    I think there's a  difference in Moaning when players arent performing well to downright taking the **** as in 

    "You're SH*** AHHHHHHHH "

    hasnt it occured to you  comments in chorus like that might knock players  confidence , & to top it all for the team you CLAIM to support !!! what a joke

  9. A win for Hearts would have been better - they came close too, despite being down to 10 men for the whole of the second half....

    I don't think we need fear any kind of upsurge in Gretna fortunes for the rest of this season - I've seen them against us twice now - plus today's game on Setanta with Hearts...

    They should never have got as far as the SPL.... No matter how much Brewster might screw things up for us we will never be as poor as they are - no danger....!!

    Its no very good if we've to depend on  Gretna to save us from relegation , personally i'd be delighted to see ICT get some good results in next few weeks then come January we get a couple of decent signings & at end of season we sit 8 or 9th place

  10. I'm sure some of these "fans" are members on here.  So, come on, stick up for yourselves or are you big boys running scared?

    i'm 1 of those boys you little tink. rory's utter gash n should know how we feel, i n the rest of us pay his wages 4 petes sake and if he's not performin then i think i hav th right to boo him if i want.

    u wonder th othr week why our support is gash tincanfan?? its cz o politically correct ******s like you!!!!!!!!

    also all of those who say i'm not a real fan GTF!!!!!!! ive bn goin since we were at telford street n followed caley through thick and thin way more than alot of our othr fans who only jst startd goin since we joined th SPL.

    not real fans  :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: its unbelievable wat gimps we hav as a support!!!!!

    I just dont get the mentality of some folk  >:(

  11. Didn't get to the game yesterday for a host of reasons, but from what I have seen previously Mikey makes the odd mistake but is potentially a very good keeper who deserves his chance.  He also kept a clean sheet yesterday in mid winter.

    I did watch the highlights of the Everton game last night where the best keeper in Scotland lost 7 goals and had a string of class saves as well.  Virtually no chance with any of the goals.

    Don't agree with the boo boys at all - any of them care to attempt to take his place in goal.

    Well said jaggie , i fully agree
  12. I'm sure some of these "fans" are members on here.  So, come on, stick up for yourselves or are you big boys running scared?

    I am one of these "pigs" :011:

      And I ain't running scared :sillywave:

      I joined in with the "You're sh1t, argh!"  towards Fraser for 3 reasons:

    1. His previous kick was absolute gash 

    2. He flicked the V's!

    3. It is actually quite funny (clearly not aggressive/serious but still gets the point across)


    Well done. I joined in the "you're sh1t" chant for the same reasons, but mainly for the "V flicking" incident.

    There's a load of nonsense being written on here.

    Football is pantomime.

    Of course you can boo. Fraser became a villain and Rory is the nearest thing to a Pantomime Dame we will ever have!

    As I've said before - I believe that many of you selfrighteous people have booed the entire team off the pitch before, so get a grip.

    And, if you really are fans of Fraser (and why not - many of us resent bringing a talentless keeper from Poland into the squad while there are plenty of talentless local lads willing to let us down) remember that, had his little incident been noted and reported by the Officials we would be forced to play Zibi for the next couple of weeks.

    His behaviour was idiotic, immature and irresponsible. Without doubt.

    So if thats your attitude towards ICT why did you bother going to the game ??? if you want Pantomime then i suggest you go to Eden court theirs runs till January

    ICT dont need Idiots for "fans" & as for Michaels reaction to the taunting you could hardly blame the lad

    GIVE HIM A BREAK &  if you cant support him & the rest of the team then dont bother attending !!!!!!!


     Absolutely disgraceful those morons booing Michael & Rory in fact there's been people ejected for less !

    I reckon these ar*e holes are probably old firm supporters who just came along cos they had nothing better to do

    STEWARDS get your act together , its tw@ts like these who should be getting chucked out

    ps I saw a wee dog being ejected today , what was his crime ? STANDING

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