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Ritchie Sacramento

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Posts posted by Ritchie Sacramento

  1. A classic mistake is to go to the toilet in school. Everyone knows it. Last year at lunch time me and three of my mates had gone to the toilet. I had just finished having a slash and was washing my hands when my mate came out of one of the cubicals and whispered to me that he thought our mate who had went in the cubical next to him was having a crap. So with the three of us trying to hold in our laughter, we took it upon ourselfs to force open his cubical and true enough he was sitting there. As soon as he saw our faces he knew what was coming........... we grabbed his legs and yanked him off the toilet and dragged in across the floor. I don't think i have ever seen bigger skid marks in my life :roll:

    What a shame on the guy :lol::lol::lol:

    Everyone at our school kens no to take a dump at school unless you use the disabled toilets you just get stuff launched at you over the top of the cubicle and all the toilet seats are covered in cigarette burns.

    The worst thing we did also happened in the toilets. About a year back we had a load of fire crackers that we needed to get rid of so we entered the toilets hoping to just flush one down and make a load of water go flying but when we looked in one cubicle it was full of *beep* so naturally we just had to light a firecracker and drop it in.

    It was not a pretty sight and the smell, well, there were people coming out for the next two hours with tears in their eyes :cry: I think there's still stains on the roof to this day.


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