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Posts posted by starchief

  1. Looked nervous. Dropped the ball early. Let in a goal from a corner. Yeah, he's only third choice and he played as well as he could. But it's still his fault we let in the 2nd goal. That's a 2-1 win.

    If he's not to be blamed for not being good enough then it can't be ok to have a go at Austin or White for not being good enough either.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Satan said:

    Oh dear, sounded like a point saved in the end. Need to hope the new guys hit the ground running.

    Nah. ICT were best in the match. Falkirk had a few chances but were never in control. The subs just made for a scrappy game at the end.

  3. Dodgy keeper cost us. Polworth a different player when switched to the centre. White unusually quiet. Macaulay (however it's spelled) looks good. I'm fairly happy dominating an away game before injuries and only losing due to a third choice keeper.

  4. Have to agree with Gregor. If you only play one player up front and no genuine attacking midfielder, then, unless they are far too good for this division, there's going to be a lack of goals.

    Abandon this 4-2-3-1 formation. There's patently enough evidence that we dominate possession without penetration. Take a chance with two strikers. It's the only way to have a chance of scoring enough goals.

    • Agree 2
  5. We dominate the middle because we play 5 midfielders. We have possession without penetration. Our sole outlet is White against 2 central defenders. No-one there to get knock downs or to make a late run to draw markers off White. I'd take the chance of giving up some possession and see if Austin can take that deeper role. He's got the skill but can he be badgered into giving his all? Not convinced but, without buying, no-one else can do it.

    • Agree 1
  6. I don't think it is finishing. It's the central attacking midfielder. ICT is converting midfielders to forwards. But that system works best when you have a forward that can drop back, like Foran or Sanchez in the past. David Platter was terrific at it as he was a converted attacker. Get someone behind White and the goals will go up.

    • Agree 1
  7. Is it down to the loch I fear?

    Play your best players: OFW, Raven, Warren, Polworth, Vigurs, Trafford, McKay

    Play players that can possibly get better: Seedorf, Bell

    Play the best of the rest in a formation that maximises our strengths, i.e. midfield and defence.

    Now I know many of these best players are past their best or have other weaknesses but they are still our best. With the lack of goalscorers and creative talents, that means getting point by other means than a striker. So, probably wingbacks at this stage:


    Seedorf Raven Warren McKay Tremarco

    Trafford Polworth Vigurs


    +1 rotating other until someone shows a bit of spirit

    • Like 1
    • Facepalm 1
  8. I considered the diamond formation myself but I don't think we are strong enough. So, what have we got? A couple of the new full-backs that seem best at going forward (as is Tremarco). Our current central defenders are dodgy, plus the GK needs added protection (although I'm also in favour of OFW playing again). In the background, we have our captain and a very good defender, although perhaps not what he was and a proven full-back that could convert to a centre-back. For me that spells three centre-backs (Raven, Warren and McKay), with attacking wing-backs (Seedorf and Tremarco/Calder).

    Vigurs is a cert for the low-lying centre-mid. Not sure there's really anyone else of note, although Polworth has to be given the responsibility. I'd be looking to spend money on either/both Nick Ross and/or Kevin Fraser. Ross especially as a roving creative midfielder is number one. Assuming we don't get either (which would be poor), both Vigurs and Polworth would be the midfield anchors.

    For the attack, with everyone fit, I'd have Mulraney and Doran as the wings, with Baird as a target-man (in the Peter Beardsley, deep forward, as opposed to the Paul Mariner strongman role - anyone under 45 still with me?). Obviously, Doran isn't fit and may well not be any good when he comes back. If Calder is in the FB position, I'd probably try Mulraney in a free role, with Baird supporting Oakley. Not going to get a lot of goals but we'll stop a few and potentially have enough from full-backs to support Mulraney (and possibly Doran).

    So, all fit and no new signings:


    Seedorf Warren McKay Raven Tremarco

    Vigurs Polworth



  9. How about we just go for:

    • Director of Football: Steve Paterson
    • Manager: Terry Butcher
    • Assistant: Maurice Malpas
    • Attack Coach: Richie Foran
    • Technical Coach: Charlie Christie
    • Fitness Coach: Craig Brewster
    • Defence Coach: Sergie Baltacha
    • Youth Coach: John Robertson

    Actually, that's not bad! I'm sure they'd all get on (I think they might!)

  10. 12 hours ago, jingsmonty said:

    As someone else posted, glad it's not a clogger like Gus McPherson or Jimmy Calderwood.

    Yeah, better to sign someone who has limited experience in managing a first team but, when he did, it ended in failure, rather than a manager with a track record of success.

    As for not being a clogger, how do you know? You been watching Aberdeen Reserves lately?

    All most of us know is that he got his only professional team relegated and once played for Inverness.

    Ross County finished top of the Development League. Why not sign their manager? Or Partick Thistle's? Or Falkirk's? All of whom finished above Aberdeen (as did many others). It's because he once played for Inverness...as did Richie Foran.

    I see no reason to be hopeful if this appointment is true.

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  11. Danny Lennon did brilliantly with Cowdenbeath, getting them from the Third to the First Division on no money. I also applaud what he did at St Mirren, winning them the League Cup and got them into safety, only to be stabbed in the back and for Saints to crash to relegation without him. Poor at Alloa but overall that's a much better record than either Darren Dods* or Paul Sheerin have had.

    (*although I wouldn't have much of an issue with Dods stepping up)

  12. If Mourinhou's so good, how come he gets sacked?

    Biggest bullies? Alex Ferguson. Jocks' Stein and Wallace. Brian Clough. If it works, it works.

    Craig Brewster always seemed nice. So what?

    • Agree 1
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  13. This will be the Jimmy Calderwood that took Dunfermline to their highest ever league position, a Scottish Cup final and European competition. The same Calderwood that took over an 11th place Aberdeen and made them a top three team (usually) and a success in Europe. Calderwood that took over a relegation threatened Ross County then not only got them safe but also won them the Challenge Cup.

    He's perhaps too long out of it but I'd take any manager with that track record.

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  14. 1 hour ago, jingsmonty said:

    Apologies - managed to get my Billys mixed up - don't want Reid OR Davies!!

    Billy Davies, the man that got little Preston to the play-offs final, got Derby promoted to the Premiership against all predictions and got a basket-case of Notts Forest to the play-offs? I'd be happy with that, although there's no chance of him coming up here.

  15. 1 hour ago, jingsmonty said:

    James McFadden as manager with Scott McDonald as player/assistant?

    Just a thought...

    James McFadden that was sacked as an assistant to a dire Motherwell team that was almost relegated? That's appealing? What's his favoured system? What's his record on signings?

    His experience is severely limited. His success non-existent. His ability to play is gone. I see no reason why we would sign McFadden.

    • Agree 2
  16. 4 hours ago, ictchris said:

    I'd be amazed if we go for someone like Aitken.  I doubt (and hope) that none of the speculation is relevant


    And who do you realistically think we could get that would be better?

  17. Arrigo Sacchi - zero caps

    Alex Ferguson - zero caps

    Jose Mourinho - zero caps

    9 hours ago, finmack said:

    Living in Dundee, I know a heck of a lot of Dundee fans, and halfway through the season they were calling for him to go.  and just towards the end hardly anyone had a good word for him.

    As for not having Paul Hartley because some Dundee fans didn't like him, did they dislike him when he led them to promotion? Did they dislike him when he got them into the top six? Was he unpopular at Alloa when he got them promoted twice despite having no money to spend?

    Arsene Wenger seems to be pretty unpopular at Arsenal these days. van Gaal left United under a cloud. Would we also turn them down because football fans are fickle?

    Instead, we can have Paul Sheerin - was he popular with the fans when he relegated Brechin? Were they cheering Barry Wilson at Borough Briggs when Elgin lost time after time?

    I wouldn't be against any of these but at least have some thought behind it.

    • Agree 3
  18. Thought we were going to leave it too late for a second....now to catch Hamilton!

    Seriously though, it would be great if he either became the club ambassador at some point (if finances later allow) or he takes over at a Highland League club, learns well and comes back as an all-conquering manager. Unlikely but not impossible.

  19. 50 minutes ago, Huisdean said:

    Absolutely not. Hartley is not a good manager and fail to see why some people rate him so highly.

    Probably due to successive promotions with Alloa at the expense of bigger clubs whilst on a shoestring budget that mean rebuilding the whole team, then getting Dundee promoted the next year, followed by a top six finish the following year.

    That's pretty good to me.

    Who's your choice that can beat that?

    • Agree 1
  20. I'm happy with pretty much everyone in the squad, Cole and King apart*. A decent manager, or even Malpas alongside someone with a bit more charisma, could have made that squad competitive.

    OFW looked a weak point but he was fine last season. He only really became dodgy when he had that injury and was forced to play on. Not sure how much that hampered him thereafter.

    *(actually, not too sure about Boden, Horner or Arnier either)

  21. Posters should be forced to make a choice rather than simply deriding others when they stick their head above the parapet. And I don't just mean Renegade.

    Criticising is easy. Sticking your neck out is the difficult part.

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