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Posts posted by RichieKass

  1. There are a fair few SFL second division teams who'd struggle in League Two, but we're bidding for Barrowman, and I tell you what, if Scunthorpe win promotion Thompson will be playing at a higher level than the SPL the season after next.  I think you wildly overestimate the quality of this league, certainly towards the bottom (you know, where we are?).

    well said - league one isn't a poor quality league by any standards and the championship whips the arse of most ay the SPL

  2. Alex Salmond bugs me, in fact the whole Scottish Government annoys me. A bunch of overpaid half-witted morons who care not a jot about this country and only about their own inflated egos. Bring back Westminster - at least then we wouldn't have to pay for the joke that is Holyrood.

    I'll get off my soapbox now.

    amen brother

  3. Tried this game once more got to level 5 then decided that I was using up valuable GTA 4 time. 21% completion on that one.

    :015: I've done like 22.5%, tried it online on the PS3 last nite and it didn't work!!!!

    I have not tried the online on xbox live yet, it's bound to be full of loud mouthed uneducated yanks.

    its goo d on live,but yeh it is but still really good fun

    Hmmm, you are 16, GTA IV is an 18 rated game!!! No wonder these games get such a bad press, parents these days should be more responsible. Sorry to sound like an old fuddy duddy but some of the content in that game is very strong.

    Have been on live and it is not that good to be honest with you. The co-op side is OK but it is nowhere near as good as some of the Live titles. Up to 48% complete now on single player the "one man army" achievement is a beast to get survive 10 mins with a ****** wanted level.

    I think it's time politicians and so on accepted that if a game gets released in the uk - no matter what it's age rating anyone will be able to get their hands on it - when i was 13 i got all the 18 rated games that i wanted one way or  another and a lot of kids just got their folks to buy it for them - age ratings don't make a blind bit og difference to most kids to be honest - if it's really bad then i shouldn't be released.

  4. Down South i think Alan Shearer is always a good punt for blunt and honest punditry.

    I enjoy Jim Traynor purely for having ago at the old firm but he is so annoying at times.

    Tam Cowan - great banter before games

    Richard Gordon - Class...

  5. Personally I can think of absolutely nothing worse than having Christie back.

    He's a nice enough man, just a little on the dim side.

    Let's just remember him as an average second division player and a sh&t lottery

    manager. It would be a shame to spoil those memories.

    :018: got to disagree, whilst sometimes nostalgia can colour memories i don't think you can call CC an average player, he was very skillful in my opinion and has a lot of tools which suit him to manegement, perhaps he's not the full package yet but when he was in charge i enjoyed watching the football more - and that's almost as important as seeing your team win, infact maybe more so - i'd rather see a good 90 minutes of great football that we narrowly lose that 90 minutes like i watched at tynecastle last weekend - even if we had somehow won that game it would still have been dire to watch

  6. Brewster and the Lothian and Borders Police can GTF.  Threw a very young Caley fan out today (yet ignored the 40+ adults who questioned them) and cornered a couple of young fans outside the ground to 'explain' the standing up rules to them.  Shocking behavior, away from the football itd be classed as police harassment and bullying, there would be a court case and the Officers involved conduct would be put infront of a judge..... but alas it was at a football game and it will either be ignored or the young fan will face some kind of ban.

    Football really has to join the real world, where civil liberties are still respected!

    Aye, quite agree with that. The Lothians & Borders Police were totally out of order this afternoon, both inside and outside the ground. After the match four mounted officers "shepherded" a small group of young ICT fans down Dalry Road towards Haymarket Station and none too pleasantly either. This left a very bad taste in the mouth indeed. Pity they wouldn't concentrate their efforts on the real louts and criminals. Young lads of course can't fight back like some of the gangsters they're too feart to take on. Quite disgusting.


    I'm gonna be unpopular for saying this but here goes...  I think the cops are takin a bit too much flak here. I was sitting at the end of the row next to the lads who got flung out and I had a word with the female officer (who was thoroughly decent) after she had spoken to the boys the first time just before half time.  She agreed with me that the banter between sets of fans was sublime but what they had the problem with was not that the boys were standing up, but goading the other fans (both groups were doing it) who were only seperated from each other by a rotund steward (the sex offender) who couldnt have sprung into action with a written invitation never mind if a fight had broken out and another steward who was also totally anonymous until the cops came up.  I even heard her get on the radio and tell her gaffer that nothing outrageous was being said and the boys should be left alone.

    She was being chatty because she wanted to find out where the boys had come from (obviously thought I might know - I didn't) and she knew they hadn't come down on a supporter's bus, so they'd been watching everyone since before they even got into the stadium.  What she said to me was that they didn't want to spoil the craic and thats why they didn't tell the boys to sit down the first time they were spoken to. She was also talking about what they can do with fans who don't do as they're asked i.e. remove the entire row of fans resulting in the loss of those fan's home ground season tickets.  So the cops were giving the boys plenty chances.

    Anyway, the game went on and Hearts scored and a couple of our boys jumped into the stairs and started winding up the Hearts fans (one of whom got his badge of honour by getting flung out right at the end).  If they hadn't done that the police wouldn't have come back up.  Fair play to the older folk who stood up and stuck up for the boys because they thought they were being harrassed for standing but the fact is they weren't being picked on for standing, it was because of the "aye, come on then, outside now, lets go" chat that was going back and forth between the fans.  It also didn't help that the boys didnt do what they were told by the 8 foot tall copper without being told 3 times.  I mean come on lads, you're not gonna win in that situation no matter how many white lightnings you've put away ;)

    As I said already the atmosphere was great and it was made by the boy's songs.  I was creasing myself for half the game with the "you look like a sex offender", "oh f*ckin sheep is wonderful", "HIV capital" and "glad to hear you're still alive" shouts. Keep it up next time but be cool in front of the cops lads.  Fair enough, the stewards often pick on folk because they're d1cks but the cops don't get involved without a reason.

    I have to agree, although like proctor said, both parties have  to take some blame, but if everyone had sat down when the cops came up and asked and then stood up again 5 minutes later the whole situation would have been avoided. I think the boys were absolutely amazing with their singing and their spirit and i don;t want this to be an attack on them it's not. But i did feel sorry for the cops who i though were being quite lenient and pretty polite. I though the council tax song was brilliant (heard FC United do it before) but the cheerio was a bit wide, the 1st was banter but the second was a bit too cheeky. Whilst i totally understand it is annoying that the hearts fans were standing that doesn't mean the cops can't tell you to sit down, and the harsh reality is that those folk in the cheap seats stand up every week, there's a lot more of them, they're not sitting next to opposition fans and they're sitting a lot lower down - different stands, different rules - sh!t but the way it is. Additionally the cops don't know the Inverness support like we do, so they have to take precausive measure - how do they know the Inverness fan's banter isn;t going to turn into people throwing coins or a few people going across for a fight? You can bet your b0llocks to a barndance if that was certain other hearts fans sitting in the same stand there'd have been fights.

    The reason for the escort was purely to stop trouble - again WE know you guys are well behaved supporters who arn;t going to start major trouble - but they don't, and they are certain groups of Hearts fans who wouldn't have hesitated to get involved in a good old fight if they'd come across of bunch of guys singing some Inverness chants after the match - there have been a fair few carnages after football games - and not just derby games in Edinburgh.

    I know it seems very OTT but they cops were just doing their job and i didn;t think they were too rude/heavy handed in the situations i witnessed, i feel for you guys because i know you are just out for a good time and  a laugh and  are a real asset to the club.

  7. IHE - saw you getting up and encouraging everyone to stand for the chants of 'Stand up for the Caley Jags', nice to see people actively encouraging people to join in, so kudos to you mate!

    Well done the guys up the back, i was in the row in front of ya's and was honored to be singing all the chants with you, it's nice to not be the only person within 20 seats of you who is singing. Great atmosphere at a pretty uninspiring game, well done everyone who sung!

  8. Is a 1-0 defeat at tynecastle really such a terrible result??  :017: Are we better than the old firm now??  Let's keep our feet on the ground guys. :32: Sorry if I sound like charlie lol.

    I see your point but if you had seen quite how bad Hearts were yesterday, how badly ICT played and how many easy goals Hearts missed yesterday you may take a different stance, it was a terrible game of football and a shocking performance from Inverness, if we had been playing a top 6 team that could have been 6 or 7 nil, seriously.

  9. A few of us will be going to the caley sample room on slateford road before the game and then parhaps the diggers (athletic arms) before KO f anyone is looking for a pub before the game. Anyone got any other venues they are visiting, should be a decent turnout from the Edinburgh contingent of the ICTFC fanbase this game, i know quite a few folk who are attending....

  10. I wear my ICT shirts round Edinburgh all the time, i occasionally get eye contact from what would appear to be another ICT fan but that's about it, never really had any bother because generally as long as u don't support the OF naebody cares (apart from the OF fans). Funnily enough i've never seen anyone else at my uni except my flatmate wearing an ICT top which is pretty weird. I also spotted a girl out jogging wearing the classic super caley go ballistic celtic are atrocious t-shirt a few weeks ago, that made me smile...

  11. Deep breath...


    People who drive below the speed limit

    People who don't indicate

    People who hesitate at junctions

    People that pretend your not there after you've blasted the horn at them then pull level with them at the next set of traffic lights

    Speed camera's


    People that insist on having a conversation in the shop entrance

    People that bash you with their trolley/basket

    The number of foreign staff appearing in our Supermarkets (just to be clear I wouldn't mind if they could actually speak English)

    I hate how stupidly busy Tesco's gets on a Sunday these days

    People who charge a horrendous amount of money on Ebay for shipping

    I'll be back with more eventually...

    People that drive like Jay_7!

  12. I spoke to his paw-in-law (well i believe not in law as dods isn't married but anyway) who is a taxi driver in edinburgh and he was saying before he moved that he really felt he had to move for the sake of family relations and what not, I for one give him the benefit of the doubt. For that reason I can't see him coming back. He was a sterling player for us and it' be nice to see him back but i can;t see it happeneing and it's not really a good long term move, are we not better investing the money in good younger players who we could have for longer/or sell for more cash in a couple of years?

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