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Action Man

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Posts posted by Action Man

  1. If we had beaten St Midden I would agree, but as our expectations grow so should the team! These are the games we now have to win, I felt CC was a tad reluctant to go for it today. He does have a bet :015:ter chance of winning it than our previous manager though!

  2. EARL will only aid Highlands/A9 if they double track some of the rail, if it goes ahead it might actually worsen the current timetable to and from Inverness. Remember the last time they tweaked the timetable in London the repurcussions were felt in Thurso and Kyle!

  3. I think the place is called Number 1. It is on the corner of Greig Street opposite the bridge. You will be hard pushed to find a better meal in Inverness. The kitchen is in the centre of the restaurant and the chefs are great craic. Highly recommended :005:

  4. Its not about raising any further taxes, its about directing the taxes we currently pay into projects that would directly benefit the Highlands and Islands. To allow future economic growth we have to allow adequate access to the area. The current infrastucture is not adequate!

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