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  1. No one. It isn't real. It's a made up non entity that will cause nothing but grief if it is allowed to become real.

    If it does become real and pretend Scottish people choose to play, hell mend them. I will spend every second of every Scotland game (the remaining few that FIFA allow to take place) I attend, screaming abuse at anyone who took part. BE WARNED JUDAS!

    And don't get me started on it being an Olympic sport............

    • Agree 1
  2. Agree with CD.

    It's like this nonsense with electricity supply where those who can (often) least afford it pay up front at a higher rate than those who take credit.

    Unlike electricity, people have a choice to buy a season ticket or not. If you incentivise those most able to be pay you risk alienating those least able. Traditionally who buys more tickets for football?

  3. As CD says regionalisation is a positive for teams out with the higher end of the game. Any changes to the top structure would be done on merit based on finishing positions in the league and compliance with the laws of the land. Can't believe I'm going to type this but............................I would trust the SFA to get it right!

    Appreciate there are many facets of the organisation that need changed but the have a far better track record than the SPL in looking after the game.

    • Agree 1
  4. This is quite interesting. Appreciate the rivalry bit but.........

    We give them a kicking because the have a multi millionaire Sugar Daddy in MacGregor who has helped them 'buy' their way to the SPL and Hampden. Then, we give them a kicking for fundraising through their support. Can't have it both ways can we?

    Seems to me that this is a perfectly reasonable way to revenue raise. Much less offensive than sticking a three year old child and a piece of wood under my nose in a sad attempt to draw my hard earned cash in exchange for washing equipment! Keep it up I say!

    • Agree 1
  5. This could be fantastic news if the real governing body has the balls to deliver.

    Ultimately, the power does belong to the SFA. Everything that is of value in our game such as European places, national trophies and the national stadium belong to them. AS CD says, let's hope this isn't just hot hair from a very well known wind machine!

    • Agree 1
  6. Lennon has some serious problems. Ridiculous behaviour once again.

    All said, if either of these appeals are penalties then our game changes for good. I'd tell my players just get close to the box and aim for the other teams hands! There was no intent in either and the mixing up of Wanyama and Ledley is ridiculous. If that was awarded against ICT I'd be raging.

  7. Reserve leagues do nothing to develop talent long term and tend to be full of guys who are not (and in some cases never will be) good enough for the first team. Appreciate the difficulties the age barrier brings but hope that it leads to clubs with 15/16 first team players being supplemented by youth.

    Had to laugh yesterday when young McGeoch came on for Celtic with minutes to go. He looked like he could do something but was denied the opportunity due to his managers ineptitude and ridiculously big squad of highly paid journeymen. Maybe this will force the issue a bit?

    As for the geography bit.........Inverness is still in the same place it has always been. Nothing changes. Just something that has to be worked around in lots of different ways when living and working in the Highlands.

    • Agree 1
  8. For me the separation between SPL and SFL is solely administrative. The top club from the SFL gains entrance to the SPL provided they meet the ever changing criteria. This is the only obstacle to entrance. This promotion has always been an integral part of our game. The organisations, custom and practice are, for me, inextricably linked.

    Therefore I would argue that anyone found in breach, of a serious enough nature, has been placed in the bottom teir of our senior national football structure. Rangers should be no different.

    Of course its linked ... the SPL was formed as a breakaway group from the SFL ... and therein lies the problem. 2 organisations, 2 sets of management, 2 sets of rules, 2 sets of sponsorship deals, 2 sets of criteria, and as seen in previous punishments meted out to teams, 2 levels of harshness in terms of what happens. The only real administrative links I see is that both (technically) have the SFA as their governing body, and that both have agreed to promotion/relegation between to two disparate organisations.

    I would not argue about your comment that a serious enough breach should result in a team being sent to the bottom of the entire structure ..... that would make sense .... and there should also be consistent penalties that apply across the divisions for less serious breaches. However, the simple fact is that there are numerous examples of that not happening and until the entire game, or at least the parts of it that need to have a national set of rules covering all 4 divisions is actually controlled by the SFA or a new SPL-SFL-SFA (Newco) the end result will always be a bag of balls !!!!

    Accepted. That said, there are no examples of any club being liquidated and it's successor resurrected in the same location. Clydebank was allowed to go to the wall, likewise Airdrie. No special case for retention was made.

    As I see it the rules are being altered and amended to suit the current dilemma with retention of the status quo the ultimate aim. To make sure it doesn't look too much of a rollover a few 'tougher' measures are being suggested. All mere tokenism.

    Perhaps a single body would lead to improvement. I think it may but don't necessarily see this as the problem. People in power, of one, two, three or whatever member organisations will always find a reason if they want to. My desire is to see that process removed. It is far more urgent than the organisational restructure.

  9. ICT like every other club would learn to live and operate within their means (unlike Rangers). Our game would revert to breeding its own and focussing on the communities they are supposed to represent. No doubt income would drop in the short term but, for me, not as drastically as some would have you believe. There will still be a world wide audience of real Celtic fans and 'plastic paddies' willing to pay good money to watch their team. And, at the same time, I have no doubt that expenditure will go down as wage demands drop and others involved in our game become more realistic in their demands. Is an SPL referee real worth £1000 plus expenses per game? Are they really that much better than Bill Machray or Alistair Kidd? Barry Stone or Terry McDonagh?

    It's high time our game remembered what it really is. The Norwegian league with two ridiculous giants.

    It's perhaps a golden opportunity to get it right once and for all. Can't really get worse can it? Not as if we are going to sacrifice our huge European or international success is it?

    • Agree 1
  10. In the current situation, the demise of the might Rangers on the horizon, we will all be judged by our views on what should happen to them. Anyone suggesting their 'newco' is allowed automatic entry (it cannot be re entry as the were never entrants in the first place!) to the SPL at the expense of all the other clubs who have strived for years to get there, will be viewed as being 'Rangers minded'. Anyone with the view that they deserve expulsion will be deemed 'Celtic minded'.

    I agree that this is how it will be portrayed. And as per my posts above, I stick to my opinion that the course of action will be a complete cluster$#$% because we have three governing bodies instead of one.

    As a socialist, republican who believes in independence, I think that any 'newco' should start at the bottom. Some will chose to think I hold this viewpoint because of my opinions. I don't. They help me form my views but ultimately it is in my desire for fair play and justice for those who play by the rules that leads me to this conclusion. I would hold the same opinion if it was any other club in this situation (although granted, I may not enjoy it quite so much!).

    They will start at the bottom. the bottom of the SPL, a single entity league with only a single division. The SFL make their own rules and the only real interplay between them is that its 1 down 1 up for promotion relegation. How the SPL would replace a liquidated team has never been defined, at least not publicly. The only example is the Airdrie situation and that too is a bit of a cluster____ with liquidation (of Airdrieonians), administration and takeover (of Clydebank) all involved and ultimately the old Airdrie becoming the new Airdrie Utd (newco) and playing in the division of the team they bought out .... very messy.

    I'll be considered 'anti Rangers' because of my views by the likes of Chic Young and Jim Traynor. It is their problem not mine. I'm clearly on the right side this time. It's them that have the problem, not me.

    and I will be pro-Rangers or anti-Celtic because of the point I am arguing ... but like you, I couldnt care less !! I make my point not for Rangers, but for consistency.

    The decision to be made in the next few weeks by our football authorities is, singularly, the most important made in generations. It sets the rules for all going forward and benchmarks the behaviour we are willing to tolerate in our game. More importantly it identifies the consequences for those who breach, bend, break or shatter.


    On this we are totally agreed.


    For me the separation between SPL and SFL is solely administrative. The top club from the SFL gains entrance to the SPL provided they meet the ever changing criteria. This is the only obstacle to entrance. This promotion has always been an integral part of our game. The organisations, custom and practice are, for me, inextricably linked.

    Therefore I would argue that anyone found in breach, of a serious enough nature, has been placed in the bottom teir of our senior national football structure. Rangers should be no different.

    • Agree 1
  11. In the current situation, the demise of the might Rangers on the horizon, we will all be judged by our views on what should happen to them. Anyone suggesting their 'newco' is allowed automatic entry (it cannot be re entry as the were never entrants in the first place!) to the SPL at the expense of all the other clubs who have strived for years to get there, will be viewed as being 'Rangers minded'. Anyone with the view that they deserve expulsion will be deemed 'Celtic minded'.

    The media are to blame for this situation with their constant inability to differentiate the OF and yearned to be viewed equally by all. They do. Everyone hates them. They succeed in getting many of us to share their views and demonstrate our inability to separate on a regular basis. How many times have we read or hear about the Celtic situation in 1994 as a comparison to Rangers 2012? Yet, there is nothing similar to merit comparison. Celtic had debt or a much lesser magnitude which was due to being inept not corrupt. They never entered administration or left a trail of debt to businesses within and out with the game. They didn't cheat the taxman. They paid the engraved and the pie shop.

    Until we have a media that can differentiate and help create a society than can judge on fact rather than suggestion we will still be bullied into co-operation at all times. We, will still label people as being one or the other because of the viewpoint they may hold.

    As a socialist, republican who believes in independence, I think that any 'newco' should start at the bottom. Some will chose to think I hold this viewpoint because of my opinions. I don't. They help me form my views but ultimately it is in my desire for fair play and justice for those who play by the rules that leads me to this conclusion. I would hold the same opinion if it was any other club in this situation (although granted, I may not enjoy it quite so much!).

    I'll be considered 'anti Rangers' because of my views by the likes of Chic Young and Jim Traynor. It is their problem not mine. I'm clearly on the right side this time. It's them that have the problem, not me.

    The decision to be made in the next few weeks by our football authorities is, singularly, the most important made in generations. It sets the rules for all going forward and benchmarks the behaviour we are willing to tolerate in our game. More importantly it identifies the consequences for those who breach, bend, break or shatter.


    Note: Just read Traynors latest column in the Record. Owe him an apology as he is now saying New Rangers must start in Division 3!

  12. I voted for the 'less likely' option but would have definitely opted for an option that said:

    'Would stop visiting grounds of clubs that support immediate re entry for a newco'

    In the event that ICT support immediate re entry, this leaves me with a huge dilemma........

    • Agree 1
  13. Not really a surprise, our 'strikers' have scored 1 goal in the last 10 games! Thats Rory Mcallister stuff. our goal rate since xmas has been shyte, cant see it improving i'm afraid.

    Wee bit harsh that eh? When did young MacAllister get 900 mins of football and only score one goal? Can think of lots of people it may well apply to like Barrowman or Fetai but certainly not him.

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