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Lady Madonna

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Everything posted by Lady Madonna

  1. Banjo music? If you're referring to music in which people can play instruments and you can actually fathom out the lyrics, then yes I shall return to it! Banjo music? Haha, I've heard indie being referred to as many things but never banjo music... I like it! We Are Scientists - The Great Escape
  2. No I think you're wrong, I'd imagine it sounds a hundred times better without sound! Maximo Park - The Coast Is Always Changing
  3. Belle and Sebastian - The Blues are Still Blue
  4. The Smiths - There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
  5. To be fair there are numerous musicians out there writing music about things they know nothing about, it's all about record sales and people will buy music if they can relate to what the artist is saying. Kanye knows what his audience want and that is his act. If you look at the likes of the Arctic Monkeys, they sing about working class life in Sheffield, just being normal people. Okay the songs meant something to them when they wrote them and maybe still do at the minute but if they continue to sell records and make their millions the songs will just become their act because they will change with success. I'm probably not making much sense but what I'm trying to say is that the music industry is all an act; get people to relate to you and you'll sell records and that is why Kanye West is successful. Describing a tough up bringing in a rough area has become his act; but if people feel something when they listen to is does that make it such a bad thing? It may not ring true with him but plenty of people can relate to what his saying, who cares if he's been through it or not?! Hmm I hope that makes sense!
  6. The banned bebo at our school aswell but someone discovered that you can get on to all the banned sites by just not typing www. so when we go onto bebo we just type in bebo.com and it works!
  7. That's like saying women shouldn't play football! You can't tell someone they aren't talented based on their up bringing, education, gender, etc. He is a talented musician who uses great samples, Ray Charles being my favourite. Graham Coxon - See A Better Day
  8. Cheeky! I'll have you know I bought Kanye West's ablbum! I hope you're impressed! Although, I did feel really embarrassed going in and buying it. Doves - Satellites
  9. What does it say about females? Ryan Adams - Rock n Roll
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