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03: Full Members
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Status Updates posted by Georgeios

  1. What is this showering at this time madness ;-/

  2. whats with you sig block with your disowned caley fan bit?

  3. When Woolworths went bust in Inverness did Poundland keep all the staff from Woolies??

  4. Wide awake....... Bugger...... It's still TO HOT!!!! Windows wide, covers off ;-( FML

  5. Winner ;-) was just getting my ass in gear for a 1300 till 2130 shift BOOM now not starting till 1500.... Bed n film ;-)

  6. Winner ;) managed to talk the wee man in to letting me watch Despicable Me instead of Spectacular Spider-Man ;-) I've missed Mr Gru

  7. Wish I could pop over TCS for the U20s ElKessico this afternoon but working ;(

  8. Work ;-( game face on ;-)

  9. Work ;( keep me up to date with the score the day please

  10. Work 9 till 1 then I've my boy for the weekend ;-)

  11. Work...... Game face ;()

  12. Working a long one today :-( shattered :-(

  13. Working allllllll mofo day boooooooo

  14. Working on my own today ;-/

  15. Working one till half seven so home dinner n BBC alba so shhhhh don't spoil it!!!!!!

  16. Worst buffet ever followed by the quickest drive home ever..... ;-)

  17. Would like to welcome my landlady to the world of Android....... Ahhhh Eclair I remember you ;-)

  18. wow how old school, facebook on the PC, anyway, does anyone know where i can send a fax in Inverness????

  19. X2 Xbox ones ordered :-)

  20. you at least admint to Caley being your wee team, far play, IMO you are a Caley Supporter and a Celtic Fan.. fair play.

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